Best Western Royal has opened his doors, besides very nice clean and comfortable rooms to amazing prices, Best
Western Royal offers a Breakfast BBQ & Lunch Buffet, open daily from 7am - 2pm serving a range of breads, croissants, toast, jams cereals, yogurts, thai & western salads, hot thai & western food buffet, soups, a pool side bbq station with pork cutlets, chicken breasts, bacon, ham & sausages, an egg station with fried eggs, omelettes & scrambled egg, dessert station with fresh fruits, chocolate mousse, bread & butter pudding and other delicious sweets, coffee, tea, orange juice and fruit juice.
All this for under 200 Baht.
Everybody is welcome, not exclusive for hotel guests.
Soon to come also a BBQ Dinner Buffet on a daily Basis, more info on that will come in due course.
Hope to see you all @ the Best Western Royal Buriram