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Offline Adam

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Re: Trump
« Reply #45 on: February 05, 2017, 11:26:27 AM »
I am not having a whinge KhunG, if you see it as such, I would kindly ask you not to interact with me.  90% of what I post is in jest and if you cannot see that then you need to chill out and get a life.
I honestly couldn't give a flying you know what about The Donald Trump does as long as it doesn't directly affect me, he can do what he likes.

I urge everyone to get as much information from every source that they want to.

Then make up their own mind, rather than blindly copy and pasting somebody else's opinions.

Sorry I do not have a source for the above statement as it is ALL my own work.

Smoke a chubby, drink a beer and relax. Life is too short to worry about what I or anyone else says!

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Re: Trump
« Reply #46 on: February 05, 2017, 08:10:04 PM »
Thin skinned, too.

Offline Adam

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Re: Trump
« Reply #47 on: February 06, 2017, 03:03:34 AM »
Yep, I cried myself to sleep last night.

Offline Adam

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« Last Edit: February 06, 2017, 04:10:22 AM by Adam »

Offline urleft

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Re: Trump
« Reply #49 on: February 06, 2017, 07:01:19 PM »
Interesting interview with Bill O'Reilly on Fox, there was this exchange: 

During Putin's years in power, a number of prominent Russian opposition figures and journalists have been killed.

In the interview, Trump says, "I do respect him," and then is asked why.

"I respect a lot of people, but that doesn't mean I'm going to get along with him. He's a leader of his country. I say it's better to get along with Russia than not. And if Russia helps us in the fight against ISIS, which is a major fight, and Islamic terrorism all over the world ? that's a good thing," Trump said, using an acronym for the Islamic State group. "Will I get along with him? I have no idea."

O'Reilly then said about Putin: "But he's a killer, though. Putin's a killer."

Trump responded: "There are a lot of killers. We've got a lot of killers. What do you think? Our country's so innocent?"

https://www.yahoo.com/news/asked-putin-trump-says-us-isnt-innocent-140508161.html or you can view it here:

And then consider this exchange from "The Godfather" movie:

Michael Corleone:I'm working for my father now Kay. He's been sick, very sick.
Kay Adams:But you're not like him Michael. I thought you weren't going to become a man like your father. That's what you told me.
Michael Corleone: My father is no different than any other powerful man, any man who is responsible for other people, like a senator or a president.
Kay Adams:You know how naive you sound?
Michael Corleone:  Why?
Kay Adams: Senators and presidents don't have men killed.
Michael Corleone: Oh. Who's being naive, Kay?

Sounds to me like Trump is being his usual politically incorrect self by being forthright and truthful.   

And there is this: 

Speaking at a press conference on Friday, President Obama was asked to comment on the rising death toll in US drone strikes in the Middle East and beyond.
"In the past, there was legitimate criticism that the legal architecture around the use of drone strikes wasn't as precise as it should have been," he said, as cited by AP.
"There's no doubt that civilians were killed that shouldn't have been."
Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/watch-barack-obama-admitted-killing-innocent-civilians-hellish-drone-program/#lolEOPlXhobr639W.99

So was Obama a Killer? 
« Last Edit: February 06, 2017, 07:05:27 PM by urleft »

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Re: Trump
« Reply #50 on: February 06, 2017, 09:25:11 PM »
Is the following article true? 

A simple question to ask is did the Berkley Riots against the RW author support free speech? 

The Left Hates You. Act Accordingly.

Kurt Schlichter
Posted: Feb 06, 2017 12:01 AM

They hate you.

Leftists don?t merely disagree with you. They don?t merely feel you are misguided. They don?t think you are merely wrong. They hate you. They want you enslaved and obedient, if not dead. Once you get that, everything that is happening now will make sense. And you will understand what you need to be ready to do.

You are normal, and therefore a heretic. You refuse to bow to their idols, to subscribe to their twisted catechisms, to praise their false gods. This is unforgivable. You must burn.

