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Offline Smithy

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Re: Land Cost
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2018, 03:01:03 PM »
I would prefer to live closer to the city and being further away from the family would also be a major bonus.....

Wise Man  thumbup

The pros and cons of living near to your family is all about how your wife handles the situation. If she is strong and appreciates that you are her husband and you have your own things and lives to lead there will be no problems. All but 4 of my wife's 14 uncles and aunts live within 200 yards of us. Mum in law lives in a property on our land. 20 or so cousins also live in the village. Dad in law lives just on the outskirts of the village in a house that we once shared with him for 6 years.

Nothing goes missing, no people coming in to look in the fridge, no money being given out, no one just coming round to sit in the house. All because my wife has made it clear that we are just another part of the family and should be respected and treated that way.

In fact I would go as far to say that it is nice to be near the family. It has helped me to integrate and be part of it. That in turn has helped me be accepted as part of the family too.
It was really a tongue in cheek post Starman. ;)
I've lived in the Village surrounds by my Wife's family for over 15years . I've had a few run-ins with the MIL over the years but my Wife has always backed me 100% and after one run-in she didn't speak to her Mothers for 18 months ( and she lives next door )
But just because You and I haven't had major problems with Family members "taking the pi**"  doesn't mean others will be that lucky  :biggrin:
I think you have to "lay down the law " from Day One for a happy life in the Village ;)

Offline Freddy

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Re: Land Cost
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2018, 05:50:45 PM »
So true.
Noi's Mum has her own bungalow which we built for her on our land. She's 92 now and senile. The family in the village living close come and go to see her and congregate at the bungalow. With the exception of Noi's Sister who arrives for a 5 day visit and stays for 6 weeks + ( but stays in the bungalow with Mum) I've had no issues serious issues. Set the rules early and our house is off limits unless invited. Having the family near us actually helps because it gives Noi a break from caring for her Mother and she is getting to the stage where that care is needed constantly.


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