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Offline simonraksa

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inmprove your english leaning skills
« on: December 17, 2012, 01:59:18 PM »
Learn or improve your English language skills for foreigners, students, teachers, self-study
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Whether you are teacher or student this is a must have
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free samples availible

Offline Nobby

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Re: inmprove your english leaning skills
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2012, 02:30:31 PM »
Congratulations on winning the funniest post of the day....

inmprove your english leaning skills (see I put it in italics for the obvious reason)

Offline CO-CO

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Re: inmprove your english leaning skills
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2012, 03:52:42 PM »
Perhaps it is aimed at our American members ?   :o :o :o

Offline sao baht

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Re: inmprove your english leaning skills
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2012, 04:58:57 PM »
Perhaps it is aimed at our American members ?   :o :o :o

Or a few TEFL English Teachers I have come across.
Thailand is full of "Mickey Mouse" English teachers with no qualifications of real value,lost all their saving on some Bar-girl and then end up teaching English in some backwater on dodgy Visa's or no work permits and end up living with any old tart that would have them.They might even learn something from the Op's spam. mhihi   

Is simonraksa Russian   ::)

Offline Jamaw

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Re: inmprove your english leaning skills
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2012, 06:47:04 PM »
I have to agree this looks very American ($$$). Yet another who has taken a course of doubtful origin and credibility.

There are several TEFL courses that are quite demanding and highly accredited, but those alone should not equip one to teach English in Thailand. Having said that, they are probably a lot better than the Thai teachers with degrees that presently teach English - I speak from experience.

I am also a qualified teacher of English and many other subjects with over 24 years of international experience, but have declined several offers to teach in Thai schools for reasons that should not need explanation. I am, however, presently considering a good one now.

The times they are a changin...and the Thai education system is weeding out the excrement - that's crap for those who don't have a TEFL ;-) and it's going to get tougher for those who just just and only do one of these courses and a good thing too.

Offline Nobby

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Re: inmprove your english leaning skills
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2012, 03:56:47 PM »
Perhaps it is aimed at our American members ?   :o :o :o

Or a few TEFL English Teachers I have come across.
Thailand is full of "Mickey Mouse" English teachers with no qualifications of real value,lost all their saving on some Bar-girl and then end up teaching English in some backwater on dodgy Visa's or no work permits and end up living with any old tart that would have them.They might even learn something from the Op's spam. mhihi   

Is simonraksa Russian   ::)

I think your slightly outdated TB honest Sao Baht. The days of un or under-qualified teachers in Thai schools has passed. It is the law that a degree is needed for employment AND a work permit. I see you are new here  character3 and suggest you take a read of some of the past posts on this same subject with particular attention to info given from Stevo. He has worked as a teacher here for a long time and always provides accurate and CRISPY clear facts, not just bar talk.

The days of losers and ex bar owners getting into the education system are long gone and its probably just as well.

Offline tonypace01

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Re: inmprove your english leaning skills
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2013, 05:05:08 AM »
I think your slightly outdated TB honest Sao Baht. The days of un or under-qualified teachers in Thai schools has passed. It is the law that a degree is needed for employment AND a work permit. I see you are new here  character3 and suggest you take a read of some of the past posts on this same subject with particular attention to info given from Stevo. He has worked as a teacher here for a long time and always provides accurate and CRISPY clear facts, not just bar talk.

The days of losers and ex bar owners getting into the education system are long gone and its probably just as well.
In your dreams! Need a degree? So what? Print one up on your computer. Do you think anyone will check? And if you have one, is it in English Education or Advanced Basket Weaving? How does a degree in Chemistry prepare one to teach English? Would anyone expect an English teacher to do a good job teaching Chemistry? My degree is in English Ed with a minor in Linguistics and additional training in ESL. I have not gotten too many opportunities to teach in Thailand because of my age. I love teaching, but, being over sixty, I have been denied that privilege. Yet, when I see farang teachers who could not get a degree on a rectal thermometer, I suffer through bouts of depression, not for me, but for the students who will be called to account for their lack of English skills when ASEAN comes into being. However, I learned yesterday at the local employment office that the age limitation has been lifted. So, maybe I can get back in the saddle again.

