


Do you have a Yellow House Book ?

Yes (Please add if it was difficult to obtain)
I tried to get one, but failed (Please explain)
What is a Yellow House Book ?

Author Topic: Yellow House Book ?  (Read 40638 times)

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Offline iammike

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Re: Yellow House Book ?
« Reply #30 on: June 05, 2015, 04:46:11 PM »
No idea but for them was the Original Marriage Certificate (with my name in Thai) and my wifes Tabien Baan  the "holy grail".

What info they are looking for in a Translated Passprt beats me, as it only has validity and place of Birth extra (not translated) on it. The only question they asked about my passport is what does "5 Mar" meant under "date of issue" ;)

For me the whole process (at the Amphur that is) was very easy, just sign and sign and sign, my wife had to do all the hard work ;)
« Last Edit: June 05, 2015, 04:49:07 PM by iammike »

Offline Freddy

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Re: Yellow House Book ?
« Reply #31 on: June 05, 2015, 05:23:59 PM »
Congrats Mike. You have more perseverance than me.

Offline jmcet

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Re: Yellow House Book ?
« Reply #32 on: June 05, 2015, 06:10:04 PM »
I stumbled on this topic and it kind of caught my interest. Been married for 40 years and have had a house near Lam Plai Mat for all that time. Retired  a little over a year ago and went to the Ampur for the yellow TB. I needed 2 photos. They got a copy of my marriage certificate from their files, copied my passport and told my wife and I to go home. That afternoon the Yellow TB was delivered to my house. that was a year ago. Am I just lucky? after reading the above I guess I am

Offline iammike

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Re: Yellow House Book ?
« Reply #33 on: June 05, 2015, 06:16:49 PM »

Yes you have got it very easy. The Pattaya Amphur even wants to record your blood type and I get it tested while I was over there so I took the test result with me when we went to the Amphur here, but it was never asked.

So you can see different Amphur different Rules.

Offline iammike

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Re: Yellow House Book ?
« Reply #34 on: June 05, 2015, 06:30:18 PM »
Come to think of it, and I don't know if it helped or even mattered, but when I first had the problem with getting refused by KCI to do my 90 day report and extension, UbonJoe at ThaiVisa advised me to call the government hotline (1111) which I did.

The last thing the government officer said to me in that phone conversation was, "Will talk to the Amphur" and we will call you again, but they never called me.

So maybe it is just a coincidence maybe not (who knows).

Offline gotlost

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Re: Yellow House Book ?
« Reply #35 on: June 05, 2015, 06:46:39 PM »
Come to think of it, and I don't know if it helped or even mattered, but when I first had the problem with getting refused by KCI to do my 90 day report and extension, UbonJoe at ThaiVisa advised me to call the government hotline (1111) which I did.

The last thing the government officer said to me in that phone conversation was, "Will talk to the Amphur" and we will call you again, but they never called me.

So maybe it is just a coincidence maybe not (who knows).

IMHO that hot line is as worthless as tits on a boar. AND the YTB Has NEVER been formalized by any Thai government thats why there is NO continuity between amphurs. Your talk and phone call had nothing to do with you getting a YTB.

Offline DeputyDavid

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Re: Yellow House Book ?
« Reply #36 on: June 05, 2015, 10:02:08 PM »
Good work iammike  thumbup

Surprised they didn't want the passport translated though ????

In Buriram they also (depending on what day it is) want to see a certificate of residence from immigration  screwy

I guess the word hasn't filtered down as yet .....

Yes thats the catch 22 with immigration and KCI no longer issuing the residence letter.

Offline CO-CO

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Re: Yellow House Book ?
« Reply #37 on: June 05, 2015, 10:59:39 PM »
Thanks GL and also again thanks for the Moral Support :)

Hereby the list of Documents that was needed to be issued a Yellow House Book at the Krasang Amphur this morning.

One thing what was made very clear to me by the Amphur is that if you are Married it is way way easier then for a Single Guy.

Documents (we) needed:

- Original Wedding Certificate and 2-3 copies
- Wifes Tabien Baan and Id card and copies
- Original Passport with 2-3 copies
- 3 witnesses (No Family), I brought Village Chief, Obotor and a Friend from Krasang.
- All witnesses need to bring their Tabien Baan and Id card with 2-3 copies
- 2 (or 3) can't remember 2" Pictures of yourself (important is that they use a white background when taking the picture and also the size (2") is important).
- a Picture which must have the related family and the Witnesses all in one shot.
- The Full name of both Your Father and Mother translated into Thai (this was done by my Niece and it was accepted (no questions asked (Phew that saved me a trip to BKK ;))
- Your Full Name in Thai but that is no problem as it's already on your Wedding Certificate and Ledger (KR 2 and KR 3)
- All witnesses, and your wife have to fill in a form (2 sides) which states something like that Mr ..... Age .... Nationality...... etc etc is really living at that address etc etc

All in all it took yesterday around 2.5 hours (12:30 - 15:00) and this morning another 1 hour.

