

Author Topic: THAILAND - EVIL AND CORRUPT  (Read 35743 times)

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Offline JimNasium

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« Reply #45 on: March 07, 2013, 01:35:48 PM »
My point being: If you were punished appropriately when you were a child, then maybe you would think twice before using foul language, show respect to those in your community and even know a thing or two about grammar without thinking about it too much..
« Last Edit: March 07, 2013, 01:38:37 PM by JimNasium »

Offline dimple joe

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« Reply #46 on: March 07, 2013, 01:39:36 PM »
One lone voice is better than none DJ. Perhaps I am the only one with a vested interest (Kids at school). There are enough bad people around everywhere. They are not needed when they have the responsibility of caring for children!

Anyway -you are misquoting me. I did not advocate the class physically attack the teacher. I asked why the other kids did not come to the boys rescue, when it was clear the teacher was going over the top. "Why didn't the other students assist and drag the b...h off"  No suggestion of physical assault! They could have surrounded her, removed the cane and sought assistance form other teachers and the headmaster.

And lets not forget that by her own admission she caned 6 children that day! That the children needed punishing is very likely, but over exuberance with a cane was probably the wrong punishment.

Nick, I doubt very much that you are the only one with kids in school but you are still the lone voice of objection - do you really think you are right and the rest of us are wrong?

That's a rhetorical question by the way - no need to answer - if you cannot see that "Why didn't the other students assist and drag the b...h off"  is physical assault, there is no point in continuing the discussion with you.

Offline Albert

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« Reply #47 on: March 07, 2013, 01:50:31 PM »
My point being: If you were punished appropriately when you were a child, then maybe you would think twice before using foul language, show respect to those in your community and even know a thing or two about grammar without thinking about it too much..
Maybe some people should think twice before they try and belittle other people.
If my spelling or grammar is not up to scratch i humbly apologize and will try harder in the future.

P.S I show respect to those i think deserve it.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2013, 01:52:04 PM by Albert »

Offline JimNasium

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« Reply #48 on: March 07, 2013, 02:31:04 PM »
If my spelling or grammar is not up to scratch i humbly apologize and will try harder in the future.

Then my job here is done.

Offline Prakhonchai Nick

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« Reply #49 on: March 07, 2013, 03:50:13 PM »
One lone voice is better than none DJ. Perhaps I am the only one with a vested interest (Kids at school). There are enough bad people around everywhere. They are not needed when they have the responsibility of caring for children!

Anyway -you are misquoting me. I did not advocate the class physically attack the teacher. I asked why the other kids did not come to the boys rescue, when it was clear the teacher was going over the top. "Why didn't the other students assist and drag the b...h off"  No suggestion of physical assault! They could have surrounded her, removed the cane and sought assistance form other teachers and the headmaster.

And lets not forget that by her own admission she caned 6 children that day! That the children needed punishing is very likely, but over exuberance with a cane was probably the wrong punishment.

Nick, I doubt very much that you are the only one with kids in school but you are still the lone voice of objection - do you really think you are right and the rest of us are wrong?

That's a rhetorical question by the way - no need to answer - if you cannot see that "Why didn't the other students assist and drag the b...h off"  is physical assault, there is no point in continuing the discussion with you.

I don't expect you to comment further DJ, but I disagree that preventing further abuse from the teacher by trying to remove the cane, and surrounding the abused child for his protection against a seemingly crazed teacher  is in fact physical assault.It is NOT in my book!

Further I am most certainly NOT the lone voice of objection! I am voicing my concerns at this womans behaviour (not corporal punishment per se) which I like others on this forum  believed to be excessive. The boy was abused by this woman, and  others have said as much!


Offline Prakhonchai Nick

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« Reply #50 on: March 07, 2013, 04:36:12 PM »

Nick, I doubt very much that you are the only one with kids in school but you are still the lone voice of objection - do you really think you are right and the rest of us are wrong?

Your rhetorical question does indeed require an answer.

With I think 7 members having posted on this thread -some not expressing any opinion about the viciousness of the attack, and with3 considering it excessive, it does suggest a difference of opinion.

However even if I were a lone voice as you suggest  it does not necessarily mean I am wrong and that you and everyone else is right -or vice versa. These are just peoples opinions!  We are all entitled to them!

Offline CO-CO

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« Reply #51 on: March 07, 2013, 04:46:34 PM »
Opinions are like arse-holes  -  we all have one................

Offline Prakhonchai Nick

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« Reply #52 on: March 07, 2013, 05:31:40 PM »
Thank you Co-Co

Some people think we can only have an opinion if it is the same as theirs and what they believe to be everyone elses.

I am pissed off posting on this forum only to be told that my opinion is incorrect because i don't toe the perceived  party line.

I think I will stop posting! Might please some folk! Today is the straw that broke.............................!

Offline CO-CO

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« Reply #53 on: March 07, 2013, 06:52:06 PM »
Thank you Co-Co

Some people think we can only have an opinion if it is the same as theirs and what they believe to be everyone elses.

I am pissed off posting on this forum only to be told that my opinion is incorrect because i don't toe the perceived  party line.

I think I will stop posting! Might please some folk! Today is the straw that broke.............................!

Straw that broke............................. I doubt it, and I know you are not pre-menstrual !  ;D 

Dimple Joe's opinion is as valid as yours, as is mine.

He thought you overreacted and only after a few more balanced posts appeared was it clear that EVERYONE shared the view that caning was not wrong but this teacher's exuberance wasn't warranted. Equally, it did not call for mass intervention by school mates or any need for her to be strung up. It was a good example of the cane being the right discipline but the 'offended' teacher being the wrong person to administer said discipline.

