Some members here and elsewhere have received details of the proposed insurance scheme had a quick read through what is on offer, It appears that what was initially proposed has been somewhat watered down.
My initial thoughts/comments are as follows.
1) Cover is either 400,000baht or 800,000baht ANNUAL limit. This includes accommodation, doctors fees operation costs and all other expenses incurred whilst in hospital, with a specific maximum for each. With the lower level of cover, whilst there is 240,000baht allocated to room/board, there are much lower limits available for surgery and tests/medicines etc. The higher 800,000baht level provides an extra 400,000baht for things that matter (ie surgery and drugs /tests etc)
2) A serious medical problem with perhaps 5/7 days hospitalisation would almost certainly take all of the available money allocated for surgery, tests drugs etc, on the lower scheme, but in all likliehood not cost more than around 10,000baht for room/board. Remember we are only dealing with a government hospital. That would leave you with probably some 200,000baht available for room/board, but no cover for anything else!
3) Recent experience of government hospitals, with foreigners as well as Thais, has found beds in corridors and even outside lifts and staircases as wards were overflowing. The chances of a private room in many hospitals is small.
4) All pre-existing conditions are excluded. Not sure whether high blood pressure and high cholesterol being treated with medicines would be a reason to turn down claims for heart problems amongst others. I rather suspect that would be the case. If so one is left with very little cover. OK for a broken arm or leg or appendicitis but not a great deal more.
Being over 70, I am ineligible, but would, if younger, prefer to shop around for better cover at ANY hospital, private or government, and hopefully cover that extends well after the age of 70. For the younger obnes, better cover is available, but the crux is that you have no pre-existing medical conditions.