Buriram Expats
Buriram Province - General Category => Shopping in Buriram => Topic started by: BambooJake on December 23, 2012, 12:31:17 AM
Hi there, I'm getting ready to move back to Buriram for a while and I'm curious if anyone knows of where you can find organic food for sale? It doesn't necessarily need to be certified. I told my father in law that I'd pay people around the village to provide this for our family but he said people don't really eat/grow organic food anymore. So, I thought I'd see if there are any expats around that know of a less toxic food source. Thanks.
P.S. I'm happy with all the fresh and local food in Buriram, but I'm just not a fan of agrochemicals and thought I could help support a local family that could provide this. If not, I'll probably just end up raising all the meat and growing the vegetables my self.
I'm not sure who needs certifying!!
I'm not sure who needs certifying!!
Bamboo Jake has the right thinking. There are far too many chemicals in everything we eat and drink. If he finds what he is looking for, he will probably outlive us all.
Sorry though unable to help Jake.
The Mall in Korat sells or did sell organic produce but you'd need to take out a bank loan to buy it!
The Mall in Korat sells or did sell organic produce but you'd need to take out a bank loan to buy it!
Organic food :wacko:
The biggest scam since bottled water smilenod
Stick a lable on your Pies Nookie saying they're organic and you can charge 3 times the price for them .As Bamboo Jake has said in his OP "It doesn't necessarily need to be certified." so he'll be happy thumbup
Is that a Thai Beer in your avatar BJ ???
If you want to cut down on harmful chemicals in Thailand ,then I would stick to drinking water :laugh:
Is that a Thai Beer in your avatar BJ ???
If you want to cut down on harmful chemicals in Thailand ,then I would stick to drinking water :laugh:
I think you will find it is an open bottle of Chang resting comfortably on a very cute female posterior tonguebar
I agree with soa baht...organic food is not what they it is....will find the article and post...my wife grows her own veggies and there great....sunshine and water.....
Organic food: no better for you, or the planet
18:10 04 September 2012 by Michael Marshall
For similar stories, visit the Food and Drink and Climate Change Topic Guides
For organic farmers, bad news comes in twos this week. Organic crops seem to be no more nutritious than conventional ones, and are not necessarily great for the planet either.
Organic farming eschews synthetic pesticides and fertilisers, and supposedly produces more nutritious food containing fewer harmful contaminants. Crystal Smith-Spangler of Stanford University in California and colleagues put together 237 studies comparing organic and non-organic food. They found little evidence that organic food was more nutritious. Conventional foods contained more pesticides but were within permitted limits (Annals of Internal Medicine, vol 157, p 348).
Meanwhile, organic farming's green credentials have been questioned by Hanna Tuomisto of the University of Oxford and colleagues, who reviewed 109 papers. Organic farms were less polluting for a given area of land, but were often more polluting per unit of food produced. They did have better soil, though, and housed more species (Journal of Environmental Management, doi.org/h8v).
"An 'organic' label is not a straightforward guarantee of the most environmentally friendly product," says Tuomisto. She advocates integrated farming, combining a range of existing systems.
"Advanced breeding technologies, combined with the best farming practices from organic and conventional systems, could have the best overall impact in terms of improving crop yield and sustainability," says Dale Sanders, director of the John Innes Centre in Norwich, UK.
The Mall in Korat sells or did sell organic produce but you'd need to take out a bank loan to buy it!
Organic food :wacko:
The biggest scam since bottled water smilenod
Stick a lable on your Pies Nookie saying they're organic and you can charge 3 times the price for them .As Bamboo Jake has said in his OP "It doesn't necessarily need to be certified." so he'll be happy thumbup
We all had organic Fish & Chips here yesterday!!
orgasmic too, Nookie?
Nookie : does that mean you nick your organ against the food ?!? party15 whistle
If you want to cut down on harmful chemicals in Thailand ,then I would stick to drinking water :laugh:
I agree with soa baht..
Can I just point out this was a light-hearted joke. smilenod
The fact is.... Beer has less chances of being contaminated than water. happybar
There is an Urban Legend that some Thai Beers contain formaldehyde :o
There is no formaldehyde in Thai Beer but there is another chemical called acetaldehyde, which is present in all beers. It's a natural byproduct of the yeast during fermentation. Some people are allergic to acetaldehyde in a particular way that produces headaches.