Offline dimple joe

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« Reply #54 on: March 07, 2013, 07:18:32 PM »
I'm sorry Nick, we must have different versions of Buriram Expats.

In reply #50 you say there are 3 members who consider the “attack” excessive.

I have read the whole thing again and I am quite unable to find them.

Please direct me to those replies and I will concede the point that you are not the lone voice.

Having presumably shared with your children, your thought "Why didn't the other students assist and drag the b...h off"; do you think they understood that manhandling a teacher is ok only in these special circumstances?

Or do you think they (and probably their friends too, if they've discussed it) think it's ok whenever they don't like what the b...h is doing?

Throw your toys out of the pram if you like Nick.

Flounce all you want, stamp your foot even - but you still can't have it both ways.

Offline Prakhonchai Nick

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« Reply #55 on: March 07, 2013, 07:32:37 PM »
I'm sorry Nick, we must have different versions of Buriram Expats.

In reply #50 you say there are 3 members who consider the “attack” excessive.

I have read the whole thing again and I am quite unable to find them.

Please direct me to those replies and I will concede the point that you are not the lone voice.

Having presumably shared with your children, your thought "Why didn't the other students assist and drag the b...h off"; do you think they understood that manhandling a teacher is ok only in these special circumstances?

Or do you think they (and probably their friends too, if they've discussed it) think it's ok whenever they don't like what the b...h is doing?

Throw your toys out of the pram if you like Nick.

Flounce all you want, stamp your foot even - but you still can't have it both ways.

Jesus Fcuking Christ DJ ! I am expressing an opinion. My opinion!  Nothing More. This is a Forum unless I am wrong again in your eyes. I have an opinion just like you and everyone else. If you don't agree with it so be it. Why the stupid accusations of throwing toys etc and all your other verbal diarrhoea!  Rather childish don't you think? It is in my opinion!

I will say categorically once again for your benefit. I am not against corporal punishment in schools as long as it is carried out sensibly, within reason and without hatred and emotion which this particular teacher appeared to display.

And did you overlook Mr Speros?   "Beating a child is just abuse and is wrong..."

Have it your way!


Offline urleft

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« Reply #56 on: March 07, 2013, 07:56:58 PM »
Thank you Co-Co

Some people think we can only have an opinion if it is the same as theirs and what they believe to be everyone elses.

I am pissed off posting on this forum only to be told that my opinion is incorrect because i don't toe the perceived  party line.

I think I will stop posting! Might please some folk! Today is the straw that broke.............................!

Glad my opinion has always been treated with respect on this forum.   :ohmy:


Offline dimple joe

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« Reply #57 on: March 07, 2013, 09:45:16 PM »
Calm down Nick, you'll do yourself an injury.

I accept we all have an opinion

I merely suggested the teacher was trying to instil discipline – her earlier efforts having failed.

I then quietly pointed out the utter hypocrisy contained in your opening post objecting to the student being punished while demanding a firm rule of law and no more wishy washy punishments.

You cant have it both ways sums it up I think.

In a later post you added Why didn't the other students assist and drag the b...h off and somewhat surprised, I pointed out that you were the lone voice objecting to the teacher's action and that suggesting such action by the students, was again, totally hypocritical.

After your denial that dragging the bitch off constitutes physical assault, I decided that there was no further point in continuing the discussion and told you so.

Not content to let sleeping dogs lie, you repeated your denial and began to invent members who like you, considered the teacher's actions excessive.

There are no such members, some have said that beating children is abuse and is wrong, but NOT ONE has said the teachers action was wrong or excessive.

Childish? I quote from your post #53

“I think I will stop posting! Might please some folk! Today is the straw that broke........................!”  :D

Nick you are entitled to your opinion, equally I am entitled to challenge it when it is based on hypocrisy or invented “facts”.

Offline Murtle_71

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« Reply #58 on: March 10, 2013, 09:13:27 AM »
Well put me in the group that says that a teacher has no right to strike my children in any way. That's my job. A teachers job is to teach them to read, write and maths. I was raised with the cane and it didn't work for me. Informing my parents as to what i had done wrong always got a change out of me. I was always scared of my father belting me, more scared of waiting for it to happen then getting it.

When a someone threatens a person its called an as assault when they touch a person its physical assault. If you want to physically assault my children then expect the favour returned.

Caning  is physical assault and is banned in aus for that reason.

Offline Murtle_71

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« Reply #59 on: March 10, 2013, 09:16:43 AM »
Calm down Nick, you'll do yourself an injury.

I accept we all have an opinion

I merely suggested the teacher was trying to instil discipline – her earlier efforts having failed.

I then quietly pointed out the utter hypocrisy contained in your opening post objecting to the student being punished while demanding a firm rule of law and no more wishy washy punishments.

You cant have it both ways sums it up I think.

In a later post you added Why didn't the other students assist and drag the b...h off and somewhat surprised, I pointed out that you were the lone voice objecting to the teacher's action and that suggesting such action by the students, was again, totally hypocritical.

After your denial that dragging the bitch off constitutes physical assault, I decided that there was no further point in continuing the discussion and told you so.

Not content to let sleeping dogs lie, you repeated your denial and began to invent members who like you, considered the teacher's actions excessive.

There are no such members, some have said that beating children is abuse and is wrong, but NOT ONE has said the teachers action was wrong or excessive.

Childish? I quote from your post #53

“I think I will stop posting! Might please some folk! Today is the straw that broke........................!”  :D

Nick you are entitled to your opinion, equally I am entitled to challenge it when it is based on hypocrisy or invented “facts”.

The caning was the first physical assault and should of been dealt with more harshly. i agree with Nick it would of been ok for the students to stop the teacher with physical force.


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