Crazy talk? Just ask them. Go ahead. Go on social media. Find a leftist ? it?s easy. Just say something positive about America or Jesus and they?ll come swarming like locusts. Engage them and very quickly they will drop their masks and tell you what they really think. I know. I keep a rapidly expanding file of Twitter leftist death wish screenshots.

They will tell you that Christians are idiots and vets are scum.

That normals are subhumans whose role is to labor as serfs to subsidize the progressive elite and its clients.

That you should die to make way for the New Progressive Man/Woman/Other.

Understand that when they call Donald Trump ?illegitimate,? what they are really saying is that our desire to govern ourselves is illegitimate. Their beef isn?t with him ? it?s with us, the normal people who dared rise up and demand their right to participate in the rule of this country and this culture.

They hate you, because by defying them you have prevented them from living up to the dictates of their false religion. Our rebelliousness has denied them the state of grace they seek, exercising their divine right to dictate every aspect of our puny lives. Their sick faith gives meaning to these secular weirdos, giving them something that fills their empty lives with a messianic fervor to go out and conquer and convert the heathens.

And the heathens are us.

Oh, there are different leftist sects. There are the social justice warriors who have manufactured a bizarre mythology and scripture of oppression, privilege, and intersectionality. Instead of robes, they dress up as genitals and kill babies as a blasphemous sacrament. Then there are the pagan weather religion oddballs convinced that the end is near and that we must repent by turning in our SUVs. Of course, the ?we? is really ?us? ? high priests of the global warming cult like Leonardo DiCaprio will still jet around the world with supermodels while we do the ritual sacrificing of our modern comforts. Then there are the ones who simply worship themselves, the elitists who believe that all wisdom and morality has been invested in them merely because they went to the right college, think the right thoughts, and sneer at anyone living between I-5 and I-95.

But all the leftist sects agree ? they have found the revealed truth, and imposing it upon the benighted normals like us is so transcendently important that they are relieved of any moral limitations. They are ISIS, except with hashtags instead of AKs, committed to the establishment of a leftist caliphate.

You wonder why the left is now justifying violence? Because they think that helps them right now. Today it?s suddenly OK to punch a ?Nazi.? But the punchline is that anyone who opposes them is a ?Nazi.?

You wonder why they ignore the rule of law, why they could switch on a dime from screaming at Trump for refusing to preemptively legitimize a Hillary win and then scream that he is illegitimate the moment she lost? Because their only principle is what helps the left win today. That?s why the media gleefully, happily lies every single day about every single thing it reports. Objectivity? When that stopped being a useful thing, it stopped being a thing at all.

They are fanatics, and by not surrendering, by not kneeling, and by not obeying, you have committed an unpardonable sin. You have defied the Left, and you must be broken. They will take your job, slander your name, even beat or kill you ? whatever it takes to break you and terrify others by making you an example. Your defiance cannot stand; they cannot allow this whole Trump/GOP majority thing to get out of control. They must crush this rebellion of the normal, and absolutely nothing is off the table.

We?ve seen them burn UC Berkeley and how the police controlled by the leftist state government of California stood by and watched as Americans were beaten by the mob. Why? Because the government of the State of California approves of the violence. Do you think it?s a coincidence that California is doing everything it can to disarm its normals?

The Left won?t say it out loud ? at least not yet ? but make no mistake. If violence is what it takes for the Left to prevail, then violence we will have. You saw it, and you were meant to. Berkeley was a message about the price of dissent where leftist hold sway. And they seek to hold sway everywhere

How to we respond?

The first step is to end the denial. Open your eyes. See what is happening. Don?t allow yourself to be deluded by false nostalgia for a past period of cultural peace that existed only because, at that time, the Left was winning. They hate you. Look at Twitter. Look at Facebook. Try and tell yourself that leftists are just nice people who disagree with you on a few policy details. Stop fooling yourself.

Understand that this must get much worse before it can get better. We may wish to stop the cultural/political struggle, but they can?t stop. Their religion tells them we are greedy, racist, sexist, homophobe morons who hate science and love Hitler. How could they tolerate us? How could they ever allow us power?

