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Offline iammike

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Re: Life with the Thai Wife
« Reply #60 on: February 26, 2018, 02:09:42 PM »

Same for us. Almost the whole of April we will be on a roadtrip to Singapore because of the ongoing parties because of guys
entering the monkhood and general parties because of Songkran.

Also our trip for New Years is also already booked, plus a trip in March and May because of(March) a wedding and (May) house warming
Party were they already bought new SFH 😡

Offline Smithy

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Re: Life with the Thai Wife
« Reply #61 on: February 26, 2018, 03:49:05 PM »
All part and parcel of Village life
The last time we had a new Village Headman he ordered a new Village speaker system.
They tried to put one outside my house but after I told them I would cut the wire they decided to move the speaker
They moved it about 80 meters away and aimed it away from our House
I must admit the new guy isn't overzealous with his tannoy usage ,
unlike the old one that seemed to like the sound of his own voice and thought everyone liked his daily music choices
I did feel like other posters when I first came to live in the Village but after 14 years I have become immune to loud music,chicken's, dogs barking
and people shouting,
Being partially deaf in one ear does help :)
« Last Edit: February 26, 2018, 03:52:29 PM by Smithy »

Offline Freddy

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Re: Life with the Thai Wife
« Reply #62 on: February 26, 2018, 04:06:21 PM »
Same for us. Village head man  likes to play a ditty and make what I'm sure must be very important announcements at 0530 several times a week. I've also got used to it. Biggest problem for me currently is that the guy across the road has decided to make those steel boats. We are now subjected to constant grinding and hammering of steel. I'm hoping the demand will soon fizzle out.

Offline BillH52

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Re: Life with the Thai Wife
« Reply #63 on: February 26, 2018, 04:58:47 PM »
Same for us down south [Lahan Sai area].  SFH surrounded 3 sides this past 5 days or so with wat about 500 meters across open fields on the fourth side.  Turn hearing aides off and break out the noise cancelling headphones.  It is almost scary when all goes suddenly quiet and the house stops reverberating at odd times.  Keep thinking I might need to seek shelter as they are getting ready for a climax.

Offline iammike

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Re: Life with the Thai Wife
« Reply #64 on: February 26, 2018, 06:10:45 PM »
All part and parcel of Village life

It doesn't help one BIT that our Village Headman is the one instigating these SFH he has a whole bunch of them when he turns them on even the water in a glass of water is shaking :( So that is why we FLEE. (Try to fight it but lost)

Being partially deaf in one ear does help :)

Partially Jealous :) :biggrin:

I have heard of a good solution to stop these SFH. No idea if it's true that's why I ask you guys.

It involves going to your Local "Hospital" and get them to sign off that you get sick when people are playing LOUD Music, You hand this to your Local Head "Guy" and they should take consideration.

What do you guys think. I have heard this via a Friend of a Friend.

No idea if it's effective or if it's just BS

Offline Starman

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Re: Life with the Thai Wife
« Reply #65 on: February 26, 2018, 06:24:10 PM »
The playing of loud music, unless for a pre arranged party, is actually illegal.

You can call the police.

There is a guy in our village that makes speakers as a part time job. His other job is as a mobile music man at such parties.

He quite often would play loud music and periodically say "test,test, 1,2,3 test". Everyone knew this was bullshit as it would go on for hours. He wasn't testing but just playing.

One day it got too much and my wife went to see the village headman. Village headman was not home but his wife was. She confronted them and they threatened her. That's just the sort of people they are. By this time there were quite a few people, including my wife, involved trying to show them the errors of their ways. The police were called.

The music man was told that any more complaints and the police would come and take his equipment away.

Since then there has only been maybe  two or three times he has played loud music. About 30 mins each time with the "test,test,test"

We give him the benefit of the doubt for these short bursts of loudness. He has to make a living after all.

« Last Edit: February 26, 2018, 06:25:41 PM by Starman »

Offline Smithy

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Re: Life with the Thai Wife
« Reply #66 on: February 26, 2018, 07:08:42 PM »
@ urleft
You say
 "Unfortunately this has been a horrendous year so far with about 20 villagers passing on, which means almost continuous SFH entertainment"
I live in a biggish Village ( about 300 Homes ) and when funerals are on you don't get the continual music as you do when the Weddings/Monks/House warming parties are on
You get the sad Violin Music 2 or 3 times a day for maybe 20 minutes .
So I think you may be exaggerating when it comes to funerals.
The problem being ...... that Thais seems to be oblivious to what we would call 'antisocial behavior' especially when it comes to noise , whether they are surrounded by it or making it.
They have been brought up that it's acceptable to play music very loud for parties .
What does your wife say about the subject ???
I know from past experiences when I have talked to my wife about noise she just say's" this is Isaan,this is what Isaan people do"
So for anybody that is thinking of moving to a Village and reads this ...."YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED "
Those with a low threshold for loud sounds,whether it be chickens,dogs,music or shouting then maybe Isaan is not a place for you , and I can't see it changing any time soon!!!
( And not forgetting the Salesmen in their Car's with SFH on the roof selling their ware's :) )
If like Starmen has just pointed out that if the noise is coming from any other source other than pre arranged party then a word to the Headman could solve the problem
....but don't expect to much !!!
« Last Edit: February 26, 2018, 07:22:42 PM by Smithy »

