

Author Topic: Rice (paddy) dehusker  (Read 21452 times)

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Offline davureborn

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Rice (paddy) dehusker
« on: June 10, 2015, 09:26:10 AM »
Anyone got or need one of these? I saw a small one for ฿17 000 a few years ago but of course for home use this is a tad expensive. The local miller just sent back our sack of Hom mali adulterated with cheap rubbish, whether through negligence or dishonesty I don't know.
If I could find a few other guys that were willing to chip in in a kind of cooperative maybe it would be worth while to purchase one for communal use? These machines are pretty slow so this can't be a commercial venture.

Most of my questions seem to go unanswered but never mind, I asked.

Offline toffo

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Re: Rice (paddy) dehusker
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2015, 12:10:47 PM »
I've always wanted to buy one of these and maybe make a little money and get my money back by doing it for the people in the village aswell.. If I knew about costs and maintenance of the machine I would buy one myself... One I saw were a little bit more expensive but looked great..

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Re: Rice (paddy) dehusker
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2015, 01:00:12 PM »
The usual payment is the machine owner keeps a portion of the rice. 

Offline davureborn

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Re: Rice (paddy) dehusker
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2015, 02:20:49 PM »
I've always wanted to buy one of these and maybe make a little money and get my money back by doing it for the people in the village aswell.. If I knew about costs and maintenance of the machine I would buy one myself... One I saw were a little bit more expensive but looked great..

i think the one I saw was Australian. Where did you see these machines, maybe we can 'do a deal'?

Offline Starman

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Re: Rice (paddy) dehusker
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2015, 04:21:43 PM »
Don't you guys have any old ladies around your villages doing this the natural way?

As someone has mentioned, the normal method of payment is rice. Usually 3kgs of dehusked rice per sack. That is worth about 60 baht.

That is alot of dehusking to get your money back. Dont forget the electricity too.

Offline davureborn

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Re: Rice (paddy) dehusker
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2015, 05:33:39 PM »
Don't you guys have any old ladies around your villages doing this the natural way?

As someone has mentioned, the normal method of payment is rice. Usually 3kgs of dehusked rice per sack. That is worth about 60 baht.

That is alot of dehusking to get your money back. Dont forget the electricity too.

great to hear the usual encouraging words from Scarman, he is such a positive force.
No, nobody does this the 'natural way' any more, and they won't do it if you pay them. They sold or broke their mortars long ago. I am not thinking about the cost but, as I mentioned in my post, I am sick of having our rice adulterated by an either stupid or dishonest miller. If we could get a small community together that was willing to pay ฿100- a time for taking the machine to their place then I guess some of us would be happy.

Offline Starman

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Re: Rice (paddy) dehusker
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2015, 05:39:42 PM »
Don't you guys have any old ladies around your villages doing this the natural way?

As someone has mentioned, the normal method of payment is rice. Usually 3kgs of dehusked rice per sack. That is worth about 60 baht.

That is alot of dehusking to get your money back. Dont forget the electricity too.

great to hear the usual encouraging words from Scarman, he is such a positive force.
No, nobody does this the 'natural way' any more, and they won't do it if you pay them. They sold or broke their mortars long ago. I am not thinking about the cost but, as I mentioned in my post, I am sick of having our rice adulterated by an either stupid or dishonest miller. If we could get a small community together that was willing to pay ฿100- a time for taking the machine to their place then I guess some of us would be happy.

Thank you for your kind words. I was speaking from personal experience. To say "nobody" does it the old way is wide of the mark.

Please read Toffo's post. He was talking about making money. I was simply giving information that I have gained first hand.

Offline CO-CO

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Re: Rice (paddy) dehusker
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2015, 05:43:57 PM »
Don't you guys have any old ladies around your villages doing this the natural way?

As someone has mentioned, the normal method of payment is rice. Usually 3kgs of dehusked rice per sack. That is worth about 60 baht.

That is alot of dehusking to get your money back. Dont forget the electricity too.

great to hear the usual encouraging words from Scarman, he is such a positive force.
No, nobody does this the 'natural way' any more, and they won't do it if you pay them. They sold or broke their mortars long ago. I am not thinking about the cost but, as I mentioned in my post, I am sick of having our rice adulterated by an either stupid or dishonest miller. If we could get a small community together that was willing to pay ฿100- a time for taking the machine to their place then I guess some of us would be happy.

I did hear about a Falang who tried to circumvent to food mafia chain. He finished up having a nasty accident.

Nothing riles corrupt/controlling Thais more than having food taken out of their mouths!

Offline Starman

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Re: Rice (paddy) dehusker
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2015, 05:56:25 PM »
Don't you guys have any old ladies around your villages doing this the natural way?

As someone has mentioned, the normal method of payment is rice. Usually 3kgs of dehusked rice per sack. That is worth about 60 baht.

