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Offline Antonio

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Selfridges jewellery heist
« on: June 07, 2013, 01:42:03 PM »
Why do the general public need to get involved  screwy


Offline candy

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Re: Selfridges jewellery heist
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2013, 01:50:03 PM »
 angry1 angry1 angry1



Offline Antonio

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Re: Selfridges jewellery heist
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2013, 02:02:51 PM »
angry1 angry1 angry1


I see no need for the general public to get involved it has nothing to do with them,surly it's a police matter.
Why are people so intent to be involved with things that do not concern them.
As far as i am concerned it's not my jewellery so why would i get involved.
Year's ago people would have turned around and said "Bloody good luck to them"

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Re: Selfridges jewellery heist
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2013, 02:59:01 PM »
And years ago........................


Execution of criminals and political opponents has been used by nearly all societies—both to punish crime and to suppress political dissent. In most places that practise capital punishment it is reserved for murder, espionage, treason, or as part of military justice. In some countries sexual crimes, such as rape, adultery, incest and sodomy, carry the death penalty, as do religious crimes such as apostasy in Islamic nations (the formal renunciation of the state religion). In many countries that use the death penalty, drug trafficking is also a capital offence. In China, human trafficking and serious cases of corruption are punished by the death penalty. In militaries around the world courts-martial have imposed death sentences for offences such as cowardice, desertion, insubordination, and mutiny.[16]


 Anarchist Auguste Vaillant guillotined in France in 1894
The use of formal execution extends to the beginning of recorded history. Most historical records and various primitive tribal practices indicate that the death penalty was a part of their justice system. Communal punishment for wrongdoing generally included compensation by the wrongdoer, corporal punishment, shunning, banishment and execution. Usually, compensation and shunning were enough as a form of justice.[17] The response to crime committed by neighbouring tribes or communities included formal apology, compensation or blood feuds.

A blood feud or vendetta occurs when arbitration between families or tribes fails or an arbitration system is non-existent. This form of justice was common before the emergence of an arbitration system based on state or organised religion. It may result from crime, land disputes or a code of honour. "Acts of retaliation underscore the ability of the social collective to defend itself and demonstrate to enemies (as well as potential allies) that injury to property, rights, or the person will not go unpunished."[18] However, in practice, it is often difficult to distinguish between a war of vendetta and one of conquest.

Severe historical penalties include breaking wheel, boiling to death, flaying, slow slicing, disembowelment, crucifixion, impalement, crushing (including crushing by elephant), stoning, execution by burning, dismemberment, sawing, decapitation, scaphism, necklacing or blowing from a gun.


The Christian Martyrs' Last Prayer, by Jean-Léon Gérôme (1883). Roman Colosseum.
Islam on the whole accepts capital punishment,[19] and the Abbasid Caliphs in Baghdad, such as Al-Mu'tadid, were often cruel in their punishments.[20] Nevertheless, mercy is considered preferable in Islam [21] and in Sharia law the victim's family can choose to spare the life of the killer, which is not uncommon[22].In the One Thousand and One Nights, also known as the Arabian Nights, the fictional storyteller Sheherazade is portrayed as being the "voice of sanity and mercy", with her philosophical position being generally opposed to punishment by death. She expresses this through several of her tales, including "The Merchant and the Jinni", "The Fisherman and the Jinni", "The Three Apples", and "The Hunchback".[23]


 The breaking wheel was used during the Middle Ages and was still in use into the 19th century.
Ancient history

Elaborations of tribal arbitration of feuds included peace settlements often done in a religious context and compensation system. Compensation was based on the principle of substitution which might include material (for example, cattle, slave) compensation, exchange of brides or grooms, or payment of the blood debt. Settlement rules could allow for animal blood to replace human blood, or transfers of property or blood money or in some case an offer of a person for execution. The person offered for execution did not have to be an original perpetrator of the crime because the system was based on tribes, not individuals. Blood feuds could be regulated at meetings, such as the Viking things.[24] Systems deriving from blood feuds may survive alongside more advanced legal systems or be given recognition by courts (for example, trial by combat). One of the more modern refinements of the blood feud is the duel.


