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Offline Voodoo

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #60 on: August 19, 2013, 12:31:35 PM »
10.  Make welfare recipients do work.  In order to get a check, they have to pass a drug test (I had to pass a drug test at work).

If you make people work then how can it be for a welfare cheque.It should be classed as gainful employment and the money then would not be sufficient to meet the demands of everyday spending.

Surely the welfare cheque is to help people find work and not force them to work for next to nothing.

Also why do you think it's necessary to drug test everyone claiming welfare?

The problem is that it's an all or nothing system.. There was a system that did work in the past and they did away with it.  Regan, when he was Gov of California got a system in place where you took a job and if the job didn't pay enough then the welfare system would pick up the rest of the tab.  But you were going to work. If you were able bodied and employment was offered to you and you refused to work then the welfare was cutoff.  Right now, in many states, you make more on welfare then you can by having a job.  There are jobs available.  The last time I visited my daughter in Boston I saw help wanted signs all over the place.. If they do what is stated above then you put people back to work and you eliminate the dirt bags and scammers who are just milking the system.  The state and the feds win as well as the employers.  It saved a ton of money, back then, in California.  It was done away with once Regan left office and the left wing came back in power (Gov Moonbeam - Jerry Brown).  It's not that we don't have answers.  It's just that no one is listening and the left wing media here doesn't want to give us the time of day. 

Offline Voodoo

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #61 on: August 19, 2013, 12:56:13 PM »
it would of been simpler to execute them all (i mean die in a tragic accident), pay some compensation then move on...cant say im particularly sympathetic to the Gitmo prisoners, and any human rights for any extremist of any sort does not particularly gain any sympathy from me as they seem to have no interest in others rights...N.B. i am not saying all those prisoners are extremists, but there is a good chance 99.99% of them are.

Thank you so very much Speros.. Well said.. I think we found a point of agreement here..

Offline Voodoo

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #62 on: August 19, 2013, 01:00:42 PM »
Quantonemo should be closed and the people should be sent home. 

There 166 detainees, 40 of them are considered by the government as dangerous.
40 new enemies are created with each drone attack, so, not such a big thing.

The damage Quantonemo is doing to the image of the US out weights the damage these 40 can cause.  Additionally its closing would remove one political football and slightly reduce the nonsense our legislators and media are so wrapped up in.

With all of the real problems the world is facing, it's time to reduce as much BS as possible.     

Thank you... I wish they would but we've tried releasing a number of them and their home countries refuse to take them back or the prisoners are afraid to go back because they know they will be executed in their own home countries.. Amazing isn't it???

Offline Voodoo

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #63 on: August 19, 2013, 01:03:31 PM »
it would of been simpler to execute them all (i mean die in a tragic accident), pay some compensation then move on...cant say im particularly sympathetic to the Gitmo prisoners, and any human rights for any extremist of any sort does not particularly gain any sympathy from me as they seem to have no interest in others rights...N.B. i am not saying all those prisoners are extremists, but there is a good chance 99.99% of them are.

I assume that you're American?

You assume an awful lot..

Offline Voodoo

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #64 on: August 19, 2013, 01:06:34 PM »
Urleft you made my point, when current problems are presented to the right instead of suggesting  courses of action to, as in this case, response to the world on the NSA, feeding tubes in Quatanemo, and arming anti American groups in Syria, the right falls back to Obama's birth certificant, Bengazi, etc., showing that they have no solutions only constant negative comments.

You asked about courses of actions for the scandals, not what needs to be fixed.  Here are several proposals:

1.  Tort reform.  Limit all lawsuits to 1 Million, or real loses.  Loser pays court costs.  Lawyers cannot make more than 5% of the award. 

2.  Eliminate the minimum wage. 

3.  Get rid of the EPA, Department of Education, and Department of Homeland Security.  Go back to private Airport screeners eliminating the TSA. 

4.  Got to a flat tax eliminating all deductions. 

5.  Require a balanced budget.  Get rid of baseline budgeting (this is where GVTagencies budgets automatically increase 7% every year). 

6.  Revoke the 17th amendment on the election of US Senators. 

7.  Make congress abide by all laws they pass (e.g., Social Security, Obamacare, etc.) 

8.  Privatize Social Security, it is currently a ponzie scheme. 

9.  Revise immigration, get rid of illegals.  Do not give any benefits to illegal aliens.

10.  Make welfare recipients do work.  In order to get a check, they have to pass a drug test (I had to pass a drug test at work). 

And this is to start.