Offline iammike

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Re: Life with the Thai Wife
« Reply #67 on: February 26, 2018, 07:09:58 PM »

I think you are mistaken. I didn't mention ANYTHING about funerals as in our Villages that's the only time (STRANGE ENOUGH) when there is no Music played (except for the sad music and the loud bangs when they leave from their house to the local WAT)
« Last Edit: February 26, 2018, 07:11:45 PM by iammike »

Offline Smithy

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Re: Life with the Thai Wife
« Reply #68 on: February 26, 2018, 07:14:53 PM »

I think you are mistaken. I didn't mention ANYTHING about funerals as in our Villages that's the only time (STRANGE ENOUGH) when there is no Music played (except for the sad music and the loud bangs when they leave from their house to the local WAT)

so what are " villagers passing on" ???

BOOM....BOOM...BOOM    :biggrin:

Offline iammike

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Re: Life with the Thai Wife
« Reply #69 on: February 26, 2018, 07:18:14 PM »

I think you are mistaken. I didn't mention ANYTHING about funerals as in our Villages that's the only time (STRANGE ENOUGH) when there is no Music played (except for the sad music and the loud bangs when they leave from their house to the local WAT)

so what are " villagers passing on" ???

BOOM....BOOM...BOOM    :biggrin:

I think you are mistaken in this in who said what !. Please See this post from Urleft !!

Unfortunately this has been a horrendous year so far with about 20 villagers passing on, which means almost continuous SFH entertainment.  Last week there were 3 concurrent funerals and the Wat celebration at the same time.   

Luckily it has not gotten to unbearable yet.  I experienced that my first year here when the lady across the street from out bedroom window died.  The SFH got set up 15 meters from the window and cranked up for the next 5 days and nights.  Our bed was literally vibrating a 3am when they were playing the movie "Transformers".  I tried moving the far room the house, it did not help. 

So I have been well serenaded this year.

Offline Smithy

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Re: Life with the Thai Wife
« Reply #70 on: February 26, 2018, 07:22:21 PM »
@ iammike
Sorry, that reply should have been to urleft  ::)

it's been edited ;)

Offline iammike

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Re: Life with the Thai Wife
« Reply #71 on: February 26, 2018, 07:26:20 PM »
@ iammike
Sorry, that reply should have been to urleft  ::)

it's been edited ;)

No problem what so ever. And sorry for not getting your joke about "passing on" earlier. Been a very stressful day (LOS ?? Not really sometimes ;))

Offline urleft

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Re: Life with the Thai Wife
« Reply #72 on: February 26, 2018, 07:44:23 PM »
@ Smitty,

While you have a valid point about the "violin" type music which is not too bad, followed by the Monks chanting, then on to the burning.  But what then happens is kind of an "Irish Wake" where the partying, drinking and excessive blaring music starts. 

I specifically mentioned where the lady died across the street from us and at 3 am they had a movie screen set up playing "Transformers".  Listen to the battle scenes with volume on full and then tell me I am exaggerating.  Furthermore this went on for 5 days and nights.   

So this morning it was day 3 of the funeral, party hardy time.  Right now I can feel the drums pounding inside my bedroom and I am well away from the music with houses between.  However, it does seem to be winding down.

Offline Smithy

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Re: Life with the Thai Wife
« Reply #73 on: February 26, 2018, 08:16:42 PM »
You have three choice's urleft
#1 Learn to live with it
#2 Move
#3 Join in  spot1

Whinging on forums isn't going to change anything .....lets talk about Thais and driving instead   party6

Offline urleft

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Re: Life with the Thai Wife
« Reply #74 on: February 26, 2018, 08:53:16 PM »
You have three choice's urleft
#1 Learn to live with it
#2 Move
#3 Join in  spot1

Whinging on forums isn't going to change anything .....lets talk about Thais and driving instead   party6


When an American writes:  "After 7 years I have learned to expect ..."  That means they have learned to live with it. 

However, in the 7 years I've been here I would guesstimate a death in the village about on average once every 2 weeks, give or take a few days.  But this year the village is averaging over 2 a week resulting in mutiple simultaneous funerals, something that has been rare here. 
So the environment has changed this year.  I hope it settles back to previous levels, if it continues I luckily have a road trip planned (as suggested by other expats). 

As far as joining in, I hope to put off my expiration for a while yet. 


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