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Offline davureborn

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This just turned up on 'another forum' :http://thainews.prd.go.th/website_en/news/news_detail/WNECO5811020010001/5/1440
I suppose it's good news...

Offline toffo

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Re: Buriram Governor seeks financial support to accommodate growing tourism
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2015, 12:19:28 PM »
Maybe they should stop funding a certain football Team..

Offline smoooth2

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Re: Buriram Governor seeks financial support to accommodate growing tourism
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2015, 03:46:20 PM »
Here's click link to the O/P story  www.thainews.prd.go.th/website_en/news/news_detail/WNECO5811020010001

I think it's part of his job to continually go "cap in hand" asking for more Provincial funding from the Govt.

It's what our State leaders always do back in our home countries. If you don't ask .... you don't get

He's asking for more money to improve the airport and highways. Seems reasonable to me. Better infrastructure does attract more visitors.

The reason more visitors are coming to Buriram is the success of Buriram United and the Chang International Raceway. The Provincial Authority should be sponsoring these venues. You've got to spend 1 baht in advertising to generate 2 baht in revenue.

Even if you're not a sports fan, you have to admit they are both high profile venues in Thailand.

I suspect that many other Provinces would be a little envious of Buriram, given the level of TV and print media exposure we get, mainly through sporting and development achievements.

I'm quite excited about the astonishing development around Buriram Province, even in the short space of 4 years that I've been here.

If you want a quiet little backwater Province to retire in ... I suggest that it's not Buriram anymore. I love it.

Go Guv .... get the money. Improve the roads and airport, and keep sponsoring the big events that draw in the visitors. Eventually most citizens will benefit in some way ... even if it's not readily conspicious.

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Re: Buriram Governor seeks financial support to accommodate growing tourism
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2015, 08:41:34 PM »
Hey Smooth, IMHO you are on track.  I personally believe that Buriram United (and the other soccer team) were prime reasons for all the 4 lanes in the area.  As Smooth mentions, it is amazing how much infrastructure has been done in the past 5 years.   

Just look at my thread on the Elephant Circle lights.  I don't think it is so much of a failed design as the amount of traffic into the circle has exploded.  The amount of vehicles in Buriram has probably quadrupled. 

I also started a 4 lane thread:  http://www.buriramexpats.com/forum/index.php/topic,7042.msg39650.html#msg39650

The four laning to Surin and Satuek will probably be complete within the next 2 years.  Unfortunately the real necessity is from Nang Rong to Buriram and from Korat to Buriram, and that is slowgo. 

I think the airport if OK for now (Yes, other airlines and morning/afternoon flights would be great), but 4 lane to the airport and expanded shuttle/taxi service is needed. 

Offline Starman

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Re: Buriram Governor seeks financial support to accommodate growing tourism
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2015, 10:17:16 AM »
How can a football team that attracts in the region of 1000 outside visitors, often less, every other week for 8 months a year possibly be a reason for millions of bahts worth of civil development? Khao Panom Rung has been getting more visitors for decades.

The building of the 4 lane roads in and out of Buriram is simply delayed development. Many years ago the Taksin government promised 4 lane roads out of Bangkok to every province. Many provinces in this region got that promise apart from one little piece of the jigsaw. Buriram.

Look at the roads around us. Surin is 4 laned, Roiet is 4 laned, Kalasin is 4 laned and even Mahasarakham is 4 laned. Why did these provinces get the development before Buriram, even without a top football team? Simple. Look at the colour of the shirts they wear. Strange that the road from Buriram airport out to sleepy places like WapiPatum and Kaset Wisai has been completed, without football teams, before the road to Buriram.

Buriram is a thoroughfare for people traveling to these destination. Just look at the traffic at new year and Songkran, where the majority either turns right at Thai watsadu (Surin) or left further on at Homepro (MSK, Roiet,Kalasin). Looks like the pressure has been put on by the current military government to complete the project. Just look at the recent activity on the NangRong road and the Surin road. When did that all start?

I believe that fault in design is the reason for gridlock in Buriram itself. Nobody predicted that Buriram would be full of cars. It was built as a motorbike town. As far back as I can go in Buriram, about 18 years, there we hardly any cars in Buriram. The ones that were here had Bangkok, Korat or Khon Kean licence plates. That is because you couldn't buy a car in Buriram. Now look. In the space of 2kms you have a showroom for just about every car manufacturer in Thailand. Go a bit further out and you end up with 3 Toyota franchises and 2 Mitsubishi. Add to the the finance deals, and the 100000baht cash back scheme, that make purchasing a car a reality for many people and you have the answer to the explosion of the number of cars on the road.

Offline gotlost

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Re: Buriram Governor seeks financial support to accommodate growing tourism
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2015, 10:44:44 AM »
How can a football team that attracts in the region of 1000 outside visitors, often less, every other week for 8 months a year possibly be a reason for millions of bahts worth of civil development? Khao Panom Rung has been getting more visitors for decades.

The building of the 4 lane roads in and out of Buriram is simply delayed development. Many years ago the Taksin government promised 4 lane roads out of Bangkok to every province. Many provinces in this region got that promise apart from one little piece of the jigsaw. Buriram.

Look at the roads around us. Surin is 4 laned, Roiet is 4 laned, Kalasin is 4 laned and even Mahasarakham is 4 laned. Why did these provinces get the development before Buriram, even without a top football team? Simple. Look at the colour of the shirts they wear. Strange that the road from Buriram airport out to sleepy places like WapiPatum and Kaset Wisai has been completed, without football teams, before the road to Buriram.

Buriram is a thoroughfare for people traveling to these destination. Just look at the traffic at new year and Songkran, where the majority either turns right at Thai watsadu (Surin) or left further on at Homepro (MSK, Roiet,Kalasin). Looks like the pressure has been put on by the current military government to complete the project. Just look at the recent activity on the NangRong road and the Surin road. When did that all start?

I believe that fault in design is the reason for gridlock in Buriram itself. Nobody predicted that Buriram would be full of cars. It was built as a motorbike town. As far back as I can go in Buriram, about 18 years, there we hardly any cars in Buriram. The ones that were here had Bangkok, Korat or Khon Kean licence plates. That is because you couldn't buy a car in Buriram. Now look. In the space of 2kms you have a showroom for just about every car manufacturer in Thailand. Go a bit further out and you end up with 3 Toyota franchises and 2 Mitsubishi. Add to the the finance deals, and the 100000baht cash back scheme, that make purchasing a car a reality for many people and you have the answer to the explosion of the number of cars on the road.



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