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Offline TBWG

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Well I for one will sleep easier tonight~~~~~~~~~~~
« on: September 08, 2009, 10:38:40 PM »
Hi Bums

Knowing that this offensive dish has been renamed!

Pudding renamed Spotted Richard

The traditional suet pudding Spotted Dick has been renamed "Spotted Richard" at a council canteen - because customers keep making jokes.

The new name for the dessert, with another alternative Sultana Sponge, has appeared on the menu at Flintshire Council headquarters in Mold.

The council said catering staff made the decision after "immature comments" and it was not a policy decision.

But one councilor described the move as "political correctness gone mad".

Staff from the nearby court complex in Mold also use the council canteen.

Spotted Dick is a steamed suet pudding containing dried fruit, and is thought to have originated in the middle of the 19th Century.
The "spotted" part of the name refers to the currants, which resemble spots, and "Dick" is believed to derive from the word dough.

The council spokesman said: "The correct title for this dish is 'Spotted Dick.' However because of several immature comments from a few customers, >:D catering staff renamed the dish 'Spotted Richard' or 'Sultana Sponge'.

"This was not a policy decision, canteen staff simply acted as they thought best to put an end to unwelcome and childish comments, albeit from a very small number of customers."

But Flintshire Councilor Klaus Armstrong-Braun criticised the ban on the original pudding name.

He said he had made an official complaint about the name change which he called "ludicrous" and said had cost money because a new label was needed for the food.

The councilor said the bosses who had made the decision would soon be "frightened of their own shadow".

"People make silly comments about everything in life, there is no need to change the name over it."

Some people really do need to get a life!   OMG   I hope they don't have "Toad in the Hole" on the menu confused4

TBWG sawadi


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Re: Well I for one will sleep easier tonight~~~~~~~~~~~
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2009, 08:36:24 AM »
"Flintshire Council headquarters in Mold"

Because it's from Mold is it can it be called a mouldy sultana sponge?

Then again I always thought Spotted Dick was a medical term like Tennis Elbow or Cockpit or Athletes Foot.

Councilor Klaus Armstrong-Braun - Shouldn't that be "Brawn"?

I can go on and on...


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Re: Well I for one will sleep easier tonight~~~~~~~~~~~
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2009, 11:12:54 PM »
School Dinners !!! 95% use to be very good 40 and over years ago i remember it as a basic referance. some dishes even in the outside world could not do it as good......" O " those care free days!   

They made a resutaunt like that near where i lived afterwards  had Girls like St. Trinads high heels stockings skirt rolled up tight open blouse ......fun and school type dinners !!!

When are they going to copy that idea here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY HAVE THE GIRLS ......and the Quality of  BEER  SIGHA AND LEO has gone down along way   !!!!!!!!!

hey how about topic" best fun place at the moment in Buriram City "  finger on the pulse!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Vombatus

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Re: Well I for one will sleep easier tonight~~~~~~~~~~~
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2009, 06:20:12 AM »
Many years ago my local soccer team had a centre forward called RICHARD HEAD  !

..... and he was  happy2


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