

Author Topic: MONKS and MONEY  (Read 17362 times)

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Offline Happylarry

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« Reply #15 on: March 14, 2013, 09:55:23 AM »

Monks - "an interesting part of the culture" would very much depend on your interpretation of culture.

Oh, and, of course, whether you have any idea at all what goes on with these leeches.

Well said CO-CO

Live and Let Live as suggested by others  is fine, but Thais do what they do because it has always been that way. They sometimes need to ask themselves WHY?

I have no problem with people believing in their god. I respect them for their beliefs, just as I would like them to respect my non-belief. But I abhor the use of monks, priests, vicars, rabbi's, imams etc who to my mind are just money grabbing agents whilst their churches, wats, mosques, synagogues are just their palatial offices, which the believers are expected to pay for. Bollocks!

A global 2012 poll reports that 59% of the world's population is religious, 23% are not religious <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irreligion>, and 13% are atheists <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atheism> (Not sure what the missing 5% are!!!)

To me a religious belief is personal, and as such does not require outsiders to assist.   The typical dictionary definition of religion refers to a "belief in, or the worship of, a god or gods"<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion#cite_note-18>...

Would you ask another person to tell your girlfriend or wife that you love them. Of course not -you do it yourself!

Offline smoooth2

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« Reply #16 on: March 14, 2013, 11:59:36 AM »
Here we all are ... Westerners with varying beliefs in our own Gods, or not, debating the rights or wrongs of Buddhist believers to give money to Monks.

Whilst everyone is entitled to their own opinions, I suggest it's a topic that we are very ill informed about. If we ask 66 million Thai's (and Christ knows how many Chinese) for their opinion, it will be a very different storyline.

We really should respect every persons right to believe in whatever floats their boat. No matter whether we as individuals think the particular religion is wonderful, or kooky, or extreme.

I just don't think it's right that we should be passing judgement on this topic. Religion is probably the most controversial and non winnable discussion on the planet.

We could make 1000's of posts on this thread ... and still get no nearer to answering the original post question.

Even religions that we perceive as extreme and abhorrent to our culture, works ok for 100's of millions of people.

No individual person is right or wrong in their religious beliefs. Live and let live.

Here endeth the lesson. The plate will be coming around shortly.

Offline toffo

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« Reply #17 on: March 14, 2013, 02:57:14 PM »
Has nothing to do with religion in my mind, more about is it an Ex thief or drug taker knocking on my door or a normal innocent man who gave up his freedom to go to the Temple..

Offline Alan

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« Reply #18 on: March 14, 2013, 04:13:07 PM »
I think this thread should have been titled "SOME MEAN MINDED THAI BASHING FARANGS and MONEY".  These public outburst regarding Thai Monks as ex criminals and drug takers and Thai versions of Budhism etc etc are not the best idea and are offensive. How many times do we see "some" farangs bashing Thai society for one thing or another on these forums as though its the white mans superior right!. As expats "you" have decided to settle in a foriegn country and I would suggest for your own peace of mind you accept how the Thai's go about their daily lives. If you cant then perhaps you should ask yourself if you should settle some place else. If you don't want to give money to the Monks then don't and also stay away from the temples, Its that simple.       
On the other hand if your upset by your wife or partner donating the odd 20 baht here or there and depleting your mojo somehow, is that something your really want to advertise or bitch about to all and sundry?   

Offline CO-CO

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« Reply #19 on: March 14, 2013, 04:54:03 PM »
Ah well, that has killed any debate on that one.

May as well draw a line under:-

The monarchy and the future.

Thai driving and how to survive it.

Thailand, number one at everything - where does the country go from here?

The Falang  and his position in Thai society

In the interests of not offending anyone, and ensuring blind respect for my hosts (even the blatant F-wits) I shall abandon my proposed publications:-

How to handle drunken village idiots are weddings and funerals.

Is giving 200 Baht cash highway robbery or a fair traffic management policy.

and this likely top 10 best seller - Sin Sot - just handover your whole retirement fund to show how much you love your tweak and evidence how well you've integrated into Thai life.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 05:10:35 PM by CO-CO »

Offline Alan

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« Reply #20 on: March 14, 2013, 05:05:53 PM »
I just read this on fb and thought it was appropriate to the thread. Made me chuckle anyway........

