Buriram Expats

Buriram Province - General Category => Family and children => Topic started by: expatman on January 10, 2010, 11:27:40 AM

Title: School in Buriram for luk krung
Post by: expatman on January 10, 2010, 11:27:40 AM
My wife and son may be moving to Buriram soon, and I'm looking for a school for him to attend next academic year after Songkran.
He's 8 years old and has been attending a bilingual (English-Thai) school in Bangkok, and I'd like him to be able to keep up and improve his English (I will be working abroad, getting "down-sized"by the Thai company I've been working for).
I've heard of Marie Anusorn and Northeastern but can't find many details on them, especially the latter.
Also heard of a private school about 40 km south of Buriram, anyone know anything about that ?
Any details and personal experiences would be appreciated. !!!!
Title: Re: School in Buriram for luk krung
Post by: Admin on January 10, 2010, 02:36:24 PM
Northeastern School                                                                                                                                                       


ที่ตั้ง เลขที่ 123 หมู่ 11 ถนน เลี่ยงเมือง ตำบลบ้านยาง อำเภอเมืองบุรีรัมย์ จังหวัดบุรีรัมย์
Located 123 M.11  Ban yang subdistrict , Muang, Buriram.                                                                                                                                                     Go On the Road of Buriram-Satuk , thereafter about 2 km Turn left at big Intersection which it is about 400 m before arrived Ban Yang. The school is on left  after turn left from intersection about 1 km.                                     
เปิดสอน ระดับ อนุบาลปีที่ 1 - มัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 6 .
ผู้อำนวยการโรงเรียน ผศ.ดร.จิรศักดิ์ จิยะจันทน์  Head Teacher name is , Mr.Jirasak  Jiyajan
Tel. 044-601333  Fax 044-613130
Phone: 085-802-8833 Fax:02-563-5255
Course teaching is Kindergarten - Junior high school education And also Vocational Certificate.

Maree Anusorn School.

100 M.13 , Chumhet ,Buriram. Go on Jira road until arrived at Intersection where the Thepnakorn hotel on right side, then turn left and school will be on left side about 500 m from the intersection.
โรงเรียนมารียือนุสรณ์ บุรีรัมย์
Tel. 044-611980,612274 :
Course teaching is  Kindergarten - Junior high school education.               

Website: http://www.ms.ac.th/modules.php?name=Statistics&op=Stats (http://www.ms.ac.th/modules.php?name=Statistics&op=Stats)


Benja Techno Buriram School.  

Located opposite Makro.
โรงเรียนเบญจเทคโนบุรีรัมย์  569 ตำบลอีสาณ อำเภอเมือง จังหวัดบุรีรัมย์ 31000 โทร.

Located at 569 , Isaan subdistrict ,Muang ,Buriram
Tel. 044-614417. 617390-2.
Course teaching is Vocational Certificate - High Vocational Certificate.
Title: Re: School in Buriram for luk krung
Post by: Prakhonchai Nick on January 11, 2010, 11:09:19 AM

Also heard of a private school about 40 km south of Buriram, anyone know anything about that ?
Any details and personal experiences would be appreciated. !!!!

I would imagine the school 40kms south of Buriram is KANLAYAPRASIT SCHOOL in Prakhonchai (44kms south)

My 2 luk krung children go there, along with 20/30 other luk krungs from nearby areas.  Teaching is in Thai, apart from occasional English lessons from a native English teacher

It is a private school, with some 900 children, the majority being the children of parents who work in some capacity for the government (amphur, nurses, school teachers etc)

My kids are very happy there - the teachers seem to favour the luk krungs over the Thai kids, which is the opposite of the state schools. Highly recommended, but alas limited English.

Title: Re: School in Buriram for luk krung
Post by: swimming pizza on January 21, 2010, 02:24:19 AM

Just to clear it for some who dont know: luk krung = mix boy. (Farang+Thai)

good info.Thank you.
Title: Re: School in Buriram for luk krung
Post by: Admin on January 26, 2010, 12:32:49 AM
not a school but a College, might help others searching for this kind of info in Buriram.  scatter

Princess Chulabhorn's College, Buriram. Thailand.

โรงเรียนจุฬาภรณราชวิทยาลัย บุรีรัมย์
สังกัดสำนักงานเขตพื้นที่การศึกษา บุรีรัมย์ เขต 4
299 หมู่ 2 ต.สตึก อ.สตึก จ.บุรีรัมย์ 31150   โทร./Fax : 044681946

http://www.pccbr.ac.th/ (http://www.pccbr.ac.th/)
Title: Re: School in Buriram for luk krung
Post by: pablo on March 18, 2010, 12:17:23 PM
I thought that I had read somewhere on the forum, that a farang "English Teacher" was available for private English tutoring, in the Prakhan Chai area.

May have read that it was a farang teacher at the KANLAYAPRASIT SCHOOL in Prakhonchai.

Anyone have any recollection, or suggestions for same?   
Title: Re: School in Buriram for luk krung
Post by: Admin on March 18, 2010, 12:28:48 PM
Check in the "Employment" classified section.
http://www.buriramexpats.com/forum/index.php/board,36.0.html (http://www.buriramexpats.com/forum/index.php/board,36.0.html)
Title: Re: School in Buriram for luk krung
Post by: BRR99 on April 03, 2010, 05:32:35 PM
There is an International School in Pak Chong. It is a boarding school. It is 3 hours from Buriram.