Thank you for sharing

Offline DeputyDavid

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Re: Yellow House Book ?
« Reply #38 on: June 05, 2015, 11:07:30 PM »
Great job Mike!   congrats     

Offline iammike

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Re: Yellow House Book ?
« Reply #39 on: June 06, 2015, 03:56:50 AM »
Thanks Co-Co and DD (and Happy Birthday DD)

But guys please note that the list of documents I posted should only be seen as a guideline as every Amphur has its own rule set. For example Pattaya also wanted to know your Blood Group but this wasn't asked in Krasang.

Offline Buriramlanguageservices

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Re: Yellow House Book ?
« Reply #40 on: June 06, 2015, 05:27:09 PM »
Just a reminder that all translations; including passport, house book, birth and marriage certificates, can be done right here in Buriram. We can offer a same day service if needed. All documents are certified as true translations and have all been accepted by both British and Thai authorities.

You can scan copies to Buriramlanguageservices@gmail.com and then make arrangements for collection or we can meet up anywhere in Buriram at your convenience.

Translations can be made from English to Thai and from Thai to English.

« Last Edit: June 06, 2015, 05:29:07 PM by Buriramlanguageservices »

Offline iammike

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Re: Yellow House Book ?
« Reply #41 on: June 06, 2015, 06:06:24 PM »
Just a reminder that all translations; including passport, house book, birth and marriage certificates, can be done right here in Buriram. We can offer a same day service if needed. All documents are certified as true translations and have all been accepted by both British and Thai authorities.

You can scan copies to Buriramlanguageservices@gmail.com and then make arrangements for collection or we can meet up anywhere in Buriram at your convenience.

Translations can be made from English to Thai and from Thai to English.

Thanks for posting this and this will for sure this will help someone  but I doubt I can use your service (in the future) as I am not from an English speaking country. My Passport however has amongst 2 other languages also English in it.

I think a question a lot of Buriram Expats would like to be answered is, can you also handle legislation at the Embassy and the MFA as that would save a trip (or 2) to Bangkok.

« Last Edit: June 06, 2015, 06:19:04 PM by iammike »

Offline gotlost

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Re: Yellow House Book ?
« Reply #42 on: June 06, 2015, 07:41:41 PM »
Just a reminder that all translations; including passport, house book, birth and marriage certificates, can be done right here in Buriram. We can offer a same day service if needed. All documents are certified as true translations and have all been accepted by both British and Thai authorities.

You can scan copies to Buriramlanguageservices@gmail.com and then make arrangements for collection or we can meet up anywhere in Buriram at your convenience.

Translations can be made from English to Thai and from Thai to English.

Totally agree are you certified by the MFA ?
Thanks for posting this and this will for sure this will help someone  but I doubt I can use your service (in the future) as I am not from an English speaking country. My Passport however has amongst 2 other languages also English in it.

I think a question a lot of Buriram Expats would like to be answered is, can you also handle legislation at the Embassy and the MFA as that would save a trip (or 2) to Bangkok.


Totally agree. Are you certified by the MFA??

Offline CO-CO

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Re: Yellow House Book ?
« Reply #43 on: June 06, 2015, 08:51:37 PM »
Just a reminder that all translations; including passport, house book, birth and marriage certificates, can be done right here in Buriram. We can offer a same day service if needed. All documents are certified as true translations and have all been accepted by both British and Thai authorities.

You can scan copies to Buriramlanguageservices@gmail.com and then make arrangements for collection or we can meet up anywhere in Buriram at your convenience.

Translations can be made from English to Thai and from Thai to English.

Totally agree are you certified by the MFA ?
Thanks for posting this and this will for sure this will help someone  but I doubt I can use your service (in the future) as I am not from an English speaking country. My Passport however has amongst 2 other languages also English in it.

I think a question a lot of Buriram Expats would like to be answered is, can you also handle legislation at the Embassy and the MFA as that would save a trip (or 2) to Bangkok.


Totally agree. Are you certified by the MFA??

There you go Stevo - bang on cue  :D

Perhaps GL can quote the exact reference for the requirement for MFA certification.

Certainly, your translations have been accepted by the British embassy, the UK Passport Agency, Thai immigration and various amphurs.

Offline CO-CO

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Re: Yellow House Book ?
« Reply #44 on: June 06, 2015, 09:05:52 PM »
Just a reminder that all translations; including passport, house book, birth and marriage certificates, can be done right here in Buriram. We can offer a same day service if needed. All documents are certified as true translations and have all been accepted by both British and Thai authorities.

You can scan copies to Buriramlanguageservices@gmail.com and then make arrangements for collection or we can meet up anywhere in Buriram at your convenience.

Translations can be made from English to Thai and from Thai to English.

Thanks for posting this and this will for sure this will help someone  but I doubt I can use your service (in the future) as I am not from an English speaking country. My Passport however has amongst 2 other languages also English in it.

I think a question a lot of Buriram Expats would like to be answered is, can you also handle legislation at the Embassy and the MFA as that would save a trip (or 2) to Bangkok.


Did you mean 'legalisation' Mike?

I thought that required a personal visit to MFA.

Similarly, any such legalisation at an embassy would require the same - no?


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