Jorge Mario Bergoglio, appointed by god but approved by a 2/3 majority vote by a room full of child molesting scroungers. Way to go old white dudes!!!!!

It does not criticise the Catholic Church as a whole or a society. It does however point out that all the Cardinals that were present accepted the attendance of a self confest kiddie fiddler and that they also condoned his actions by paying off the families with large amounts of church money and allowing him to retain his position. This can only be interpreted as being acceptable behavior in there eyes.

Offline Alan

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« Reply #21 on: March 14, 2013, 05:37:16 PM »
Now pick all those toys up Co Co  buttslap. What I am saying is if any member wishes to have a go at somebody or something then it would be better directed it at that person or particular problem rather than generalising which will only divert the subject and cause offence.
Mind you the original post was about a farang having a moan about his wife and mother in law and trying to get to the bottom of when all this illicit money taking by Monks started. Not the most complimentary start eh!

Offline dimple joe

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« Reply #22 on: March 14, 2013, 10:21:32 PM »
Giving to Monks, Wats or Temples has been happening since year dot.

I strongly disapprove of the practice; however it gives my wife pleasure because of her upbringing and ingrained beliefs, so I grin and bear it.

But think about it for a moment, it is not exclusively a Thai thing.

Every religion is the same, perhaps not quite so visible with the barefoot wandering in the streets each morning collecting food etc., but every religion, Muslim, Christian or whatever, even the witch doctor in Africa or the Voodoo priest in the Caribbean; they all tell the poor people they must give to ensure their god looks kindly upon them.

They are all just a big con so that some idle buggers can sit back and live off the efforts of the uneducated and naive.

I am regularly disgusted when traveling around to see the general population living in relative squalor when even the smallest village has a Wat consisting of the most lavish building for miles, which is usually covered in gold leaf.

Wherever you go in the world, the religious buildings are always the best. Often they are quite beautiful but I for one always think about the poor buggers who paid for it and built it, living in mud huts or the like.

The “church” is always the biggest land owner, and the lazy, lying scum in charge, have for the most part, never done a days work.

The recent farce of the election of the Pope should remind us all of the obscene amount of wealth these people control and in times of crisis in the world do they distribute any of this wealth?

Not on your bloody life – they ask the rest of us to give more.......

Here endeth the lesson.

Offline Alan

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« Reply #23 on: March 15, 2013, 12:10:10 AM »
Have any of you heard of an Abbot Monk in Chiang Rai called Khru Bah. He is an ex Thai boxer and runs the Golden Horse Monestery. A documentery was made about him and his work, its called Buddha's Lost Children. Its a two part DVD but can be viewed over many 15min parts on utube. Worth a look and may restore some faith in humanity. Here is part one. Follow the links after for the rest of the story
« Last Edit: April 01, 2013, 11:17:42 AM by Admin »

Offline Murtle_71

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« Reply #24 on: April 01, 2013, 07:24:48 AM »
Have any of you heard of an Abbot Monk in Chiang Rai called Khru Bah. He is an ex Thai boxer and runs the Golden Horse Monestery. A documentery was made about him and his work, its called Buddha's Lost Children. Its a two part DVD but can be viewed over many 15min parts on utube. Worth a look and may restore some faith in humanity. Here is part one. Follow the links after for the rest of the storyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2r9KNSbu2o&feature=player_detailpage

Seems like a great monk and nun...

Someone i would be happy to give money to, so he can carry on his work

Offline Antonio

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« Reply #25 on: April 01, 2013, 07:38:52 AM »
Have any of you heard of an Abbot Monk in Chiang Rai called Khru Bah. He is an ex Thai boxer and runs the Golden Horse Monestery. A documentery was made about him and his work, its called Buddha's Lost Children. Its a two part DVD but can be viewed over many 15min parts on utube. Worth a look and may restore some faith in humanity. Here is part one. Follow the links after for the rest of the storyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2r9KNSbu2o&feature=player_detailpage

Seems like a great monk and nun...

Someone i would be happy to give money to, so he can carry on his work
What a terrible thing to say "I would be happy giving money to".
Personally i wouldn't give these people anything.

