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UK expats fall victim to health tourism
« on: March 11, 2014, 12:58:27 PM »
Not good news for you UK Expats:   
 UK expats fall victim to health tourism
Expatriate Britons have been caught up in a major crackdown on ' health  tourists' announced by the Government yesterday.

Under new restrictions, people who fly to Britain to exploit the NHS will be  denied free care.

The ban preventing visitors and failed asylum seekers from milking the system  is likely to come into force by next April.

Health Minister John Hutton warned that health tourism was a 'significant'  problem and swift action was needed to safeguard the NHS for taxpayers.

The new rules may lead to all patients being asked for proof of residence,  such as a passport or electricity bill.
However, pensioners from the UK who live abroad for more than half the year  will be denied free treatment.
No matter how much they have paid in tax and National Insurance over the  years, such expatriates will now have to pay for NHS care back in Britain.

Only treatment for emergencies  -  such as heart attacks, accidents or sudden  illness  -  will still be free.
The move will hit thousands who have retired to the Spanish costas, France or  other European countries.
Under existing rules, pensioners are only supposed to spend up to three  months abroad to qualify for free NHS care. But officials did not vigorously  apply this rule.

Under the 'health tourism' clampdown, thousands of expat pensioners will find  themselves being quizzed on their eligibility.

The Department of Health said it had made one concession  -  that pensioners  who return to the UK 'to spend their final years' will still be eligible for  free care.

But pensioners who spend more than three months outside the EU  -  in  countries such as Canada, America or Australia  -  will find they become  ineligible.

Overall, the proposed law changes will mean that, unless people from overseas  meet strict eligibility criteria, they will be able to receive only emergency  care.

Typical cases of 'health tourism' include foreigners coming to the UK on a  business trip only to turn up at an NHS hospital demanding treatment for a long- standing problem such as kidney failure.

Pregnant women from overseas also fly in shortly before giving birth. Failed  asylum seekers and illegal immigrants will be stopped from receiving free  treatment for conditions which arise after their legal status has been  determined.

The rule allowing anyone living in the UK for 12 months to get free  treatment, regardless of immigration status, will no longer apply.

However, there is already concern about how the crackdown will work in  practice. Failed asylum seekers and illegal immigrants with infectious diseases  including TB, rabies, measles or smallpox will be given free treatment.

But the Health Department admitted yesterday that the policy for HIV and Aids  sufferers had still to be fully worked out.

The NHS faces a soaring drugs and treatment bill for HIV cases, up to a third  of which are thought to come from overseas. Under the plans, HIV 'health  tourists' will be refused the right to start a 'new course of treatment'.

But ministers have yet to decide exactly what this means for HIV sufferers,  as they are constantly on drugs costing up to £15,000 a year.

Doctors may be expected to tell patients they cannot be treated with drugs  which would keep them alive longer.

Mr Hutton said it would fall to NHS managers to make sure people qualified  for free treatment and not doctors and nurses.

But there are fears that A&E departments would be swamped by migrants  desperate for nonemergency care but unable to get it elsewhere.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-204961/UK-expats-fall-victim-health-tourism.html#ixzz2vdCXcdLa
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Offline davu

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Re: UK expats fall victim to health tourism
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2014, 05:02:10 PM »
Thank God I gave up my UK citizenship years ago, what a mess. If I go back to Switzerland, I get treatment, income supplements, I get looked after.

Offline toffo

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Re: UK expats fall victim to health tourism
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2014, 06:58:08 PM »
Easy to get around.. You just say you live with your parents.. No big deal really

Offline Geordie Boy

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Re: UK expats fall victim to health tourism
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2014, 04:00:43 PM »
the article in the OP is 10 years old!!!!


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