Hi All,now this is another,probably,provoking,and thoughtful question.In my early business life,I "spec built houses" on land I brought and sold them at a profit(most of the time)...in total about 50+ homes,so I know the building game fairly well in Oz.I spoke to my sister in Oz today about costs to sub contract and build NOW,in Oz,as she still builds and has for about 20 years...the last one she spec built was only about 6 months ago,and it cost her,in the old terms,$7500 a "square",which is about 10feet by 10feet or 9.4? square metres in area...that equates to about,lets say $700 or 21,000BAHT a square metre...IN AUSTRALIA,good quality,but not top notch....so my question....with labour here,on average a 6th or even 10th of Oz,and for example,premixed cement,say 15KPA being 1500 Baht a cubic metre,can these builder prices be justified that I have read???Or are we being conned,labour in Oz is always half the buibing cost,rule of thumb...let me know your thoughts,JasonB.