Offline Murtle_71

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« Reply #26 on: April 02, 2013, 10:46:38 AM »
Have any of you heard of an Abbot Monk in Chiang Rai called Khru Bah. He is an ex Thai boxer and runs the Golden Horse Monestery. A documentery was made about him and his work, its called Buddha's Lost Children. Its a two part DVD but can be viewed over many 15min parts on utube. Worth a look and may restore some faith in humanity. Here is part one. Follow the links after for the rest of the storyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2r9KNSbu2o&feature=player_detailpage

Seems like a great monk and nun...

Someone i would be happy to give money to, so he can carry on his work
What a terrible thing to say "I would be happy giving money to".
Personally i wouldn't give these people anything.

Well then you shouldn't give any of your money then. Nor do i think did anyone ask you to...

Offline Antonio

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« Reply #27 on: April 02, 2013, 10:57:07 AM »
Have any of you heard of an Abbot Monk in Chiang Rai called Khru Bah. He is an ex Thai boxer and runs the Golden Horse Monestery. A documentery was made about him and his work, its called Buddha's Lost Children. Its a two part DVD but can be viewed over many 15min parts on utube. Worth a look and may restore some faith in humanity. Here is part one. Follow the links after for the rest of the storyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2r9KNSbu2o&feature=player_detailpage

Seems like a great monk and nun...

Someone i would be happy to give money to, so he can carry on his work
What a terrible thing to say "I would be happy giving money to".
Personally i wouldn't give these people anything.

Well then you shouldn't give any of your money then. Nor do i think did anyone ask you to...
If you want to give away your hard earned money that's up to you.
The more you give these people the more they want.
They never stop holding their hand out.
Charity starts at home.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2013, 10:59:04 AM by Antonio »

Offline Murtle_71

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« Reply #28 on: April 02, 2013, 11:15:51 AM »
Have any of you heard of an Abbot Monk in Chiang Rai called Khru Bah. He is an ex Thai boxer and runs the Golden Horse Monestery. A documentery was made about him and his work, its called Buddha's Lost Children. Its a two part DVD but can be viewed over many 15min parts on utube. Worth a look and may restore some faith in humanity. Here is part one. Follow the links after for the rest of the storyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2r9KNSbu2o&feature=player_detailpage

Seems like a great monk and nun...

Someone i would be happy to give money to, so he can carry on his work
What a terrible thing to say "I would be happy giving money to".
Personally i wouldn't give these people anything.

Well then you shouldn't give any of your money then. Nor do i think did anyone ask you to...
If you want to give away your hard earned money that's up to you.
The more you give these people the more they want.
They never stop holding their hand out.
Charity starts at home.

Charity may start at home but for some it doesn't end there. If you don't want to give that's up to. but going out of your way to try to stop others....
please give me a break

Offline CO-CO

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« Reply #29 on: April 02, 2013, 11:31:19 AM »
Have any of you heard of an Abbot Monk in Chiang Rai called Khru Bah. He is an ex Thai boxer and runs the Golden Horse Monestery. A documentery was made about him and his work, its called Buddha's Lost Children. Its a two part DVD but can be viewed over many 15min parts on utube. Worth a look and may restore some faith in humanity. Here is part one. Follow the links after for the rest of the storyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2r9KNSbu2o&feature=player_detailpage

Seems like a great monk and nun...

Someone i would be happy to give money to, so he can carry on his work
What a terrible thing to say "I would be happy giving money to".
Personally i wouldn't give these people anything.

Well then you shouldn't give any of your money then. Nor do i think did anyone ask you to...
If you want to give away your hard earned money that's up to you.
The more you give these people the more they want.
They never stop holding their hand out.
Charity starts at home.

Charity may start at home but for some it doesn't end there. If you don't want to give that's up to. but going out of your way to try to stop others....
please give me a break

No one would try to stop you giving away your money as you choose - you have earned the right to that.

But don't criticise others for pointing that giving to wats/monks is a questionable choice.

There are many that have been a long time and have concluded that there are parasitic tendencies associated with the monks. There are a number of videos circulating amongst Thais that may cause you to question your benevolent view of monks.


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