MotoCross Buriram 2009 / Sunday, December 20th,2009 You're all invited to watch and participate in the MotoCross (off road) competition of 2009
at "Nong Pep" infield (Where Klong Tom market of Tuesday, Down 300M from "Siriporn" Hotel, See in the map),Muang Buriram.
Date: Sunday, December 20th, 2009.
Motorists will begin to rehearse at 8.30AM till 11.00AM
11:00 AM the competition start! 
The winner cup is provided by Minister of Transportation.
Can register to participate in the competition.
Tel: 081-9762328 ศรราม / Sonram.
086-8652153 พี่เริง / Roeng.
089-2829988 ดาบหมู / Moo.
Website link of the competition orgenizer with rates or registration and prizes as well: (Thai language only):