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Australian Muslims
« on: March 04, 2018, 07:02:39 AM »
This is why I left.
Muslims fight Australia for separate country.

Offline blackcow

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Re: Australian Muslims
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2018, 07:25:13 AM »
Should be compulsory viewing. IMHO

Offline gotlost

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Re: Australian Muslims
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2018, 01:18:16 PM »


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Re: Australian Muslims
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2018, 06:36:33 PM »
I'm not certain gotlost, why you posted the link?

Offline Smithy

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Re: Australian Muslims
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2018, 11:33:52 AM »
This is why I left.
Muslims fight Australia for separate country.

Its all to do with demographics on whether this will happen or not.I know in the UK the amount of Muslim MP's/Councillors  roughly correlates  to the percentage of Muslims voters ( it's called democracy ). So with Muslims making up about 2%-sh of the Populations of Australia I think is fairly safe for the time being for those that fear a Muslim takeover .
After watching the You Tube it was good to see moderate Muslim leaders speaking out against extremists . Extremism in any form is unwelcome ( IMHO ) and anybody that is found to be a member of ISIS should be held responsible by law if returning to their Country of origin or trying to smuggle themselves in with bona-fide refugees or immigrants.
Unfortunately its the extremist minority that get the air-time where the vast majority of Muslims just want to get on with there lives   

How bad is the Muslim situation in Australia?

 Australia, You Are Not Being Taken Over By Muslims, Journalist Says
I'm sure there are some members on this forum that may have views that are far different from mine . When I lived in Koh Samui I shopped at the local Muslim market and many of the Fisherman that I fished with were Muslims. My Niece has married a Muslim man and has taken up the Muslims faith . There are some sicko racist's out their that think it's funny to gain access to my Facebook page , take photos of my Niece  and that post them up on a forum with Racist remark's attached to them.( yes...there are some sicko racist's amongst us !!!  :o )
I'm not saying that those that have had different view-point to Muslims that they have met in their daily lives are wrong but I tend to take people as I find them.

As for Gotlost's Facebook post ,maybe he is one of those that believe's all Muslims are Terrorist and he was just warning Us  ::)


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Re: Australian Muslims
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2018, 11:50:14 AM »

Brigitte Gabriel gives FANTASTIC answer to Muslim woman claiming all Muslims are portrayed badly


Offline Smithy

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Re: Australian Muslims
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2018, 12:05:52 PM »

Brigitte Gabriel gives FANTASTIC answer to Muslim woman claiming all Muslims are portrayed badly


Good You Tube but are her figures correct ???

ACT! for America's president and founder Brigitte Gabriel has become a media favorite of conservatives concerned about terrorism. A video of Ms. Gabriel's comments about "Muslims dedicated to the destruction of Western civilization" at a Heritage Foundation forum in June 2014 was revived by bloggers and passed around social media.

"The radicals are estimated to be between 15 to 25 percent, according to all intelligence services around the world," she said, in part, when asked by an American University head-scarf wearing law student about waging an ideological war with Muslims. "You're looking at 180 million to 300 million people dedicated to the destruction of Western civilization," Gabriel added.

Is this figure accurate?

Not according to Angel Rabasa, who is a senior political scientist at the RAND corporation. While conducting research for a 2014 book he coauthored, "Euro Jihad," he found that Western European intelligence agencies estimated that less than one percent of the Muslim population living within their borders are at risk for becoming radicals.



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Re: Australian Muslims
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2018, 12:25:20 PM »
Warnings: Sweden is Headed Toward "a Cliff"...


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Re: Australian Muslims
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2018, 12:27:17 PM »
When working in England my company employed many Muslims the majority of which were nice people and good employees.
However, what I noticed was that following any ISIS related terrorist incident very few would actually speak out to condem what had taken place.
That may be because of embarrassment, shame, self protection or quiet support.
I admire those that speak out and condem such acts but they are few and far between. My personal perception was that many who remain quiet, although they may not be active extremists and may never carry out a violent act personally they quietly support the extremist agenda.
It is that % that can't accurately be identified and pose a potential future risk for countries with growing Muslim populations.

