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Offline Tod Daniels

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Re: 90 Day Report
« Reply #30 on: April 09, 2015, 01:34:17 PM »
FWIW; I've been following this 90 day online program since they piloted it without telling anyone about 45 days ago. It is country wide, and the online reporting is NOT handled by your local office, it's totally centralized. 

About 8 months ago, thai immigrations FINALLY tied every immigrations office and every border crossing together by some mysterious thing known as the internet.. :blink:

Now when they enter your passport number ANYWHERE it shows name, age, country, previous passport numbers (if any), type of extension, extension expiration date, entries/exits to the country, last 90 day report, any over-stays or fines.  :o

I also have a list of "problematic immigrations offices" like; กาบเชิง (Kap Choeng) in Surin, บึงกาฬ (Bueng Kan) and others all over the country.. brick1

I called every one of them today and they all said, "CAN!!" when I asked about the 90 day online reporting..

So anyway, no matter what this or that pompous thai official in one of those back water immigrations offices says, you can do 90 days online..

Earlier this week not one single person had made it past the "application pending" status, but now people are posting screen shots of their "approved" 90 day reports.

It would appear IF you get an error that says contact your local office when you try it, that the information you're entering is NOT what immigrations has on file for you. Now it might take a trip to your office to have them tell you exactly how they have your address written into the system.. It's quite persnickety in how you put it in and I had to try a couple ways to get it to finally take it.

Sadly, at this time there is no way to enter your personal information and have the immigrations data base fill in the address they have for you.. Nor is there a "help line" which might actually help the thousands of foreigners who need to use this clunky system. steamingMad.

Also while it says it only works in I/E, you can use Chrome or FireFox with a plug in that emulates I/E..

It ain't perfect, but it's a GIANT step in the right direction, especially for all hoops foreigners have to jump thru immigrations wise

Offline Westlife

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Re: 90 Day Report
« Reply #31 on: April 09, 2015, 01:41:53 PM »
Good to see you here Tod  party6

As you say " It ain't perfect, but it's a GIANT step in the right direction "  thumbup
« Last Edit: April 09, 2015, 01:49:05 PM by Westlife »

Offline CO-CO

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Re: 90 Day Report
« Reply #32 on: April 09, 2015, 04:30:09 PM »
Great post Mr Daniels - very informative and covers any question I might have had.

Cheers party4

Offline Tod Daniels

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Re: 90 Day Report
« Reply #33 on: April 10, 2015, 09:33:39 AM »
A couple things I forgot to mention.

There is a narrow time window for being able to do a 90 day report online..
You can apply not earlier than 15 days before and not later than 7 days BEFORE the due date for your 90 day report.

There are reports from the inter-web where people who use กาบเชิง (Kap Choeng) have successfully applied, got a pending status and then got the approved status within 24 hours! It also had the officers name from Kap Choeng, so the system may not be centralized and instead handled by your immigrations office.. I dunno.. :-\

Oh, don't bother downloading the User Manual unless you can read thai. I wonder who thought up writing the user manual for a system designed for FOREIGNERS in thai?? brick1

Also that link below the user manual is NOT to enter into a "contract" with immigrations. It is to "CONTACT them and jumps you to an excel spread sheet. It appears to have the current phone numbers of all the offices scattered hither and yon around the country.

Good luck, hope it works for you guyz... Weigh in if you can to let people know..   

Offline gotlost

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Re: 90 Day Report
« Reply #34 on: April 10, 2015, 09:47:00 AM »
The system has major bugs in it and is still not operating correctly, some day maybe.


Offline Tod Daniels

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Re: 90 Day Report
« Reply #35 on: April 10, 2015, 09:56:40 AM »
Well, you're right "gotlost", it certainly doesn't work for everyone,

BUT it has worked for some, and any way you slice it that's progress.

I'd still say people should try it, and if it doesn't work, when you do your 90 day report at your local office check the information they have on you..

It's at least a step in the right direction.. Let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater, just yet..

After all this is the glorious "Land 'O Thaiz", Give 'em time..

Although do factor in Songkran (Monday-Wednesday) will probably throw a spanner in the gears of progress on the issues..

