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Offline urleft

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Re: Tourist Informations
« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2014, 08:21:58 PM »
I have twice entered Thailand on a one way ticket, in 2007 with Gulf Air (from Kuwait) and in 2011 on American (Japan Airlines from the US), both times I obtained a tourist visa with no questions from either immigration or the airlines.

This has nothing to do with immigration> This is an international airline association requirement. Some airlines stricly in force and other don't. I have flown Gulp Air also and I'm very aware of this polices. I been questioned by other carriers and seen this rule enforced. As said this is NOT an immigration issue but an airline.

Up to you.

Not an issue with me now as I have a multi entry permit.   I was just saying that the 2 times on 2 different airlines I did enter there were no questions.

This comes into play when a person fly's into Thailand with no visa and a mult entry permit is not a visa. boxingguy

GL, you are confusing things.  On my one way fights in 2007/2011 I had no permit or visa.   

Now, it is easy and I have the re-entry permit.  Worth every baht as far as I am concerned. 

Offline gotlost

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Re: Tourist Informations
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2014, 08:29:07 PM »
I have twice entered Thailand on a one way ticket, in 2007 with Gulf Air (from Kuwait) and in 2011 on American (Japan Airlines from the US), both times I obtained a tourist visa with no questions from either immigration or the airlines.

This has nothing to do with immigration> This is an international airline association requirement. Some airlines stricly in force and other don't. I have flown Gulp Air also and I'm very aware of this polices. I been questioned by other carriers and seen this rule enforced. As said this is NOT an immigration issue but an airline.

Up to you.

Not an issue with me now as I have a multi entry permit.   I was just saying that the 2 times on 2 different airlines I did enter there were no questions.

This comes into play when a person fly's into Thailand with no visa and a mult entry permit is not a visa. boxingguy

GL, you are confusing things.  On my one way fights in 2007/2011 I had no permit or visa.   

Now, it is easy and I have the re-entry permit.  Worth every baht as far as I am concerned.

No I'm not its your Alabama terminology. reedman It right up there with Pattaya Bar Stool 101. redman

Offline urleft

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Re: Tourist Informations
« Reply #17 on: October 17, 2014, 08:34:20 PM »
Be nice to me or I will hold the Fritos hostage

Offline gotlost

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Re: Tourist Informations
« Reply #18 on: October 17, 2014, 08:41:05 PM »
Be nice to me or I will hold the Fritos hostage

Yes a master. I's a good nig master.. :D :D

Offline urleft

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Re: Tourist Informations
« Reply #19 on: October 17, 2014, 08:46:50 PM »
That being said.  Anyone going to KCI in the next few weeks? 

GL needs his tranquilizers (fritos). 

Offline gotlost

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Re: Tourist Informations
« Reply #20 on: October 17, 2014, 08:56:54 PM »
Your two TOURIST VISA's 60 days are proper visas and were in your passport, you could show this to the airline. People with NO visas do come to Thailand on an airline that just can not be bothered or knows the rules. If a person enters Thailand and gets busted and deported then its the airline that brought him responsibility to get him home. Thats why with the OP I  brought this up. He seems somewhat green. His best bet is to get a 60 day tourist visa like you did. thumbup

Offline Beer Leo

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Re: Tourist Informations
« Reply #21 on: October 18, 2014, 06:51:45 AM »
Plenty talk and not so much facts...... Funny how things never change!
I have been in and out since 1996 with all kind of VISA but used the 30 day stamp since 2005, if you want to use that way: YOU NEED TO BE UPDATED AT ALL TIME ABOUT THE RULES AS THEY KEEP CHANGING. I have always managed to board the flights from US and Europe but had some questions from the airline sometimes. I don't recommend this way if you are planning to stay longer than 60 days: But up to you and it have worked for me. Normally in on a 30 day stamp by air and a quick visit to Lao and a 60 day tourist VISA for my 84 days vacation. Use the internet and read VISA requirements, use legal pages and don't trust forums like this even if they can be of some help.


Visa Rules

Update 8th October 2014, this info is up to date.

Real Tourist arriving via an international airport will still obtain a 30 day stay, however travelers using OUT/IN method to extend stay will be denied entry. Decision is at the discretion of the Officer.
Holders of valid Tourist Visa will be granted a 60 day stay and a valid Non Immigrant Visa allow 90 day stay, no changes if you hold valid visa.
1. Tourist Visa Waiver (visa exemption), no visa required prior to commencing travel to Thailand.