That is alot of deh
Don't you guys have any old ladies around your villages doing this the natural way?

As someone has mentioned, the normal method of payment is rice. Usually 3kgs of dehusked rice per sack. That is worth about 60 baht.

That is alot of dehusking to get your money back. Dont forget the electricity too.

great to hear the usual encouraging words from Scarman, he is such a positive force.
No, nobody does this the 'natural way' any more, and they won't do it if you pay them. They sold or broke their mortars long ago. I am not thinking about the cost but, as I mentioned in my post, I am sick of having our rice adulterated by an either stupid or dishonest miller. If we could get a small community together that was willing to pay ฿100- a time for taking the machine to their place then I guess some of us would be happy.

I did hear about a Falang who tried to circumvent to food mafia chain. He finished up having a nasty accident.

Nothing riles corrupt/controlling Thais more than having food taken out of their mouths!
usking to get your money back. Dont forget the electricity too.

great to hear the usual encouraging words from Scarman, he is such a positive force.
No, nobody does this the 'natural way' any more, and they won't do it if you pay them. They sold or broke their mortars long ago. I am not thinking about the cost but, as I mentioned in my post, I am sick of having our rice adulterated by an either stupid or dishonest miller. If we could get a small community together that was willing to pay ฿100- a time for taking the machine to their place then I guess some of us would be happy.

I did hear about a Falang who tried to circumvent to food mafia chain. He finished up having a nasty accident.

Nothing riles corrupt/controlling Thais more than having food taken out of their mouths!

That would be Scarface as apposed to Scarman???

Offline davureborn

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Re: Rice (paddy) dehusker
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2015, 06:10:56 PM »
No, as in scarred soul. When you are reporting on stuff that you know about, factual and interesting, when you have the impression that someone is encroaching on your territory then you do seem to get a bit, how shall we say? Uptight and downright insulting, but in a way that tends to be 'academically acceptable'. Wide of the mark? Not really.
I am not talking about a big scale take over off the rice milling mafia, but a small cooperative of guys that wish to dehusk their own grain, no financial gain involved.
I don't use words like ignorant in responding to postings as you do. I might use the word arrogant occasionally.

Offline Starman

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Re: Rice (paddy) dehusker
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2015, 06:35:11 PM »
How are you encroaching on my territory, please explain?

You speak of a "small community". There are currently 5 subscribers to this thread. My knowledge allows me to know approximately how far apart we all are by road. Do you know how far?

You could....watch the miller as he mills your rice or maybe change millers or even sell your rice unhusked and they by husked rice in the market. All options far more viable than hauling a machine over 100kms ( oh dear i have given you the answer) just to mill a sack of rice.

If you like you can drive your rice over to my house and for 100 baht I will make sure it is done correctly.

Encroaching??????? I still dont understand that bit.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2015, 06:36:46 PM by Starman »

Offline davureborn

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Re: Rice (paddy) dehusker
« Reply #11 on: June 10, 2015, 07:03:59 PM »
Encroaching? I made a remark some time ago about Farang children of a young age not having a problem with growing up bilingual and you called me ignorant. people don't forget stuff like that.
School teachers don't like having their proclamations disputed. I bet you think that home schooling is a load of crabole also, and you wouldn't hesitate to say so.
Call me stupid, ok, call me ignorant and I get annoyed. I have the living proof at home here that this isn't true.
Why did you have to turn a simple question about buying a rice dehusker into an argument?
Thanks, no i am not interested in meeting you and being told where to park my car, how to get out of the car, how to scratch my arse.

Offline Starman

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Re: Rice (paddy) dehusker
« Reply #12 on: June 10, 2015, 07:06:59 PM »
Encroaching? I made a remark some time ago about Farang children of a young age not having a problem with growing up bilingual and you called me ignorant. people don't forget stuff like that.
School teachers don't like having their proclamations disputed. I bet you think that home schooling is a load of crabole also, and you wouldn't hesitate to say so.
Call me stupid, ok, call me ignorant and I get annoyed. I have the living proof at home here that this isn't true.
Why did you have to turn a simple question about buying a rice dehusker into an argument?
Thanks, no i am not interested in meeting you and being told where to park my car, how to get out of the car, how to scratch my arse.

Oh dear. That is sad. I actually part home school my daughter. That just shows how little you know about me.

Your opening post said "Most of my questions seem to go unanswered but never mind, I asked."

I answered. You didn't like my answer and called me Scarman. Nuff said.

Offline Freddy

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Re: Rice (paddy) dehusker
« Reply #13 on: June 10, 2015, 07:15:14 PM »
Weather was nice again today !

Offline davureborn

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Re: Rice (paddy) dehusker
« Reply #14 on: June 10, 2015, 07:20:18 PM »


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