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Offline Speros

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #45 on: June 20, 2013, 09:47:18 AM »
Quantonemo should be closed and the people should be sent home. 

There 166 detainees, 40 of them are considered by the government as dangerous.
40 new enemies are created with each drone attack, so, not such a big thing.

The damage Quantonemo is doing to the image of the US out weights the damage these 40 can cause.  Additionally its closing would remove one political football and slightly reduce the nonsense our legislators and media are so wrapped up in.

With all of the real problems the world is facing, it's time to reduce as much BS as possible.     
bravo1 bravo1 bravo1

radicalisation of any sort is bad, islamists, christian, now even Buddhism in Burma....the one thing that seems to be universal is that there is no good coming from any radical section of any community...but by apologizing or appeasing these groups does not and will not fix the situation they only get more brash and more active as they believe their actions have been vindicated (maybe from a higher power). oppression equally does not work to be fair.  i am certain that the general population in the west regrets the taking of innocent lives in the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. while people still believe that there holy books contain moral certainty and superiority the innocent of all cultures will continue to be the victims.
Do we standby and do nothing, pull out of all conflicts and allow the suppression of women, brutal attacks on children, virtual slavery, murder for apostasy (changing of faith), extreme phedophilia justified by a supposed holy book written 1400 years ago...i don't have an answer to that, no matter what is done from hear the only certainty will be blood...and lots of it.

Offline urleft

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #46 on: June 20, 2013, 10:14:56 AM »
Quantonemo should be closed and the people should be sent home. 

There 166 detainees, 40 of them are considered by the government as dangerous.
40 new enemies are created with each drone attack, so, not such a big thing.

The damage Quantonemo is doing to the image of the US out weights the damage these 40 can cause.  Additionally its closing would remove one political football and slightly reduce the nonsense our legislators and media are so wrapped up in.

With all of the real problems the world is facing, it's time to reduce as much BS as possible.     
bravo1 bravo1 bravo1

This is on Obama, he campaigned and promised to close it, it is a military base and as Commander in Chief he can direct its operations be stopped.  The Republicans are not stopping him. 

BTW, it is very unlikely the US will close Guantanamo (correct spelling) as there is too much strategic and political value in the base.  However, they will someday cease the Detainee camp operation which is what I believe you really want. 

Offline SOM LUCK

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #47 on: June 20, 2013, 03:10:40 PM »
Of course I'm talking about releasing the detainees not closing the Naval base, I thought that was clear, and thanks for the correct spelling. 

You are also correct, in saying that, the dealing with the detainees is the President's problem, but your thinking that the problem is his living up to a campaign promise is completely off base.
The problem with the detainees has to do with, American ideals, our constitution, World opinion, human rights, and the threat to American interest.  These issues effect all Americans.

By the way, I didn't pick this topic thinking that it was some sort of left wing trap, it happened to be on World news the other night, along with the other topics I initially brought up. They caused me to think of the complex issues our President has to deal with and I thought it would be interesting to get some right wing opinions about them so in six months or so we could compare.

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #48 on: June 20, 2013, 05:59:35 PM »
 While you might not have picked the topic with that in mind, it is a left wing trap. The left demonized Bush over Gitmo since it started having detainees. Most of the negative world opinion is because of how the left has portrayed it. Guantanamo was an excellent choice for the captured combatants (which is what they really are) as it was it is not in CONUS and therefore not subject to the US Courts, where us on the right think it was a good solution until the Left made a political issue of it.
 So bottom line is that the left has dug this pit, pissed in it, promised to fix it, and now political realities are setting in that giving these detainees access to the US Courts is a really stupid thing to do. And the right is saying that the left has exacerbated Gitmo to the point that the right refuses to do anything to help fix it.
 And now you hold this up as an example of the right have no ideas to fix the problem. Sounds like a gotcha to me.

Offline Speros

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #49 on: June 24, 2013, 02:46:58 PM »
How the media really works wackobar

Offline SOM LUCK

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #50 on: June 24, 2013, 03:42:25 PM »
The media is the problem, no objectivity, all agenda

Offline Antonio

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #51 on: June 24, 2013, 05:07:13 PM »
The media is the problem, no objectivity, all agenda
A corrupt government running a corrupt media= LIES AND MORE LIES. smilenod

Offline Speros

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #52 on: June 24, 2013, 05:19:04 PM »
The USA could wipe out 70% of its corruption by bringing the lobby movements under control, or banning it totally. Corruption is a big business run by big business

Offline Antonio

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #53 on: June 24, 2013, 06:03:36 PM »
The USA could wipe out 70% of its corruption by bringing the lobby movements under control, or banning it totally. Corruption is a big business run by big business
Yes totally agree,trouble is it's always the poor working class that always get shafted,while the real criminals (Politicians)  are making fortunes.

Offline urleft

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #54 on: June 24, 2013, 08:07:14 PM »
And here is at least one view of Obama:

Understand that she is a bit of a loon. 

Offline Antonio

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #55 on: June 24, 2013, 08:24:17 PM »
Well loon or not a lot of people will agree with her.

Offline Speros

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #56 on: June 24, 2013, 09:10:47 PM »
No matter what Stand you make, your gunna upset someone. Agree a bit of a loon, but some statements made sense, but given the options I won't judge the right or wrong of it.

Offline SOM LUCK

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #57 on: June 25, 2013, 07:06:10 AM »
The Irish minister statements are all  true, but her overall point, I believe is not correct.

For instance; 

Arming the Syrians resistance will prolong the conflict, but by not arming them the outcome will be decided with the government's air power and armor not negotiation, leading to power sharing.

The government helping New Jersey with the Hurricane Sandy relief program put many lives back together and does great good, but it hurts the budget reduction programs.
The issues are complicated and it is easy to take one part and criticize. To see these problems in total, and try the impossible by projecting different outcomes based on different courses of action is a totally different proposition.

Offline urleft

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #58 on: July 01, 2013, 11:45:49 PM »
I was on another forum when a guy responded:

Don't forget the coke head, alcoholic , frat boy, dui driving, moron, found Jesus, cowboy GWB.

Naturally I thought equal time was needed:

And you don't forget that dope smoking, Kenyan, Brit, Indonesian, dog eating, Ivy League, Muslim, lying, raghead Barry Soetoro.
But then again, since Obama was elected the US is treated with total respect by Russia and China, the Islamic nations love us, and all the Europeans now believe in the USA. 


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Offline Speros

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #59 on: July 02, 2013, 02:18:33 AM »
I was on another forum when a guy responded:

Don't forget the coke head, alcoholic , frat boy, dui driving, moron, found Jesus, cowboy GWB.

Naturally I thought equal time was needed:

And you don't forget that dope smoking, Kenyan, Brit, Indonesian, dog eating, Ivy League, Muslim, lying, raghead Barry Soetoro.
But then again, since Obama was elected the US is treated with total respective by Russia and China, the Islamic nations love us, and all the Europeans now believe in the USA.
If that was on another forum, maybe keep it there!


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