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Offline urleft

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #30 on: June 19, 2013, 11:09:28 AM »
I already said about the trail and release on reply #25.   But note, he is being held per the rules of war, not the US legal system. 

And if the guy was caught with an AK-47 as a combatant it sucks to be him, he can be held for the duration of the hostilities as a POW.  Also note this guy was not plucked off the streets of London, he was in a combat zone doing charity work, which means probably giving free lead to soldiers. 

And since you can't answer the questions, how do you know the guy is not a combatant? 

Offline candy

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #31 on: June 19, 2013, 11:16:25 AM »
How many prisons let you go down to the beach? Guantanamo does. cool2

Offline Antonio

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #32 on: June 19, 2013, 11:35:50 AM »
I already said about the trail and release on reply #25.   But note, he is being held per the rules of war, not the US legal system. 

And if the guy was caught with an AK-47 as a combatant it sucks to be him, he can be held for the duration of the hostilities as a POW.  Also note this guy was not plucked off the streets of London, he was in a combat zone doing charity work, which means probably giving free lead to soldiers. 

And since you can't answer the questions, how do you know the guy is not a combatant?
How do you know the guy is not a combatant?

Because the American government haven't produced any evidence to suggest he is.

Offline urleft

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #33 on: June 19, 2013, 11:46:02 AM »
I already said about the trail and release on reply #25.   But note, he is being held per the rules of war, not the US legal system. 

And if the guy was caught with an AK-47 as a combatant it sucks to be him, he can be held for the duration of the hostilities as a POW.  Also note this guy was not plucked off the streets of London, he was in a combat zone doing charity work, which means probably giving free lead to soldiers. 

And since you can't answer the questions, how do you know the guy is not a combatant?
How do you know the guy is not a combatant?

Because the American government haven't produced any evidence to suggest he is.

They don't need to as the guy is being held as a combatant, captured in a combat zone during the timeframe with some of the most intense combat operations (I was directly involved in these operations). 

And all it takes is a picture of the children for you to believe he is wrongly held and overall good guy.  You should be looking into the questions I posed, why isn't that information in the article or readily available, maybe the guy does want that info to get out. 

Your hated of the US is clouding your objectivity. 

Offline Antonio

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #34 on: June 19, 2013, 12:01:42 PM »
I already said about the trail and release on reply #25.   But note, he is being held per the rules of war, not the US legal system. 

And if the guy was caught with an AK-47 as a combatant it sucks to be him, he can be held for the duration of the hostilities as a POW.  Also note this guy was not plucked off the streets of London, he was in a combat zone doing charity work, which means probably giving free lead to soldiers. 

And since you can't answer the questions, how do you know the guy is not a combatant?
How do you know the guy is not a combatant?

Because the American government haven't produced any evidence to suggest he is.

They don't need to as the guy is being held as a combatant, captured in a combat zone during the timeframe with some of the most intense combat operations (I was directly involved in these operations). 

And all it takes is a picture of the children for you to believe he is wrongly held and overall good guy.  You should be looking into the questions I posed, why isn't that information in the article or readily available, maybe the guy does want that info to get out. 

Your hated of the US is clouding your objectivity.
Did you get a nice big medal to pin on your chest.
I have 100% respect for the Americans in this video,not hatred as your previous post suggests.

Offline urleft

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #35 on: June 19, 2013, 12:32:37 PM »
I already said about the trail and release on reply #25.   But note, he is being held per the rules of war, not the US legal system. 

And if the guy was caught with an AK-47 as a combatant it sucks to be him, he can be held for the duration of the hostilities as a POW.  Also note this guy was not plucked off the streets of London, he was in a combat zone doing charity work, which means probably giving free lead to soldiers. 

And since you can't answer the questions, how do you know the guy is not a combatant?
How do you know the guy is not a combatant?

Because the American government haven't produced any evidence to suggest he is.

They don't need to as the guy is being held as a combatant, captured in a combat zone during the timeframe with some of the most intense combat operations (I was directly involved in these operations). 

And all it takes is a picture of the children for you to believe he is wrongly held and overall good guy.  You should be looking into the questions I posed, why isn't that information in the article or readily available, maybe the guy does want that info to get out. 

Your hated of the US is clouding your objectivity.
Did you get a nice big medal to pin on your chest.
I have 100% respect for the Americans in this video,not hatred as your previous post suggests.

