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Offline Antonio

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Another rise for Queen Lizzie.
« on: June 27, 2013, 11:32:55 AM »
This has got to be a joke,more money given away when this could be spent on the National Health system,and the Education system.


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Re: Another rise for Queen Lizzie.
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2013, 05:14:15 PM »
Couldn't agree with you more!!

Offline Antonio

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Re: Another rise for Queen Lizzie.
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2013, 03:53:12 PM »
It's obscene.

Offline kerrs69

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Re: Another rise for Queen Lizzie.
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2013, 05:25:15 PM »
The Crown Lands (that is to say, the lands personally held by the royal family) bring in a tremendous amount of revenue, most of which is now given to the government rather than the royal family. Only a small portion of those revenues goes to the royal family. So, even ignoring things like tourism, the Queen brings in more money than she costs. If the UK were to abolish the monarchy, it would be expected to return all of those revenues to the family.

Offline Antonio

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Re: Another rise for Queen Lizzie.
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2013, 05:53:40 PM »
The Crown Lands (that is to say, the lands personally held by the royal family) bring in a tremendous amount of revenue, most of which is now given to the government rather than the royal family. Only a small portion of those revenues goes to the royal family. So, even ignoring things like tourism, the Queen brings in more money than she costs. If the UK were to abolish the monarchy, it would be expected to return all of those revenues to the family.
She received a 5% pay rise for next year,i suppose she struggling to pay her bills.

The Queen will receive a 5% rise in her income after the Crown Estate, from which she is paid, reported an increase in its profits.

The Sovereign Grant, which funds the Queen's spending as Head of State, will rise in 2014 from £36.1m to £37.89m.

If she cares so much about the country and the people,why not give the money to where it can be put to good use.

Her land alone is worth over 30 Trillion Dollars.

The whole thing is obscene.

Offline kerrs69

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Re: Another rise for Queen Lizzie.
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2013, 06:22:00 PM »
As Britain celebrates 60 years under the wing of Elizabeth II, new research has shown that the voluntary sector should be particularly thankful.

Research from the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) reveals that the Queen is among the world's greatest supporters of charities and has the helped the many organisations of which she is patron raise over £1.4bn.

The Queen is patron to 510 charities in Britain, including Cancer Research UK, the British Red Cross and Barnado's. The wider Royal Family support a grand total of 2,415 charities in Britain, with this figure rising to almost 3,000 worldwide.

Elizabeth II favours charities that tackle community and civic issues. These organisations consitute 14% of her charitable portfolio, with education and training causes following a close second, also amounting to 14%.

John Low, chief executive of CAF, said: "the Queen has set an amazing example when it comes to her charitable support making an enormous difference to millions of people up and down the country; doing more for charity in the last 60 years than probably any other monarch in history...

"We want to promote a culture where supporting charities by giving time or money is the norm. The Queen's work for charities of all types is an example to all of us."


Offline Antonio

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Re: Another rise for Queen Lizzie.
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2013, 07:37:35 PM »
As Britain celebrates 60 years under the wing of Elizabeth II, new research has shown that the voluntary sector should be particularly thankful.

Research from the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) reveals that the Queen is among the world's greatest supporters of charities and has the helped the many organisations of which she is patron raise over £1.4bn.

The Queen is patron to 510 charities in Britain, including Cancer Research UK, the British Red Cross and Barnado's. The wider Royal Family support a grand total of 2,415 charities in Britain, with this figure rising to almost 3,000 worldwide.

Elizabeth II favours charities that tackle community and civic issues. These organisations consitute 14% of her charitable portfolio, with education and training causes following a close second, also amounting to 14%.

John Low, chief executive of CAF, said: "the Queen has set an amazing example when it comes to her charitable support making an enormous difference to millions of people up and down the country; doing more for charity in the last 60 years than probably any other monarch in history...

"We want to promote a culture where supporting charities by giving time or money is the norm. The Queen's work for charities of all types is an example to all of us."

As Britain celebrates 60 years under the wing of Elizabeth II.

Celebrates,certainly not my choice of word.

If you believe all that,then as they say here in Thailand "up to you"

Offline dimple joe

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Re: Another rise for Queen Lizzie.
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2013, 11:52:20 PM »
It's obscene.