Certain yeasts produce it at higher levels than other yeasts, and if the level gets above your personal threshold, then you get the headache. The only answer is to switch to a different brand, and you'll just have to keep trying the beers from different breweries until you find some that you enjoy and don't affect you.
All breweries know about this, but they each have their own special yeast strains that produce the distinctive flavor profile of their beers. If they were to switch to a different strain of yeast, it would dramatically alter the flavor of their beer, and that would alienate the rest of their customers. So they just have to accept the fact that part of their market won't be able to consume their beer.
There isn't any way to know in advance if a beer will affect you, because everyone's threshold for this problem is different. Most people aren't affected at all (otherwise beer wouldn't be very popular). There is no harm in the acetaldehyde; it's merely a nuisance for you.
Chang and Singha give me a thumping headaches but I can drink Leo until it comes out of my ears with no problems biggrinbar
orgasmic too, Nookie?
Had 3 stunners in here eating yesterday,they were saying they'd had a cockatoo & would like to sample some more!
I guess I opened a little can of worms on this post. Here's my responses in short:
1) Even a health nut like myself likes to enjoy a few beers whether it's on the beach or in a rice patty. It's all about balance in my opinion. And yes, I would like to find out more of what is in Thai Beer specifically.
2) I suppose my original question was answered, there's a lack of non-agro-chemically induced food in Buriram. I figured so, but I was wondering if there were any like-minded people that knew of a place/market that had some safer choices of food. My original idea was to help support a local family in my wife's village to provide such a kind and healthy service. I'll most likely grow and raise my own food sources, which I can most certainly do. I suppose I just wanted to free up some time while I finish out my Master's degree and spend more time with the new born.
3) I understand some of you like to joke around light heartedly, but you also come off as ignorant/stubborn or one of those that listens to too much FOX news and believes everything they feed you. Yes, I'm fully aware of Stanford's research study and how they claim organic food is not any more nutritious than conventional. Maybe so, but I look much deeper than this and I really don't feel like supporting a system that supports agrochemical companies. I can forward to you my thesis and research titled, "Agrochemicals: The Green Revolution’s Impact on the Agriculture of the Northeast Region of Thailand." This is a loaded issue, but I'd just like to point out that these companies that claim to do good, and who pay off researchers to claim agrochemicals do no harm are only about profit and probably eat expensive organic food. More importantly, these companies systemically screw over farmers in developing and/or third world countries through the economics of it all, which ultimately leads to farmers becoming dependent on agrochemicals due to the fact that the microorganisms in the soil die off, which then leads to a lack of organic matter being broken down. Farmers then have to make up for this to replenish the nutrients in the soil by adding fertilizers. An externality of that leads to a crap load of argochemicals in the water shed and are displaced throughout the entire region. This ultimately leads to high rates in health problems for people (particularly farmers and cancer), and the overall ecosystem. I could probably make a number of other points, but really it's important to look at the system as a whole and not just one stupid propaganda technique that's gone viral. I don't think many people claim organic food to be more nutritious, but it's definitely safer, more sustainable, and actually empowers people to have control over their food sources. Lastly, I agree the certifying of organic food is pretty much a marketing ploy and is highly expensive, that's why I mentioned I don't need certified organic food. I would just like to know where my food source comes from, how it's being handled, and what's being put into it because that's how much I care about my family and their future. Where I come from, having a connection with one's food is important. Thanks for reading.
Jake - There's a Canadian guy, Steve Bird, who lives on the Prakhonchai-Buriram road, 12 kms out from Prakhonchai.
He produces organic vegetables etc.
Hey thanks Prakhonchai_Nick, this is very close to what my future project is going to be about. I'm a TESOL teacher and a small scale "organic" and sustainable farmer as well. It seems this Canadian guy has the right thinking and is trying to make a positive difference in his community. I'll try and contact him. Thanks again. Oh, and if anyone's interested, here's a couple of farms I've worked at in TH over the last couple of years:
http://www.raktamachat.org (2 hrs from Buriram)
www.PanyaProject.org (Chiang Mai)