These ideas are perfect.  Just too many people with their hands in the jar would be without the kickbacks and overpaid administrative jobs, so unfortunately the obvious fixes will never happen.  What a shame, we had such good potential.  I'm outta here as soon as I can.  Tired of giving to the sick lame and lazy, not to mention the illegals.  If I can give one family a good life elsewhere (Thailand), I am happy.  OHHHHH I long for retirement.  mhihi buriramsmiley smilebar

Amen to both of you.. Totally agree.. Looking forward to retirement and a new life in the LOS.. 

Offline Voodoo

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #65 on: August 19, 2013, 01:09:29 PM »
Quantonemo should be closed and the people should be sent home. 

There 166 detainees, 40 of them are considered by the government as dangerous.
40 new enemies are created with each drone attack, so, not such a big thing.

The damage Quantonemo is doing to the image of the US out weights the damage these 40 can cause.  Additionally its closing would remove one political football and slightly reduce the nonsense our legislators and media are so wrapped up in.

With all of the real problems the world is facing, it's time to reduce as much BS as possible.     
bravo1 bravo1 bravo1

radicalisation of any sort is bad, islamists, christian, now even Buddhism in Burma....the one thing that seems to be universal is that there is no good coming from any radical section of any community...but by apologizing or appeasing these groups does not and will not fix the situation they only get more brash and more active as they believe their actions have been vindicated (maybe from a higher power). oppression equally does not work to be fair.  i am certain that the general population in the west regrets the taking of innocent lives in the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. while people still believe that there holy books contain moral certainty and superiority the innocent of all cultures will continue to be the victims.
Do we standby and do nothing, pull out of all conflicts and allow the suppression of women, brutal attacks on children, virtual slavery, murder for apostasy (changing of faith), extreme phedophilia justified by a supposed holy book written 1400 years ago...i don't have an answer to that, no matter what is done from hear the only certainty will be blood...and lots of it.

Well said.. No need to go any further then that..

Offline Voodoo

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #66 on: August 19, 2013, 01:12:22 PM »
The media is the problem, no objectivity, all agenda

Thank you.. The media and 535 characters in the Congress who don't seem to care what their constituents think

Offline candy

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #67 on: August 19, 2013, 01:49:34 PM »
100 enemy people on hunger strike at Quantanemo, 25 with tubes down their throats forcing food, keeping them alive.

China and Hong Kong asking the US to explain the NSA snooping, last G12 conference was snooped, according to Snowden.

Arming the rebels in Syria,, including groups, that have stated that they will kill Americans whenever they can.

I'll stop with just these three problems, there's many others equally as dire.

We'll find out what President Obama will do, my question is what course of action would right wing Americans suggest.

You missed this quote.

Offline Voodoo

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #68 on: August 19, 2013, 06:47:50 PM »
No.. I didn't miss anything.. I've heard and said it all before.. He may be a big part of the problem but he's had a lot of help.. Just look at the exemption he just gave all of congress from his health care plan.. How many of them stood up and said he can't do that? How many of them refuse to take the exemption?  Very few.. They could put a big dent in his agenda but, so far, they haven't, and I doubt that they will.. It took a long time for things to get this screwed up.. It's just that since Obama has been in office the whole thing's gone on steroids.. It's Chicago, thug, politics gone nation wide.. Enough said..

Offline candy

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #69 on: August 20, 2013, 08:01:59 AM »
California may force-feed some inmates on hunger strike, judge says
Source: Reuters - Mon, 19 Aug 2013 11:26 PM

SACRAMENTO, Aug 19 (Reuters) - California authorities won court permission to force feed some hunger striking inmates who are refusing food to protest against the state's practice of holding prisoners believed to be gang members in near-isolation for years on end.

In response to a request from prison officials who said they feared some inmates had been coerced into participating in the strike, U.S. District Court Judge Thelton E. Henderson said prison doctors may force feed some inmates who are near death, even if they had signed orders asking not to be resuscitated.

(Reporting by Sharon Bernstein; Editing by Cynthia Johnst

Offline Voodoo

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #70 on: August 20, 2013, 09:18:23 AM »
If they want to be matyrs then let them die.. the same for GITMO.. but for GITMO the situation is quite easy.. Close the place down and send them home whether they want to go or not and whether their countries want them or not.. The state of California should be even half as concerned about Victims' rights as they are about the rights of the criminals. 

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #71 on: August 20, 2013, 09:27:01 AM »
Yes, I heard the us was going to give them a car and return them by aircraft carrier:

Offline Voodoo

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #72 on: August 20, 2013, 09:33:59 AM »
Perfect launch..


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