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Re: Life with the Thai Wife
« Reply #30 on: July 17, 2017, 01:18:44 PM »
We've got 3. Still had several occasions in past 3 years where connected bottle runs out and wife tells me we have to get gas, all bottles empty. Women!!

And Freddy's observation fits into this thread.  We have several items that we need to replace before we exhaust our stock such a copier paper.  However what usually happens is that the TW tells me when it's all gone, not when the last pack was taken. 

I have started to take several items from the store and keep it at our home, that is only 50% effective as the wife will often take the item without mentioning it.  I sometimes revert to my Army days and try to do a daily inspection, but even that is not effective as women do not put things in the same place.  They like to move things around for some reason.

Offline 3legdog

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Re: Life with the Thai Wife
« Reply #31 on: July 17, 2017, 06:00:37 PM »
" living under a sheet of tin in a rice field somewhere. "

 kamoybeer What's wrong with living on a rice paddy?

The PM has established a new rule here. Was so sure a mangy soi dog dragged my gumboots off, going down to check the blind spots!

Offline DeputyDavid

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Re: Life with the Thai Wife
« Reply #32 on: July 18, 2017, 07:28:40 AM »
It's called "organizing ". Wife does it. Can't find a darn thing when she is done!

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Re: Life with the Thai Wife
« Reply #33 on: August 08, 2017, 08:57:58 AM »
 In the USA our female population seems to believe that it is against the law for a man (husband) to leave the toilet seat up, and we being wimps change our behavior struggling to keep tranquility in the house.  Not sure if other expats had the issue.  It was suggested that we start enrolling the women in the course "You too can learn to put the seat down". 
 After 8 years of coming to Buriram I have yet to receive a single complaint about me leaving the seat up, that despite being surrounded by 6 females.  Now I will admit that it was a non issue the first year as they only had a Thai Toilet. 

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Re: Life with the Thai Wife
« Reply #34 on: August 08, 2017, 02:23:16 PM »
Freddy is alive and will continue to leave the toilet seat up whenever he pleases.

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Re: Life with the Thai Wife
« Reply #35 on: August 08, 2017, 09:14:37 PM »
Freddy is alive and will continue to leave the toilet seat up whenever he pleases.

LOL, I was only going to post the 1st two pics until I saw "Freddie" and decided it needed to be shared specifically with you.

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Re: Life with the Thai Wife
« Reply #36 on: August 09, 2017, 08:32:33 AM »
I cannot get my TW to understand the concept of that when you take the last item you then replace it.  Case in point this morning the daughter was using the toilet, there were 2 sheets of TP left, so I reached under the sink to get a replacement roll, there was none.  In the stockroom there were well over 10 rolls.

I can almost understand as before me they did not buy TP, they just used water.  However they now use TP obviously as I was not the one to take the last roll as I would have replaced it. 

On the plus side I know when we run out of TP stock as I am the only one that replaces it.  When the stockroom supply is gone (because I took the last roll) I put the empty package by the front door as a reminder to restock.  That method worked when I lived alone, however what usually happens is the TW will put the empty package in the trash before we replenish.

Offline iammike

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Re: Life with the Thai Wife
« Reply #37 on: August 09, 2017, 11:51:43 AM »
A picture is worth a thousand words

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Re: Life with the Thai Wife
« Reply #38 on: August 09, 2017, 11:59:06 AM »
Why change?

The use of water to clean the nether regions is far more effective and hygienic tha toilet paper. Not to mention cheaper and more convenient.

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Re: Life with the Thai Wife
« Reply #39 on: August 09, 2017, 12:05:16 PM »
Why change?

The use of water to clean the nether regions is far more effective and hygienic tha toilet paper. Not to mention cheaper and more convenient.

Please don't let this turn into a Bum gun Discussion. 5555 (we have TV for that ;) )

Offline Starman

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Re: Life with the Thai Wife
« Reply #40 on: August 09, 2017, 01:17:20 PM »
Why change?

The use of water to clean the nether regions is far more effective and hygienic tha toilet paper. Not to mention cheaper and more convenient.

Please don't let this turn into a Bum gun Discussion. 5555 (we have TV for that ;) )

Not at all iammike. Just saying that's all.

I was always taught "if it isn't broken then why try to fix it"

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Re: Life with the Thai Wife
« Reply #41 on: August 13, 2017, 02:02:57 PM »
Thai's have little concept having a lawn and using a power mower.  We had part our front sodded so I bought a gas powered mower, until then the "lawn" maintenance was done by 3 ladies over several days manually digging up the vegatation using a Thai shovel/hoe.  And we have know made a lot of our yard into mowable areas, however the Mom does not understand that.  She will plant banana trees in the area and sow rocks around them, cut down trees obstructing the mowers, leave items in the yard (e.g. it was a butcher knife the other day, lucky I saw it before I mowed over it), and then put supports in middle of the mowing area. 

I told the TW to get rid of the banana trees in the middle of a mowing areas, these things will spread out bascially destroying my lawn. 

But I think I am slowly educating on what to do for a lawn and maybe in the next week or so the banana trees will be gone.

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Re: Life with the Thai Wife
« Reply #42 on: December 13, 2017, 09:25:22 AM »

One fruit that is expensive and not plentiful here is Lemons.  In the US lemons are available almost everywhere year round.  Using fresh lemon to make lemonade is common.  Limes are plentiful here, why not lemons? 

So I have for years been trying and failing to grow lemons from seeds I brought from the US.  Two years ago during the Buriram Christmas Fair one of the vendors had some lemon saplings so I bought 2, and low and behold they have grown and are finally bearing fruit.  Some of the initial lemons were scrawny, but finally a very nice lemon was ripening.  Yesterday the TW bought some fresh shrimp and I decided that lemon would be perfect to make cocktail sauce.  Unfortunately the lemon was gone. 

Seems the mom in law did not know what it was and picked it to try and eat like a normal fruit.  She peeled it and found it distasteful, luckily she put in the fridge. 

But this goes along with the fact you cannot expect things to be where you left them.  In keeping with that my shrimp deveiner also got legs and disappeared. 

Anyway, it is time for Buriram Christmas Fair again near the Elephant Roundabout, should be a good time to get a lemon tree.

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Re: Life with the Thai Wife
« Reply #43 on: December 13, 2017, 10:03:02 AM »
In keeping with that my shrimp deveiner also got legs and disappeared. 

As Cesar Millan says " it's all about rules, boundaries and limitations "
When I moved into the Village about 14 years ago I set out a list of rules.
#1 Our House is OUR house and if anyone want to come and see us they are more than welcome BUT they have to Knock and ask to be invited in.
#2 Everything in the House and Garden belongs to me and my Wife ,if any family member want to borrow ANYTHING they must ask first.

Even my Step daughter ask's me if she can have a Bottle of cold water from the fridge.I've tried to tell her there is no need to ask every time she wants something but over the years my 'Cesar's Way' of living in the Village has had a deep rooted effect and the rules/habits for her are hard to break .
Nearly everyone I know that comes to live in isaan all  have problems with Family Members taking advantage, I can assure you it doesn't have to be that way .All you have to do is set-out YOUR ' rules, boundaries and limitations'  and everything should be fine . Once they know who the Pack Leaders is things just fall into place.  smilenod
You wont here me complaining that something has gone missing from the Fridge  :)

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Re: Life with the Thai Wife
« Reply #44 on: December 13, 2017, 10:10:26 AM »
I believe the missing shrimp deveiner is a function of being put somewhere I have not looked yet as opposed to being "borrowed".  Between the TW and maid nothing is put back in the same place.  The TW had no idea of what the deveiner was when I brought it from the US.


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