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Offline urleft

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No-one likes Trump, I don't care
« on: June 11, 2017, 10:31:44 AM »
I like the anology:  Millwall's chant is, "No-one likes us. We don't care." President Trump looks at the world in much the same way.

When three knife-wielding Muslims charged into the Black and Blue Steakhouse near London Bridge on the night of June 3, they had the bad luck to encounter Mr. Roy Larner, who shouted, ?F**k you, I?m Millwall,? referring to the South London football club supported by England?s most notorious hooligans. Mr. Larner fought them off with his fists and doubtless saved many lives. Millwall?s chant is, ?No-one likes us. We don?t care.? President Trump looks at the world in much the same way.

In his first four months of office, Donald Trump has made any number of false steps, but the actions for which he is most disliked have for the most part been effective and shrewd. His celebrated tweets about London Mayor Sadiq Khan are a case in point. Khan had told the press in response to a bombing in New York?s Chelsea neighborhood that ?part and parcel of living in a great global city is [that] you?ve got to be prepared for these things,? to which Trump tweeted, ?You?ve got to be kidding!?

European governments are resigned to a certain level of terrorism as the price of tranquil relations with large Muslim populations that harbor significant numbers of terrorist sympathizers and with Muslim regimes that support terrorist groups ? Qatar, for example, which has backed both Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. Kahn was not condoning terrorism but expressing the prevailing view that reducing terrorism to an infrequent occurrence is the best that can be hoped for.

   By singling out London?s Muslim mayor, Trump rubbed in the point he made to Muslim leaders meeting in Saudi Arabia last month: the United States will not tolerate terrorism, and it will not tolerate the toleration of terrorism. ?Drive. Them. Out,? Trump said. ?Drive them out of your places of worship. Drive them out of your communities. Drive them out of your holy land, and drive them out of this Earth!?

In some respects, Trump?s view is narrowly American: with its relatively small Muslim population and enormous security budget, the United States can compel its own Muslim communities to do just that. That is much harder in England or the European continent, where very large and extensively radicalized Muslim populations overwhelm the resources of security services.

Read the rest at: 

Offline pablo

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Re: No-one likes Trump, I don't care
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2017, 02:03:27 PM »
I like Trump.

Offline smoooth2

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Re: No-one likes Trump, I don't care
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2017, 05:45:52 PM »
Am I the only one that's totally fed up with the western media's obsession to report and dissect every minute of Trump's day ?

Seriously .... I don't care.

Phwrrrr ... if it's not Trump, then it's Syria .... if it's not Syria, then it's the Brits .... if it's not the Brits, then it's that kooky little Nth Korean guy. Geezus !!

Is there nothing happening in Canada or New Zealand or Norway etc etc ?

I used to have a bit of a snigger at Thai TV for reporting mundane stuff like sunflowers are blooming in Chiang Mai , or an ice-cream shop in Chonburi is selling chopped crickets as a topping. These stories now seem blessed relief compared to the droll, dreary same old same old on western network TV news.

We really need an Alien Invasion sometime soon.  thumbup

It'll be somewhere in the USA of course. Who's the Vice-President ? According to Hollywood, he'll be THE MAN then.

Offline DeputyDavid

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Re: No-one likes Trump, I don't care
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2017, 07:47:13 PM »
Let's think about it. Are the muslims positioning themselves in key areas around the world knowing that the local resources are overwhelmed? 

Regarding western media I agree. I don't need to know what he had for breakfast (with pictures in Thai style) or when he last passed gas. I just need to know what policy is and how it is going to be accomplished.

Fack the libtards!!


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