Giovanni Battista Bugatti, executioner of the Papal States between 1796 and 1865, carried out 516 executions (Bugatti pictured offering snuff to a condemned prisoner). Vatican City abolished its capital punishment statute in 1969.
In certain parts of the world, nations in the form of ancient republics, monarchies or tribal oligarchies emerged. These nations were often united by common linguistic, religious or family ties. Moreover, expansion of these nations often occurred by conquest of neighbouring tribes or nations. Consequently, various classes of royalty, nobility, various commoners and slave emerged. Accordingly, the systems of tribal arbitration were submerged into a more unified system of justice which formalised the relation between the different "classes" rather than "tribes". The earliest and most famous example is Code of Hammurabi which set the different punishment and compensation according to the different class/group of victims and perpetrators. The Torah (Jewish Law), also known as the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Christian Old Testament), lays down the death penalty for murder, kidnapping, magic, violation of the Sabbath, blasphemy, and a wide range of sexual crimes, although evidence suggests that actual executions were rare.[25]

A further example comes from Ancient Greece, where the Athenian legal system was first written down by Draco in about 621 BC: the death penalty was applied for a particularly wide range of crimes, though Solon later repealed Draco's code and published new laws, retaining only Draco's homicide statutes.[26] The word draconian derives from Draco's

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Offline John the Traveller

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Re: Selfridges jewellery heist
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2013, 04:42:17 PM »
It is a requirement that all citizens come to the aid of the civil power. This is an old law which dates back to before the UK had an official police force. Sir Robert Peel ( from memory) instituted a force that became over time the modern British police force. The law is still extant in the Commonwealth. In short the populace must assist the Police and can under law for a short time become Police officers ie "Special Constables". It is , I believe, a duty all citizens must take up when required.

JT  sawadi

Offline Antonio

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Re: Selfridges jewellery heist
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2013, 06:29:21 AM »
It is a requirement that all citizens come to the aid of the civil power. This is an old law which dates back to before the UK had an official police force. Sir Robert Peel ( from memory) instituted a force that became over time the modern British police force. The law is still extant in the Commonwealth. In short the populace must assist the Police and can under law for a short time become Police officers ie "Special Constables". It is , I believe, a duty all citizens must take up when required.

JT  sawadi
If someone is involved in a armed/none armed robbery there is no way i would get involved,and if asked by the police what i had seen my reply would be,i see nothing.
Why do so many people think it's ok to get themselves involved.  screwy
As for helping the police,well that will never happen.

Offline Nobby

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Re: Selfridges jewellery heist
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2013, 08:01:11 AM »
It is a requirement that all citizens come to the aid of the civil power. This is an old law which dates back to before the UK had an official police force. Sir Robert Peel ( from memory) instituted a force that became over time the modern British police force. The law is still extant in the Commonwealth. In short the populace must assist the Police and can under law for a short time become Police officers ie "Special Constables". It is , I believe, a duty all citizens must take up when required.

JT  sawadi
If someone is involved in a armed/none armed robbery there is no way i would get involved,and if asked by the police what i had seen my reply would be,i see nothing.
Why do so many people think it's ok to get themselves involved.  screwy
As for helping the police,well that will never happen.

Without wanting personal information, can I ask what area you lived-in in the UK please because I find your comments above interesting.


Offline Antonio

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Re: Selfridges jewellery heist
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2013, 09:23:15 AM »
It is a requirement that all citizens come to the aid of the civil power. This is an old law which dates back to before the UK had an official police force. Sir Robert Peel ( from memory) instituted a force that became over time the modern British police force. The law is still extant in the Commonwealth. In short the populace must assist the Police and can under law for a short time become Police officers ie "Special Constables". It is , I believe, a duty all citizens must take up when required.