« Last Edit: March 05, 2018, 12:35:00 PM by Freddy »

Offline Smithy

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Re: Australian Muslims
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2018, 01:39:03 PM »
Warnings: Sweden is Headed Toward "a Cliff"...


Although I have said that Muslims haven't affected me directly I do understand that there is a Immigration problem in Europe and in other parts of the world like Australia which could lead to problems in the future!

I read this by Louis Carson ( The National Trust for Historic Preservation )

One simply must study the ideology and analyses the history of Islam and Europe.

Islam works towards the submission and world conquest of every country on earth.

The Crusades saved europe. Southern Spain was very different to the ?tolerant? Muslim society we hear of.

Read the Myth of the Andalusian Paradise and you will see what it was really like living under Islam, while keeping your faith and paying the jizzya tax.

We can't keep bombing people and then bringing them back to the west.

If Turkey bombed England, destroyed your home, killed your family, destroyed your country, why on earth would you wish to live there? (Assuming you're an Englishman in this analogy) I would not move peacefully there. You can see clearly how these people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya etc., how they are going to see us as the enemy. We are the last place they wish to live peacefully.

II greatly sympathise with all those in the middle east being murdered in the last 20 years (longer than that obviously) by our zionist governments- but when they are moving through 12 safe countries to get to ours, it is clearly very suspicious. They want compensation, they may even want revenge, which is a quite rational response to irrational attacks. Why do we give it though? I pay tax. I didn't want us to invade Iraq. I didn't want us to bomb Libya and arm rebels there and in Syria. I have to pay for that in money and our soldiers lives. Now I am being extorted into paying for refugees? Why must the peaceful citizens of the west pay for every stage?

I never wanted war, I never wanted refugees, I never wanted multiculturalism, I never wanted to see less white people in white majority countries.

There are many of us who feel this way, but we are ignored. We were never asked.

I assure you that the traitors within our government and those who support this forced assimilation will be hanged.

Europe will become european again, and we will not fight any wars. We will fix our countries, then we will work on helping the countries the zionists destroyed fix themselves, and the non-europeans will be returned safely to their once-again prosperous lands.

How can we allow a single immigrant into our countries when we still have thousands of homeless men and women here already? It's simply unrealistic. Immigration is a privilege. It was meant to give us labour when we had too many jobs. That was after WW2. We don't need immigration now, we just need our European people to have more children, and so we must make Europe prosperous and happy.

I am still so very confused as to how feminists, ultra liberals, anti-fascist people see Islam as something to embrace. I've read the Qu'ran, Hadiths, several biographies of Muhammad from 3 different centuries, and I can say that either they haven't read even one Qu'ran, they've been given ?softened? copies (many violent verse eased or even omitted altogether), or they are deceiving people about the contents of the book. I don't really understand this. Truth is more important than any politics.

Truth is the one thing which cannot be suppressed, or there will be dire consequences.


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Re: Australian Muslims
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2018, 03:51:15 AM »
Don't worry about problems in the future, they have already raised their ugly head. It will get worse and there will be blood in the streets and in our homes.  This is a serious problem.

Offline smoooth2

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Re: Australian Muslims
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2018, 04:11:29 PM »
And still some Aussies call Pauline Hanson a racist and a nutter.

She's the only politician with enough balls to continually challenge successive Australian Governments woeful immigration policies.

Sometime in the near future, she'll stand before a dismal Oz population and say "I told you so."

Go get'em Pauline.


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Re: Australian Muslims
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2018, 05:54:15 PM »
I am 100% behind Pauline Hanson.  She is a real Aussie patriot.

Offline Smithy

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Re: Australian Muslims
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2018, 10:37:08 PM »
Not forgetting the UK Muslims  .......  The TRUTH about Muslim immigration in England



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