I know the queen is wealthy, but cannot imagine anyone even the most gullible would believe she owns 1/6th of all the land on Earth.

Look here and you will see how totally ridiculous this figure is.


Total land area of the earth is 510,072,000 Square Kilometers

1/6th of that is 85,012,000

land areas of the 8 largest countries is:-

Russia       = 17.075,200
Canada      =   9.976,140
USA           =   9,629,091
China        =   9.596,960
Brazil        =   8,511,965 
Australia   =   7,686,850
India      =   3,287,590
Argentina   =   2,766,890

Total      =  68,530,686 - so to reach the 1/6th figure we'd need to count Brazil twice more !!!

I won't even comment on the New World Order rubbish

Offline Antonio

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Re: Another rise for Queen Lizzie.
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2013, 07:11:48 AM »
There would have been 3/4 people that would have replied to the above post,and yes you would have been one of them.

So predictable. hahaha hahaha

Something for you to follow Joe.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2013, 07:16:25 AM by Antonio »

Offline dimple joe

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Re: Another rise for Queen Lizzie.
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2013, 10:24:21 AM »
After reading a post in May which explained quite succinctly the cause of your many outlandish ramblings, like lots of others, I realised the futility of replying or commenting.

Some however are really entertaining and give many people lots of laughs. The US gun thread for instance was comedy gold; you were shot down more times than Douglas Bader.

Perhaps you should look at the date this thread started and the absence of replies (apart from your pal Nookie of course) until you posted the “Queen Elizabeth II owns 1/6th of all land on Earth” nonsense yesterday.

Doubtless you will claim it was just a joke and has been misunderstood, but like the rest of your conspiracy theories it is based on half truths and lies, dressed up as facts. You really should stop believing such loony tunes garbage and join us in the real world.

Offline Antonio

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Re: Another rise for Queen Lizzie.
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2013, 10:32:03 AM »
After reading a post in May which explained quite succinctly the cause of your many outlandish ramblings, like lots of others, I realised the futility of replying or commenting.

Some however are really entertaining and give many people lots of laughs. The US gun thread for instance was comedy gold; you were shot down more times than Douglas Bader.

Perhaps you should look at the date this thread started and the absence of replies (apart from your pal Nookie of course) until you posted the “Queen Elizabeth II owns 1/6th of all land on Earth” nonsense yesterday.

Doubtless you will claim it was just a joke and has been misunderstood, but like the rest of your conspiracy theories it is based on half truths and lies, dressed up as facts. You really should stop believing such loony tunes garbage and join us in the real world.
As for me being shot down,by who a load of pensioners with one foot in the grave,yes i am really worried about what you or what they think or say.
I will never be a part of your world Simple Joe.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2013, 10:35:03 AM by Antonio »

Offline dimple joe

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Re: Another rise for Queen Lizzie.
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2013, 06:08:42 PM »
This has got to be a joke,more money given away when this could be spent on the National Health system,and the Education system.

Couldn't agree with you more!!

It's obscene.

 greatbritainflag greatbritainflag greatbritainflag greatbritainflag greatbritainflag greatbritainflag greatbritainflag greatbritainflag
« Last Edit: August 06, 2013, 06:11:29 PM by dimple joe »

Offline Antonio

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Re: Another rise for Queen Lizzie.
« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2013, 06:44:54 PM »
This has got to be a joke,more money given away when this could be spent on the National Health system,and the Education system.

Couldn't agree with you more!!

It's obscene.

  irelandflag irelandflag irelandflag irelandflag irelandflag irelandflag irelandflag irelandflag irelandflag irelandflag irelandflag

 hahaha hahaha hahaha
« Last Edit: August 06, 2013, 06:51:46 PM by Antonio »

Offline candy

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Re: Another rise for Queen Lizzie.
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2013, 07:58:01 AM »
Why the Irish love the Queen
I WAS brought up in Dublin but when I visited my aunt in Cork, I plunged into a world of royal gossip.

Although her taxi-driver husband and his family were republicans, Auntie May made no secret of her preoccupation with the doings of the Queen and assorted royals.

A story firmly believed locally was that Queen Victoria, on reviewing the Cork Fusiliers, had been heard to remark: “Now dem’s troops.” What was inarguable was that on her last visit in 1900, 80-year-old Victoria received as rousing a welcome as she had on her first in 1849.