I will agree they are Americans, but their Veteran status is suspect. 

However, what does this have to do with your angel at Gitmo that you don't even question what was a UK resident and Saudi national (like the 911 crew) was really doing in Afghanistan in 2002? 

Offline Antonio

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #36 on: June 19, 2013, 01:02:51 PM »
I already said about the trail and release on reply #25.   But note, he is being held per the rules of war, not the US legal system. 

And if the guy was caught with an AK-47 as a combatant it sucks to be him, he can be held for the duration of the hostilities as a POW.  Also note this guy was not plucked off the streets of London, he was in a combat zone doing charity work, which means probably giving free lead to soldiers. 

And since you can't answer the questions, how do you know the guy is not a combatant?
How do you know the guy is not a combatant?

Because the American government haven't produced any evidence to suggest he is.

They don't need to as the guy is being held as a combatant, captured in a combat zone during the timeframe with some of the most intense combat operations (I was directly involved in these operations). 

And all it takes is a picture of the children for you to believe he is wrongly held and overall good guy.  You should be looking into the questions I posed, why isn't that information in the article or readily available, maybe the guy does want that info to get out. 

Your hated of the US is clouding your objectivity.
Did you get a nice big medal to pin on your chest.
I have 100% respect for the Americans in this video,not hatred as your previous post suggests.

I will agree they are Americans, but their Veteran status is suspect. 

However, what does this have to do with your angel at Gitmo that you don't even question what was a UK resident and Saudi national (like the 911 crew) was really doing in Afghanistan in 2002?
Shaker Aamer
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Status    Cleared for release since 2007, but still held in Guantánamo
Children    Four children with his British wife, the youngest of whom he has never met

Shaker Aamer (born 12 December 1968) is a Saudi Arabian citizen and the last British resident held by the United States in the Guantanamo Bay detention camps in Cuba. He was captured in Jalalabad, Afghanistan, on 24 November 2001 and was brought to Guantánamo on 14 February 2002, where he has now been held for 11 years, 4 months, and 5 days.

According to documents published in the Guantanamo Bay files leak, the US military Joint Task Force Guantanamo believed in November 2007 that Aamer had led a unit of fighters in Afghanistan, including the Battle of Tora Bora, while his family was paid a stipend by Osama bin Laden. The file asserts past associations with Richard Reid and Zacarias Moussaoui. Clive Stafford Smith, a human rights lawyer, said the leaked documents would not stand up in court. He pointed out that part of the evidence comes from an unreliable witness and that confessions Aamer made had been obtained through torture. Aamer’s father-in-law, Saaed Ahmed Siddique, said: "All of these claims have no basis. If any of this was true he would be in a court now." The Bush administration acknowledged later that it had no evidence against Aamer.

Aamer has never been charged with any wrongdoing and has never received a trial and his lawyer says he is "totally innocent." He has been cleared for release by the Bush administration in 2007, and the Obama administration in 2009. But Aamer remains in Guantánamo. He has been described as a charismatic leader who spoke up and fought for the rights of fellow prisoners and some have speculated that this might be a reason for his continued detention. Aamer alleges that he has been subject to torture while in detention.

Aamer's mental and physical health has been declining over the years, as he has participated in hunger strikes to protest detention condition and been held in solitary confinement much of the time. He has lost 40 per cent of his body weight in captivity. After a visit in November 2011, Clive Stafford Smith said, "I do not think it is stretching matters to say that he is gradually dying in Guantanamo Bay."The UK government has been demanding his release for years, and a number of people there have repeatedly called for his release.

As for your theory on 9/11 you may think that people in caves from Afghanistan/Pakistan are responsible for this attack,but some of us believe the people responsible are a lot closer to home.

Offline Speros

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #37 on: June 19, 2013, 03:53:13 PM »
it would of been simpler to execute them all (i mean die in a tragic accident), pay some compensation then move on...cant say im particularly sympathetic to the Gitmo prisoners, and any human rights for any extremist of any sort does not particularly gain any sympathy from me as they seem to have no interest in others rights...N.B. i am not saying all those prisoners are extremists, but there is a good chance 99.99% of them are. 

Offline urleft

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #38 on: June 19, 2013, 05:32:05 PM »

As for your theory on 9/11 you may think that people in caves from Afghanistan/Pakistan are responsible for this attack,but some of us believe the people responsible are a lot closer to home.