They can?t. Their sick ideology and false theology requires that we be enslaved or exterminated ? we can?t be tolerated, and we certainly can?t be allowed to hold the reins of power. I hoped that my novel People?s Republic, about what lies at the bottom of this blood-soaked slippery slope, would be rendered moot by the GOP?s victory in November. I was wrong. The Left has redoubled its efforts.

So the only outcome is that one side wins and the other loses. There?s no truce to be had, no possibility of a tie. And the frightening thing is that the Left is so foolish, so stuck in its bubble that it has no understanding that it can only push so far before the people with all the guns and all the training push back. That?s the problem with kids who were raised on participation trophies and who never got into a fistfight ? they don?t consider the possibility that they will lose, and lose hard.

We must ensure they do. Understand your enemy. Understand that the Left will exploit your principles and morals to make you disarm yourself ? figuratively and literally. Don?t play their game; don?t fall for their manufactured outrages. Never concede their lies, never take their side against the people defending your liberty. Most of all, accept the truth that if we let them win we will spend the rest of our lives on our backs with a giant Birkenstock pressed into our collective face.

They hate us. And however they come at us, we need to be prepared to fight.

Offline urleft

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Re: Trump
« Reply #51 on: February 07, 2017, 07:30:51 AM »
Trump will be barred from speaking in Parliament

    Adam Payne, Business Insider UK

LONDON ? House of Commons Speaker John Bercow has announced that he intends to block US President Donald Trump from addressing Parliament when Trump visits the UK later this year.

It is customary for visiting presidents to address MPs and members of the House of Lords in Westminster Hall when making state visits to Britain.

As speaker of the House of Commons, however, Bercow is one of three people who has the authority to block visiting figures from doing this.

Wonder if he will actually stop Trump from doing so.  Seems dumb to me. 

Offline Voodoo

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Re: Trump
« Reply #52 on: February 07, 2017, 03:13:12 PM »
Is the following article true? 

A simple question to ask is did the Berkley Riots against the RW author support free speech? 

The Left Hates You. Act Accordingly.

Kurt Schlichter
Posted: Feb 06, 2017 12:01 AM

They hate you.

Leftists don?t merely disagree with you. They don?t merely feel you are misguided. They don?t think you are merely wrong. They hate you. They want you enslaved and obedient, if not dead. Once you get that, everything that is happening now will make sense. And you will understand what you need to be ready to do.

You are normal, and therefore a heretic. You refuse to bow to their idols, to subscribe to their twisted catechisms, to praise their false gods. This is unforgivable. You must burn.

Crazy talk? Just ask them. Go ahead. Go on social media. Find a leftist ? it?s easy. Just say something positive about America or Jesus and they?ll come swarming like locusts. Engage them and very quickly they will drop their masks and tell you what they really think. I know. I keep a rapidly expanding file of Twitter leftist death wish screenshots.

They will tell you that Christians are idiots and vets are scum.

That normals are subhumans whose role is to labor as serfs to subsidize the progressive elite and its clients.

That you should die to make way for the New Progressive Man/Woman/Other.

Understand that when they call Donald Trump ?illegitimate,? what they are really saying is that our desire to govern ourselves is illegitimate. Their beef isn?t with him ? it?s with us, the normal people who dared rise up and demand their right to participate in the rule of this country and this culture.

They hate you, because by defying them you have prevented them from living up to the dictates of their false religion. Our rebelliousness has denied them the state of grace they seek, exercising their divine right to dictate every aspect of our puny lives. Their sick faith gives meaning to these secular weirdos, giving them something that fills their empty lives with a messianic fervor to go out and conquer and convert the heathens.

And the heathens are us.

