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Offline DeputyDavid

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Rubber Tree Farm
« on: July 13, 2013, 12:19:26 AM »
I am looking for useful information - insight regarding rubber tree plantations.  I  have 30 rai which I think I want to plant rubber trees on at least part of it, and possibly some teak.  I am not looking for huge cash crop, just something to do with the land for the next 6 years or so until I get there and can take care of it.  Any thoughts?

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Re: Rubber Tree Farm
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2013, 01:48:15 AM »
DD, I was looking in this at one time.  The issue becomes what are you processing?  If you can't move the rubber into usable means for other Thai options, you can really be screwed.   

What I think you are doing is trying to come up with means to move here and have an income. 

My view was that I can probably do that, but too many things can go wrong, so I can easily meet the visa requirements for Retirement or Marriage with what I hope is minimal hassle.  I heard today that the Thai marriage visa is getting more difficult to obtain because of Farangs exploiting it. 

My advice to you is prepare for worst case.  Do not assume anything you do make money or be viewed by Thai's as equity. 

If you cannot live in Thaiand without what you already have or have earned, you can have problems.  Great luck to you. 

Bottom line is that there are ways to get around all the requirements, however, it may come back to bite you. 
For me, all is above board, no hidden stuff, no phoney stuff.  So my visa should be renewed no problem.  But if there is an issue I am prepared to vacation in Laos, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Siagon, Sidney, etc.  and come back.
If nothing else, I can leave the country every 30 days and return.  If you box yourself into 1 option, you have a higher chance of being screwed.

Offline DeputyDavid

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Re: Rubber Tree Farm
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2013, 02:20:02 AM »
Thanks for the insight.  Here is my bottom line plan...  Yes, I will have sufficient income for either visa, no problem.  However, I am looking for a little something to do to pass the time.  A little shop, apartments, farming.....something.  I also want to do this so that when I am gone, the wife will not only have my pension, but will also have something to do.  It does not need to be serious cash producing.  Just something that makes us happy, maybe some extra cash to help out the kids at school.  Her brother has 3 kids, so we can help them too. I am about 7 years away from retirement, so there is no point of me getting a visa now as I only travel every one or two years for 30 days or less at a time.  But when it becomes retirement time, I am there, one way or another.  Maybe we can carpool to Laos.... thumbup

Back to the rubber trees.... so once the liquid is obtained from the tree, it must be processed I take it.  It is not sold as the liquid latex?  I ask because you say you looked into it.  If I went with rice farming, then I would want a mill and storage facility as well.  But with all the goings on with the rice now, who knows what will happen price wise.

TW thinks maybe a little agricultural shop to sell products to the farmer, however I bet there is plenty of that in Buriram.

Just kicking around ideas for now.


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