Kudos for your research, even if Wikipedia is an unreliable source.  What charity organization was he supporting?   

My basic thoughts are that if the UK wants him so bad the US should give him to them.    There is the old saying, be careful what you ask for. 

However, where did you find my thoughts that  people in caves from Afghanistan/Pakistan are responsible for this attack?  The closest I recall saying anything was that the a lot of the attackers were Saudi nationals.  Was Shaker Aamer living in a cave? 

Offline Antonio

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #39 on: June 20, 2013, 07:23:03 AM »
it would of been simpler to execute them all (i mean die in a tragic accident), pay some compensation then move on...cant say im particularly sympathetic to the Gitmo prisoners, and any human rights for any extremist of any sort does not particularly gain any sympathy from me as they seem to have no interest in others rights...N.B. i am not saying all those prisoners are extremists, but there is a good chance 99.99% of them are.

I assume that you're American?

Offline Speros

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #40 on: June 20, 2013, 07:31:55 AM »
Don't assume.... I'm an Aussie  party15

Offline SOM LUCK

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #41 on: June 20, 2013, 08:26:10 AM »
Quantonemo should be closed and the people should be sent home. 

There 166 detainees, 40 of them are considered by the government as dangerous.
40 new enemies are created with each drone attack, so, not such a big thing.

The damage Quantonemo is doing to the image of the US out weights the damage these 40 can cause.  Additionally its closing would remove one political football and slightly reduce the nonsense our legislators and media are so wrapped up in.

With all of the real problems the world is facing, it's time to reduce as much BS as possible.     

Offline Antonio

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #42 on: June 20, 2013, 08:58:39 AM »
Don't assume.... I'm an Aussie  party15
Well i suppose i ask for that. happy2

Offline DeputyDavid

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #43 on: June 20, 2013, 09:00:40 AM »
Urleft you made my point, when current problems are presented to the right instead of suggesting  courses of action to, as in this case, response to the world on the NSA, feeding tubes in Quatanemo, and arming anti American groups in Syria, the right falls back to Obama's birth certificant, Bengazi, etc., showing that they have no solutions only constant negative comments.

You asked about courses of actions for the scandals, not what needs to be fixed.  Here are several proposals:

1.  Tort reform.  Limit all lawsuits to 1 Million, or real loses.  Loser pays court costs.  Lawyers cannot make more than 5% of the award. 

2.  Eliminate the minimum wage. 

3.  Get rid of the EPA, Department of Education, and Department of Homeland Security.  Go back to private Airport screeners eliminating the TSA. 

4.  Got to a flat tax eliminating all deductions. 

5.  Require a balanced budget.  Get rid of baseline budgeting (this is where GVTagencies budgets automatically increase 7% every year). 

6.  Revoke the 17th amendment on the election of US Senators. 

7.  Make congress abide by all laws they pass (e.g., Social Security, Obamacare, etc.) 

8.  Privatize Social Security, it is currently a ponzie scheme. 

9.  Revise immigration, get rid of illegals.  Do not give any benefits to illegal aliens.

10.  Make welfare recipients do work.  In order to get a check, they have to pass a drug test (I had to pass a drug test at work). 

And this is to start.

These ideas are perfect.  Just too many people with their hands in the jar would be without the kickbacks and overpaid administrative jobs, so unfortunately the obvious fixes will never happen.  What a shame, we had such good potential.  I'm outta here as soon as I can.  Tired of giving to the sick lame and lazy, not to mention the illegals.  If I can give one family a good life elsewhere (Thailand), I am happy.  OHHHHH I long for retirement.  mhihi buriramsmiley smilebar

Offline Antonio

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Re: Obama's challenges
« Reply #44 on: June 20, 2013, 09:02:02 AM »
Quantonemo should be closed and the people should be sent home. 

There 166 detainees, 40 of them are considered by the government as dangerous.
40 new enemies are created with each drone attack, so, not such a big thing.

The damage Quantonemo is doing to the image of the US out weights the damage these 40 can cause.  Additionally its closing would remove one political football and slightly reduce the nonsense our legislators and media are so wrapped up in.

With all of the real problems the world is facing, it's time to reduce as much BS as possible.     
bravo1 bravo1 bravo1


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