Oh, there are different leftist sects. There are the social justice warriors who have manufactured a bizarre mythology and scripture of oppression, privilege, and intersectionality. Instead of robes, they dress up as genitals and kill babies as a blasphemous sacrament. Then there are the pagan weather religion oddballs convinced that the end is near and that we must repent by turning in our SUVs. Of course, the ?we? is really ?us? ? high priests of the global warming cult like Leonardo DiCaprio will still jet around the world with supermodels while we do the ritual sacrificing of our modern comforts. Then there are the ones who simply worship themselves, the elitists who believe that all wisdom and morality has been invested in them merely because they went to the right college, think the right thoughts, and sneer at anyone living between I-5 and I-95.

But all the leftist sects agree ? they have found the revealed truth, and imposing it upon the benighted normals like us is so transcendently important that they are relieved of any moral limitations. They are ISIS, except with hashtags instead of AKs, committed to the establishment of a leftist caliphate.

You wonder why the left is now justifying violence? Because they think that helps them right now. Today it?s suddenly OK to punch a ?Nazi.? But the punchline is that anyone who opposes them is a ?Nazi.?

You wonder why they ignore the rule of law, why they could switch on a dime from screaming at Trump for refusing to preemptively legitimize a Hillary win and then scream that he is illegitimate the moment she lost? Because their only principle is what helps the left win today. That?s why the media gleefully, happily lies every single day about every single thing it reports. Objectivity? When that stopped being a useful thing, it stopped being a thing at all.

They are fanatics, and by not surrendering, by not kneeling, and by not obeying, you have committed an unpardonable sin. You have defied the Left, and you must be broken. They will take your job, slander your name, even beat or kill you ? whatever it takes to break you and terrify others by making you an example. Your defiance cannot stand; they cannot allow this whole Trump/GOP majority thing to get out of control. They must crush this rebellion of the normal, and absolutely nothing is off the table.

We?ve seen them burn UC Berkeley and how the police controlled by the leftist state government of California stood by and watched as Americans were beaten by the mob. Why? Because the government of the State of California approves of the violence. Do you think it?s a coincidence that California is doing everything it can to disarm its normals?

The Left won?t say it out loud ? at least not yet ? but make no mistake. If violence is what it takes for the Left to prevail, then violence we will have. You saw it, and you were meant to. Berkeley was a message about the price of dissent where leftist hold sway. And they seek to hold sway everywhere

How to we respond?

The first step is to end the denial. Open your eyes. See what is happening. Don?t allow yourself to be deluded by false nostalgia for a past period of cultural peace that existed only because, at that time, the Left was winning. They hate you. Look at Twitter. Look at Facebook. Try and tell yourself that leftists are just nice people who disagree with you on a few policy details. Stop fooling yourself.

Understand that this must get much worse before it can get better. We may wish to stop the cultural/political struggle, but they can?t stop. Their religion tells them we are greedy, racist, sexist, homophobe morons who hate science and love Hitler. How could they tolerate us? How could they ever allow us power?

They can?t. Their sick ideology and false theology requires that we be enslaved or exterminated ? we can?t be tolerated, and we certainly can?t be allowed to hold the reins of power. I hoped that my novel People?s Republic, about what lies at the bottom of this blood-soaked slippery slope, would be rendered moot by the GOP?s victory in November. I was wrong. The Left has redoubled its efforts.

So the only outcome is that one side wins and the other loses. There?s no truce to be had, no possibility of a tie. And the frightening thing is that the Left is so foolish, so stuck in its bubble that it has no understanding that it can only push so far before the people with all the guns and all the training push back. That?s the problem with kids who were raised on participation trophies and who never got into a fistfight ? they don?t consider the possibility that they will lose, and lose hard.

We must ensure they do. Understand your enemy. Understand that the Left will exploit your principles and morals to make you disarm yourself ? figuratively and literally. Don?t play their game; don?t fall for their manufactured outrages. Never concede their lies, never take their side against the people defending your liberty. Most of all, accept the truth that if we let them win we will spend the rest of our lives on our backs with a giant Birkenstock pressed into our collective face.

They hate us. And however they come at us, we need to be prepared to fight.