JT  sawadi
If someone is involved in a armed/none armed robbery there is no way i would get involved,and if asked by the police what i had seen my reply would be,i see nothing.
Why do so many people think it's ok to get themselves involved.  screwy
As for helping the police,well that will never happen.

Without wanting personal information, can I ask what area you lived-in in the UK please because I find your comments above interesting.

Yes you can ask it's not a secret,i come from the east end of London.

Offline dimple joe

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Re: Selfridges jewellery heist
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2013, 11:54:09 AM »
I see no need for the general public to get involved it has nothing to do with them,surly it's a police matter.
Why are people so intent to be involved with things that do not concern them.
As far as i am concerned it's not my jewellery so why would i get involved.
Year's ago people would have turned around and said "Bloody good luck to them"

It's quite simple really - the general public identify with the victims, the hard working people traumatised by an armed robbery.

They are disgusted with the low-life benefit reliant scum who commit these crimes and are happy to get involved in the forlorn hope that the courts will give them suitable punishment.

It's interesting that you see no reason to get involved in this case but feel impelled to get involved on behalf of the victims in your "drone strike" post.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2013, 11:56:07 AM by dimple joe »

Offline Antonio

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Re: Selfridges jewellery heist
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2013, 12:51:46 PM »
I see no need for the general public to get involved it has nothing to do with them,surly it's a police matter.
Why are people so intent to be involved with things that do not concern them.
As far as i am concerned it's not my jewellery so why would i get involved.
Year's ago people would have turned around and said "Bloody good luck to them"

It's quite simple really - the general public identify with the victims, the hard working people traumatised by an armed robbery.

They are disgusted with the low-life benefit reliant scum who commit these crimes and are happy to get involved in the forlorn hope that the courts will give them suitable punishment.

It's interesting that you see no reason to get involved in this case but feel impelled to get involved on behalf of the victims in your "drone strike" post.
Well i think murder and robbery are somewhat different would you not agree,ie being traumatised because of a robbery or
being murdered are not the same,you get over being traumatised,but you don't get over being killed.

If you do a robbery and get caught for the crime then you expect to serve some time,someone has to pay i agree.

But my point was why should the general public risk injury or even run the risk of being killed,it's not their job.

If it was me i wouldn't get involved,after all it ain't my money.

As for my drone strike post i simply feel sorry for the taking of innocent life,any innocent life.

I don't know if the drone strikes are justified or not,but the taking of innocent life has to stop,wouldn't you agree.

Offline paulferris

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Re: Selfridges jewellery heist
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2013, 12:56:51 PM »
Yes  i agree as was the murder of DAVID BLACK..

Offline Antonio

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Re: Selfridges jewellery heist
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2013, 01:05:52 PM »
Yes  i agree as was the murder of DAVID BLACK..
Also the 14 innocent people of DERRY.

Offline tommynew

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Re: Selfridges jewellery heist
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2013, 08:11:51 PM »
Just my pennyworth. Policing in Great Britain is by consent, that is if the majority are or were against the system then there would be no order. This nearly happened in the great riots a year or two ago. Were the underclass(sic) right on their actions when protest led to mass damage fire and looting. That night and the following the Authorities nearly lost control with Police and firemen coming under attack.

Offline Antonio

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Re: Selfridges jewellery heist
« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2013, 04:31:30 PM »
Two men plead guilty for the selfridges robbery,one receives 10 years and the other one 8 years.

Seems a bit of a heavy considering they both pleaded guilty.

Two men jailed in Selfridges £1.5m smash and grab.

Two men involved in the Selfridges £1.5 million smash and grab raid have been jailed. Sam Curtin and Connor Groake admitted conspiracy to rob and aggravated vehicle taking at the department store in Oxford Street, London, on June 6.

Curtin was sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment and Groake was sentenced to eight years' imprisonment.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2013, 04:34:40 PM by Antonio »

Offline tommynew

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Re: Selfridges jewellery heist
« Reply #14 on: July 26, 2013, 07:46:30 PM »
what prison will they serve their time in? Ford I bet. How many years will they actually serve?


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