Countries which get 90 days: Brazil, Chile, Peru, South Korea (not possible to enter via any Land border), Argentina.
Countries which get 30 days: Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Laos, Macau, Mongolia, Russia, USA, United Kingdom and Vietnam.THESE COUNTRIES CAN ENTER VIA AIRPORT AND ARE ALLOWED TWO  30 DAY STAMP FROM LAND BORDER , THIS CAN BE , ONCE, EXTENDED  FOR 30 DAYS AT THAI IMMIGRATION (proof of onward travel required, THB 1,900.-). AFTER THAT THEY HAVE TO APPLY FOR A VISA AT ROYAL THAI EMBASSY VIENTIANE/LAOS.
Countries which get 30 days at Airport and 15 day stamp at land border: Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Brunei, Belgium, Czech, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Kuwait, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Oman, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Slovak, Slovenia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and  UAE. THESE COUNTRIES CAN ENTER VIA AIRPORT AND ARE ALLOWED TWO  15 DAY STAMP FROM LAND BORDER , THIS CAN BE , ONCE, EXTENDED  FOR 30 DAYS AT THAI IMMIGRATION(proof of onward travel required, THB 1,900.-). AFTER THAT THEY HAVE TO APPLY FOR A VISA AT ROYAL THAI EMBASSY VIENTIANE/LAOS.
2. Countries which get Visa on Arrival at certain ports of entry in Thailand, however it is NOT possible to obtain Visa on Arrival to enter Thailand via any Thai/Cambodian Checkpoints: Andorra, Bhutan, Bulgaria, China, Cyprus, Ethiopia, India, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Maldives, Malta, Mauritius, Romania, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.

3. Other country’s passport holders must obtain Visa from a Thai diplomatic post abroad prior to commencing travel to Thailand.

General info and things to consider: We strongly recommend you to copy or record with your camera, upon entry into Thailand, following pages and keep the copies separate: Passport, latest Visa, latest Entry stamp and latest TM Card (Embarkation Card).

Apply for visa extensions at the Immigration Office in Soi 7 off Chaeng Watana Road from Monday to Friday, http://bangkok.immigration.go.th/en/location1.html or at your local Immigration Office.

Re-entry permits are available at Suvarnabhumi International Airport and Don Muang International Airmort, departure hall. After check in and security, but before you reach Thai Immigration departure desk.

A 60 day Tourist Visa will be, every entry, extended for 30 days, but any 30/15 days visa exempt stamp only ONCE,  THB 1,900.-.

Requirements for a Non Immigrant Visa “B”, Documents required are : 1. Recommendation letter addressed to the Royal Embassy Vientiane/Laos (stating about the employment and visa application) and accompanied with the certified copy of the ID of the endorser(s) 2. Employment contract 3. Form of the Employment Certification 4. Approval Letter from the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare of Thailand or Copy of the current work permit 5. Copy of corporate documents, namely; – company registration certificate – list of company shareholders – memorandum of company’s regulation – latest income tax statement – latest registration of value added tax.

For applicant who wishes to work for an academic institute; as full or part-time teacher, tutor or teaching assistant, documents required are; 1. Official letter from the Ministry of Education of Thailand, or other sub-authorities concerned, approving the employment of foreign academic personnel 2. Recommendation letter addressed to the Royal Thai Embassy Vientiane/Laos (stating about the employment and visa application) and accompanied with the certified copy of the ID of the endorser 3. Employment contract 4. Form of the Employment Certification 5. Copy of registration certificate of the concerned academic institute 6. Copy of applicant’s academic certificate/record 7. Copy of the recent police clearance or certificate of no criminal conviction. 8. Copy of the previous/current work permit (if any).

In the event that you hold a Non-Immigrant Visa Type “B” with work permit  and you resign before the expiration date, you must immediately cancel the visa at Thai Immigration. It is not necessary to return the Work Permit anymore, however the company must issue a letter confirming the last day of employment. There is no “7-day grace period” anymore , however Thai Immigration will offer you a 7 day extension of stay but you have to pay THB 1,900.-. Some border checkpoints will not allow you to leave Thailand without a canceled visa stamp in your passport! Ban Laem and Nong Khai are two of them.