I very rarely read one of these long winded articles but the more I read this one the more I continued reading... Is the article true?  For the author it is.. As for the the rest of us it's all a matter of perception.. For many of us Americans (Yanks) as many call us... This is our reality.. The second American Revolution started with the election... This will get increasingly bloodier... The silent majority, as we are called, are no longer silent and will no longer bow down or put up with with the BS anymore.. If it takes blood then so be it... America was born in blood and, if necessary, will die that way...

Offline Voodoo

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Re: Trump
« Reply #53 on: February 07, 2017, 03:29:30 PM »
Trump will be barred from speaking in Parliament

    Adam Payne, Business Insider UK

LONDON ? House of Commons Speaker John Bercow has announced that he intends to block US President Donald Trump from addressing Parliament when Trump visits the UK later this year.

It is customary for visiting presidents to address MPs and members of the House of Lords in Westminster Hall when making state visits to Britain.

As speaker of the House of Commons, however, Bercow is one of three people who has the authority to block visiting figures from doing this.

Wonder if he will actually stop Trump from doing so.  Seems dumb to me.

As an American citizen, my personal answer to the UK Parliament is... Who Cares... I would imagine that our new President isn't very concerned with it either.. Personally, I wouldn't be bothered going to the UK at all.. No matter what we do we are hated world wide.. If we try to help, anywhere, or get involved internationally we're labeled as Imperialists... If we back off and stay out of the fray then we're called Isolationists... No matter whether they are our enemy or supposed allies.. It's the way of the world today and what we, as Americans, have gotten used to hearing.. We've gotten very used to the fact that when we show up in amost any country the attitude is... Welcome to our country... Just leave your money here and then get the hell out... So much for the New World Order..  There again this is just one Amercan's opinion and this forum is a way of venting that..

Offline urleft

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Re: Trump
« Reply #54 on: February 08, 2017, 02:47:29 PM »

Offline urleft

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Re: Trump
« Reply #55 on: February 08, 2017, 11:10:26 PM »
This Trump Executive Order on immigration can get interesting as Trump is not a Lawyer, he seemly does not hold Judges is the esteem that lawyers are taught.  In a meeting with Sheriffs he stated:

Standing at the lectern, Trump read aloud title eight, chapter 12 of U.S. Code which states: "Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or non-immigrants, or impose on entry of aliens any restrictions may deem to be appropriate."

As a non lawyer I would pretty much say that gives the President Card Blanche on immigration.  And provided he can get the courts to actually agree, I would not be surprised if the "so called judge" was impeached (removed from office).  IMHO Trump should force that to put the courts on notice they need to cite the law, not their preferences. 



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Re: Trump
« Reply #56 on: February 09, 2017, 02:25:07 AM »
Yes, yes, yes.

Offline urleft

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Re: Trump
« Reply #57 on: February 09, 2017, 12:08:38 PM »

Offline urleft

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Re: Trump
« Reply #58 on: February 09, 2017, 10:41:15 PM »
One of the lessons of war I've learned is to "pick your battles". 

If your are going to lose, do it with fights that hurt the enemy the most.  Do not spread your combat power out to the extent that you win nothing.  Dems have been fighting everything Trump has done, and have yet to have a clear victory.  While that my placate their base, it is questionable if it will win more support.  Note that their base lost the election, they need additional support.

Trump is hammering them with seemingly common sense issues:

1.  Use extreme vetting for those coming from highly dangerous nations.
2.  Stop illegals from draining the welfare system and deport them.
3.  Follow the law.   

Offline urleft

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Re: Trump
« Reply #59 on: February 14, 2017, 05:47:18 AM »

Well Joy Villa wore a pro Trump dress to the Grammys, the result is that she currently has the #1 Album on Amazon:

Original Release Date: July 11, 2014
Release Date: July 11, 2014
Label: joy villa
Copyright: 2014 Joy Villa
Total Length: 15:54

    Alternative Rock
    Pop > Adult Alternative

Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars 49 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1 Paid in Albums (See Top 100 Paid in Albums)

Got a workable link to display the dress referenced as there are posting attachment issues that Mod mentioned.

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« Last Edit: February 14, 2017, 06:33:38 AM by Mod »


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