A couple things about the online 90 day reporting. I've tried well over 100 passports so far and I'm getting about a 70+% success rate.. The BIG thing is the widow of opportunity; 15 days BEFORE down until 8 days BEFORE your actual report is due.. I know it says you can do it up to 7 days before but I've had 4 or 5 not go thru on the 7th day before..
Also you should use an I/E emulator or I/E to get the program to really work and not hang up.. Make sure you turn OFF your pop-up blocker if you have one. You'll get the certificate warning like this;

You're getting that warning because Thai Immigration did a self-signed security certificate rather than buy one.. Just click go to the site anyway.
Here's a hint for the first page; leave any field which isn't mandatory blank. You can see the manditory fields in this screen grab;

IF you get past the first page you'll have a good chance of getting thru the system. From conversations with the I/T department and the head of the 90 day reporting at Chaengwattana it appears ANYONE who came into the country by an air border after 2009 and by a land border after 2013 should be in the system. The reason there's a disparity is; all the land border crossings weren't thai'd err tied into the data base system until 2013.
Also one last thing.. IF you get thru the process and want to check your status, go back to the site and click the green tab;

You can check your status two ways. One is by the oh-so long reference number and the other is by the passport information;

Using the the passport info tab will bring up all the 90 day reports you've done online. You can view and print them from that screen..

Good Luck, hope it helped..