Overstay charges are THB 500.-/day – up to a maximum fine of THB 20,000.-. Overstay is a serious offence and following regulation might come into effect,  NO official date has yet been announced.

The aliens who violate The Immigration Act, B.E.2522 by overstaying more than 90 days in the Kingdom of Thailand will be forbidden from re-entering the kingdom for a certain period of time as follow ;

Overstay more than 90 days forbidden 1 year

Overstay more than 1 year forbidden 3 years

Overstay more than 3 years forbidden 5 years

Overstay more than 5 years forbidden 10 years

In the case that alien is being apprehended

Overstay less than 1 year forbidden 5 years

Overstay more than 1 years forbidden 10 years

Offline gotlost

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Re: Tourist Informations
« Reply #22 on: October 18, 2014, 07:33:43 AM »
Forget the overstay being banned until the Grand Puba's cabinet gives it their approval if and when.

Offline smoooth2

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Re: Tourist Informations
« Reply #23 on: October 18, 2014, 05:35:05 PM »
Getting back to Lucky1962's post #3

If I may add my two bobs worth.

It appears that Lucky1962 is looking to spend just 60 days in Thailand.

May I recommend a single entry Tourist Visa, obtainable from his local Thai Consulate/Embassy in his home country before he flies to Thailand. Cost will be approx 1200 baht (whatever that is in Lucky's home country ... $45 in Oz), and will give him his required 60 days in Thailand.

Easy. Finish of story. No need for extra trips to Kap Cheong/Cambodia/Lao etc that cost money, valuable holiday time and unwanted hassles.

Seems a no brainer to me ?

Offline lucky1962

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Re: Tourist Informations
« Reply #24 on: October 21, 2014, 08:01:35 PM »
ok thanks for the answers thumbup. btw i'm from Belgium.

Offline Starman

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Re: Tourist Informations
« Reply #25 on: October 22, 2014, 10:02:52 AM »
Went to the border yesterday.

Cambodian visas are now 1500 baht. I asked why and the officer said that was in line with other ASEAN countries.

Had to pay 300 baht to leave same day. The officer told me that if I stayed over night there was no 300 baht charge.

No on street parking now. Have to use the car park, for which I was "charged" 50 baht.

Offline CO-CO

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Re: Tourist Informations
« Reply #26 on: October 22, 2014, 11:07:01 AM »
Went to the border yesterday.

Cambodian visas are now 1500 baht. I asked why and the officer said that was in line with other ASEAN countries.

Had to pay 300 baht to leave same day. The officer told me that if I stayed over night there was no 300 baht charge.

No on street parking now. Have to use the car park, for which I was "charged" 50 baht.

Thanks for the report Steve.

I wonder what they would want in Dollars. The official fee is $30.... 50 Baht to the Dollar, nice.

They want $35 from our tour group, even that equates to a rate of 43.

Offline gotlost

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Re: Tourist Informations
« Reply #27 on: October 22, 2014, 11:27:20 AM »
Went to the border yesterday.

Cambodian visas are now 1500 baht. I asked why and the officer said that was in line with other ASEAN countries.

Had to pay 300 baht to leave same day. The officer told me that if I stayed over night there was no 300 baht charge.

No on street parking now. Have to use the car park, for which I was "charged" 50 baht.

Thanks for the report Steve.

I wonder what they would want in Dollars. The official fee is $30.... 50 Baht to the Dollar, nice.

They want $35 from our tour group, even that equates to a rate of 43.

50 USD moneysmile Streve just paid 1800 baht for a hop and thats 55 USD moneysmile
« Last Edit: October 22, 2014, 11:30:24 AM by gotlost »

Offline james.zorbegi

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Re: Tourist Informations
« Reply #28 on: September 03, 2015, 05:24:42 PM »
Hey there! what’s up people?! Me and my wife recently had a great tour in Georgia, Tbilisi..  the country is absolutely beautiful, many ancient places to see.. great nature. After many hours of search we found a car rental company called http://naniko.com we where not looking for a car, just a hoping for a good tour but it founds out that they also had a company named http://concordtravel.ge this guys had planned for us an awesome tour! So we are really grateful for that, if you guys decide to got visit Georgia, than my advice to you, check them out..
Hope this helps!


James Zorbegi from Poland


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