Don't kid yourself! As long as education is run by inept administrators dedicated to flawed methods and policies, unqualified teachers are here to stay. Besides, where could the Ministry of Education possibly find enough qualified teachers to replace the unqualified? There are over 15 million students in Thailand. Class sizes are already much too large. I partly agree with Jamaw about TOEFL. There is some value to a good TOEFL curriculum combined with a strong Liberal Arts degree. University of California Irvine has a two year TOEFL program that received a lot of praise five years ago. No intelligent administrator can expect a student to learn in 30 to 90 days what otherwise requires five years of formal education. But that system will survive because, like the proverbial crap game, everybody knows it's crooked, but it's the only game in town.

All of this having been expressed, I believe none of it holds a candle to the biggest problem of English language education in Thailand. I don’t even have to describe it. I will simply offer you this challenge: take a class or two in Thai language taught by a Thai teacher who speaks no English. How much do you think you will learn despite the fact that, unlike Thai students learning English, you will leave the class and be immersed in a linguistic environment almost exclusively dominated by the language you are studying?

One more thing then I promise to quit. To be a good teacher, you can't just be doing a job. You got to want to be a teacher. You have to be able to look up at the clock while working on lesson plans and see that is 2:00 a.m. and not be unhappy that you are putting in all these extra hours for no additional pay. You spend extra money on health aids so you won't get sick and lose a day of class because you will be exposed daily to 200 to 300 germ carriers. If you teach in an inner city school on Los Angeles or New York City, you say a silent prayer every morning, even if you are an Atheist (just in case), that you won't be caught in the crossfire of a gang shooting, or get stabbed while breaking up a fight, or get run over by an unlicensed student driving his big brother's vintage Monte Carlo into the main entrance. And every morning you wonder if there isn't a better way to make a living. Then your first period students begin their assault on your classroom and a bolt of lightning comes crashing out of the gloom and you miraculously become a policeman, a parent, a judge and jury, a father confessor, an actor/comedian, a listener and a friend all in one to a couple of hundred young people whom you spend more time with than their own parents: SUPERTEACHER. Now you know you are exactly where you should be.

Offline urleft

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Re: inmprove your english leaning skills
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2013, 09:36:46 AM »
Perhaps it is aimed at our American members ?   :o :o :o

No, Americans would say "Fixen your English skills"  loco

BTW, seriously I have heard that American English is being preferred over UK English as Americans are fairly consistant with their accents, but as show by the movie My Fair Lady the English living 2KM apart speak differently. 

Offline Nobby

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Re: inmprove your english leaning skills
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2013, 09:51:34 AM »
Perhaps it is aimed at our American members ?   :o :o :o

No, Americans would say "Fixen your English skills"  loco

BTW, seriously I have heard that American English is being preferred over UK English as Americans are fairly consistant with their accents, but as show by the movie My Fair Lady the English living 2KM apart speak differently.

 :D It is true that many of the Thai learning books have American spellings which sometimes are more logical and easier, but like most things, language evolves and that which is spoken in UK has come from many different sources over hundereds of years before they collonised America.   

Offline DeputyDavid

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Re: inmprove your english leaning skills
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2013, 10:38:02 AM »
Tell me more about LEANING english.   buttslap

Offline Nobby

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Re: inmprove your english leaning skills
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2013, 10:56:24 AM »
Tell me more about LEANING english.   buttslap

Thats why I posted reply number 1  :D

Offline urleft

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Re: inmprove your english leaning skills
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2013, 11:06:11 AM »
Tell me more about LEANING english.   buttslap

The English will often lean against walls and posts to ease the stress on feet and legs.    :biggrin:
They also lean far left on Gun Control.

« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 11:07:45 AM by urleft »

Offline Speros

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Re: inmprove your english leaning skills
« Reply #12 on: March 08, 2013, 03:38:39 PM »
Tell me more about LEANING english.   buttslap

The English will often lean against walls and posts to ease the stress on feet and legs.    :biggrin:
They also lean far left on Gun Control.
Much better to be on the right side of gun out of control?  bananadance


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