I am just glad I can go the legit
As Co Co said " these people then have the option to go legit." especially when their finances change ,then they can get back on their high horse's and take the moral ground,pretending they have always been whiter than white 
Nobody forces you to be idle; with adequate qualifications/experience, some people chose to still work for a better life (like Stevo, Gary@Staffords, Alan the Builder and many many more).
There is no reason to belittle someone who has the 'balls' to get up and improve his (and his families) fortunes under sometimes difficult circumstances.
Its down to personal choice, there are no right or wrongs, BOLOA
I would rather you didn't use my name in some childish mud slinging.
Green Square/Nobby, I know who you are.
I also know that you are barking up the wrong tree with whom you believe a user to be.