George V and Queen Mary also brought out the crowds in 1911. Until now, that was to be the last visit, for in 1916 an uprising by members of a small secret society took Irish nationalism on a violent course.

My mother was not much ­interested in royal gossip but she approved of the stability offered by the monarch, admired the Queen and told me how bully-boy republicans in 1952 had prevented cinemas showing the film of her coronation.

The Republic of Ireland of my childhood was a grey country, full of rain, dull politicians and hectoring priests and as my mother explained to me, everyone needs a little magic which the royals bring.

From the outbreak of the Troubles in Northern Ireland, members of the Royal family were under severe threat and their visits became a ­nightmare. .
Undeterred, other royals made occasional brief trips for personal reasons.
The close Anglo-Irish relationship through the Northern Ireland peace process culminated in 1998 with the Good Friday Agreement.

That same year, the Island of Ireland Peace Park, in Belgium, ­commemorating the Irish dead of the Great War, was opened by the Irish President Mary McAleese, in the Queen’s presence. Since then, she has worked to bring about a state visit.

Last year, the Irish Embassy in London gave a formal reception for Prince Charles. I was among the hundreds of first and second-generation Irish there and the welcome given to him almost raised the roof.

That is the kind of reception that 80% of the Irish people would like to give the Queen, who has been a fixture in all our lives since our birth.

Sadly, the bitter malcontents who feed off hatred are determined to spoil the party for everyone else.

Spoken by a true Irishman.

« Last Edit: August 07, 2013, 08:12:20 AM by candy »

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Re: Another rise for Queen Lizzie.
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2013, 08:03:03 AM »
And there's more,

IrishCentral.com Staff Writer
Ireland wants the Queen to come back – and all but a small minority of the population was won over by the English monarch on her historic four day visit.

Just 48 hours after Queen Elizabeth told Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny that she would love to return, an opinion poll has revealed huge support for the Royal tour.

The Sunday Independent/Quantum research poll reveals that 95 percent of those polled said they thought the Queen had won the hearts of the Irish people with a series of symbolic gestures over the course of her stay.

The emotional wreath laying ceremony to the 1916 leaders at the Garden of Remembrance and her expression of sympathy for all victims of violence in Ireland’s mass went down well with the Queen’s hosts.

Even those who were uninterested in the visit before the Queen’s arrival revealed they were won over ‘by her exemplary attitude and the warmth she displayed’ at all times during her visit.

One male respondent told the Sunday Independent: “I’m a republican who voted Sinn Fein and I would say yes, most certainly, she won the hearts of the Irish people.”

A female respondent said: “It was a great moment for this country when the Queen addressed our nation in Irish at the opening of her speech, really wonderful.”

The Queen’s brief use of Irish at the Dublin Castle state dinner also went down well with those polled.

“I had my doubts but now I’m a believer!” said another respondent.

The unscheduled walkabout in Cork was the highlight of the tour for those who took part in the opinion poll.

Prince Philip, the Queen’s 89-year-old husband, also went down well in the poll with 92 percent saying they thought the Irish people liked him.

“I like Prince Philip. He’s a gamey old man,” said one female respondent.

“I think the Irish are the only country who actually get Prince Philip’s humor. He’s a gas man.”

A male respondent said of the Prince: “Maybe he was Irish in his last life and the joke about the Guinness and the Liffey. Sure who wouldn’t find that funny?”

Another said: “If anyone was going to like him, it would be the Irish, they get his sense of humor in a way other countries couldn’t.”

Of those polled, 89 percent said the visit of the Queen and Prince Philip had improved Ireland’s sense of national self-esteem.

“This is the most important thing that has happened to Ireland in a long, long time. The world was watching how it would go and thank God it went well. We should be proud,” said one.

Almost all those polled - 95 percent - said the visit would improve Anglo-Irish relations while 82 percent want to see the Queen return in the near future.

Some 18 percent don’t want to see her back as no future visit could surpass this trip, while 86 percent said the traffic problems related to the Queen’s stay were worth it.

Irish President Mary McAleese was also praised for her contribution to the series of events with 73 per cent of those polled stating she was “outstanding.”


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