Offline KhunG

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Re: 90 Day Report
« Reply #36 on: April 10, 2015, 10:10:14 AM »
The system has major bugs in it and is still not operating correctly, some day maybe.


I read the whole thread you linked.  No one reported major bugs.  Some reported the website told them to go to immigration, which apparently means the data the entered didn't match what immigration had.  One complained he didn't get an instant approval even though it says that approval can take 24 hours.  Others reported success.

Offline gotlost

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Re: 90 Day Report
« Reply #37 on: April 10, 2015, 10:57:04 AM »
The system has major bugs in it and is still not operating correctly, some day maybe.


I read the whole thread you linked.  No one reported major bugs.  Some reported the website told them to go to immigration, which apparently means the data the entered didn't match what immigration had.  One complained he didn't get an instant approval even though it says that approval can take 24 hours.  Others reported success.

Maybe not major but it has influenza and is not operating as advertised. Putting that aside can anybody confirm a report being accepted out of KCI?

Offline Tod Daniels

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Re: 90 Day Report
« Reply #38 on: April 10, 2015, 11:27:13 AM »
There is a guy on another forum with the user name; "Pragmatic". He did his 90 day online and got confirmation of success from Kap Choeng Immigrations in the email they sent..

Here's the gist of what he and I wrote;

Originally Posted by Pragmatic
He did put his name to the 'approved'.
ร.ต.ท.รุ่งอรุณ คมหมู่
After it's been approved you have to go back to the web page to check 'status'.

My answer;
Well, even though I have an extremely high opinion of myself; I don't have my head so far up my own ass to admit when I'm wrong..

A quick google of the officer's name shows;
Police Lt รุ่งอรุณ คมหมู่ worked รอง สว.ด่าน ตม.ทอ.กรุงเทพฯ บก ตม. ๒ at Bangkok for Immigrations Division 2 (they run the airports) and that he was transferred to รอง สว.ด่าน ตม.กาบเชิง บก. ตม.๔ Kap Choeng Immigrations Division 4

I bow to your finite wisdom Pragmatic... If I see you on the street I will genuflect and tug my fetlock err forelock as you pass by..

Offline gotlost

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Re: 90 Day Report
« Reply #39 on: April 10, 2015, 11:35:24 AM »
I am asking about KCI not rumors.

Offline Tod Daniels

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Re: 90 Day Report
« Reply #40 on: April 10, 2015, 11:55:31 AM »
Sorry there "gotlost", what I ain't is an expert on abbreviations for places scattered willy nilly up in Nakhon Nowhere..

If KCI is indeed Kap Choeng Immigrations then, yes; that guy applied AND got his approval.

Here's the thread, go read it..

Conversely there's a thing out there on the inter-web called Google. It is your friend... Go find out for yourself.

No disrespect is intended or implied, I always write like this. . .  :laugh:

Believe me when I say, "I'm NOT talking down to you. I'm tryin' to talk to you on your level.. Here, gimme your hand, I'll pull you up here with me!!" :wacko:

Offline Westlife

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Re: 90 Day Report
« Reply #41 on: April 10, 2015, 12:46:06 PM »

Conversely there's a thing out there on the inter-web called Google. It is your friend... Go find out for yourself.

 :laugh: :laugh:


Offline Westlife

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Re: 90 Day Report
« Reply #42 on: April 10, 2015, 01:29:29 PM »
I think over the next year or so On-line 90 day reporting will be used by some expats .But what you have to remember is that those that post on forums/blogs is only a small part of those expats living in Thailand. Not everyone is computer savvy and even those that are may still wish to do their 90 day reports in-person .
Hopefully when its up and running it will give some people an alternative option on doing their 90 Day report and one day we may even be able to do it at 7/11 or Tesco , just live some of us do now when paying bills like T.O.T ,True or buying Bus and Plane Tickets  :biggrin:

Offline toffo

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Re: 90 Day Report
« Reply #43 on: April 10, 2015, 06:21:14 PM »
I think most would learn to be computer savvy rather than going to the office.. Don't know many people who like a. 3 hour round trip for the sake of 2 minutes in the office and back home again..


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