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Offline urleft

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Re: USD tanking against Thai baht.
« Reply #45 on: June 21, 2013, 10:06:28 AM »
Woooo Wooo,

31.1 to 1 USD at Super Rich.  Life is getting better. 

Offline Antonio

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Re: USD tanking against Thai baht.
« Reply #46 on: June 21, 2013, 10:13:12 AM »
Woooo Wooo,

31.1 to 1 USD at Super Rich.  Life is getting better.
30.80 to 1 USD at the Bangkok Bank,but ok as you say things are looking up.

Offline mike

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Re: USD tanking against Thai baht.
« Reply #47 on: June 21, 2013, 12:40:43 PM »
Woooo Wooo,

31.1 to 1 USD at Super Rich.  Life is getting better.

My wife just got 40.96 to 1€uro this week and is very happy  :)


Offline urleft

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Re: USD tanking against Thai baht.
« Reply #48 on: July 08, 2013, 03:52:17 PM »

Don't know what happened here but Superrich has the rate at 31.37 to $1.  All banks are over 31 for $1 based on $100 notes. 

Maybe we can hit 32 in the next month. 

Offline Voodoo

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Re: USD tanking against Thai baht.
« Reply #49 on: August 12, 2013, 09:44:56 PM »
Urleft, I here ya as an Aussie paid in USD I have been taking a hammering for some time, not sure if I would blame Obama, he was left in charged of a heavily indebted state of affairs from G.W.Bush. Believe me it would make me happy to see the USD flying high again.

This has nothing to do with Bush.. It has everything to do with Obama.. 4 and a half years later it is all Obama.. and off course 535 clowns in the congress on both sides of the isle.. For those of us who live here the blame Bush thing isn't cutting it anymore and that includes many liberal democrats.. Talks cheap and all Obama has done is run his mouth and do nothing.. His administration is now known as the one who is in charge of everything and responsible for nothing.. Progressive liberalism may work in some parts of the world but it doesn't work here in the US.. As a people we are not wired that way.. Just ask the over 58 million people who didn't vote for Obama...

Offline Speros

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Re: USD tanking against Thai baht.
« Reply #50 on: August 13, 2013, 08:34:56 AM »
Urleft wake up to yourself, the right wing no big government, self regulating arseholes in the banking and business community from America and Europe are to blame for the collapse of the worlds economy, Bush being a large component on its continued spiral of out of control economics but I am not gong to blame him as I will refuse to blame Obama for the state of the US economy which has been spiralling with out of control debt for many years through greed and corruption esp through the lobbyist and big business's. if your pet hate is Obama then I'm sure you with be happy with the next Muppet that the Republicans get in to office with a political platform of " God and guns", screw education, health and social welfare. bravo1 slapfight

Offline urleft

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Re: USD tanking against Thai baht.
« Reply #51 on: August 13, 2013, 02:41:32 PM »
Urleft wake up to yourself, the right wing no big government, self regulating arseholes in the banking and business community from America and Europe are to blame for the collapse of the worlds economy, Bush being a large component on its continued spiral of out of control economics but I am not gong to blame him as I will refuse to blame Obama for the state of the US economy which has been spiralling with out of control debt for many years through greed and corruption esp through the lobbyist and big business's. if your pet hate is Obama then I'm sure you with be happy with the next Muppet that the Republicans get in to office with a political platform of " God and guns", screw education, health and social welfare. bravo1 slapfight

I have never said I hate Obama.  I really dislike his policies and think he is being destructive of America (and the world).  However, he is a liberal academia product that was taught the elite (like him) know what is best for us, and GVT control is what to go.  He is also a lawyer with means he has no morals, values and the truth is subject to change. 

Obama got 2 years of all his policies implemented, he could do whatever he wanted from 2009-2010.  His policies just did not work.  I lived thru the Jimmy Carter years and saw Reagan put the US Economy back on track.  During the 1st 6 years of Bush, the economy did fairly well, the destructive GVT policies like forcing banking institutions to lend money to unqualified individuals set the economy on its head. 

And the EU world order is a whole debacle in itself.   

For me, I was lucky, I got to empower myself with Reagan’s policies (e.g., 401K and IRAs) such that even if my pensions go belly up, I can still live OK.  I feel sorry for the individuals that were sold utopia with GVT taking care of them, they are going to suffer. 

Offline Voodoo

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Re: USD tanking against Thai baht.
« Reply #52 on: August 14, 2013, 02:29:33 AM »
Kudos Urleft on that last post.. You hit the nail on the head again, as usual.  By the way Speros the post you're charging Urleft with was mine.  I've spent the last 65 years of my life being the ugly and hated American.  Doesn't bother me a bit.  I am very well used to it and could care less about what anyone, except another American, has to say about her or me.  Right now the better part of the world is going to hell in a hand cart.  Until you show me another system of government that has proven itself to work better I'll stick with free market capitalism. Have a good day Comrade.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2013, 02:32:38 AM by Voodoo »

Offline Speros

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Re: USD tanking against Thai baht.
« Reply #53 on: August 14, 2013, 09:30:02 AM »
The Westminster system with a non political head of state seems to be a good system, my apologies to Keith, I'm working off of a phone( the only Internet I have) as for comrade.. Bahahaha I am far from the left I would be more centre with some extreme right views on several issues. Just because i believe a universal health system and decent education oppertunities for all does not make me a communist!!!! Even if Obama has not done well, at least world opinion is that you have an intelligent head of state unlike Bush who seemed to have the IQ of a stuffed ferret.

Offline Voodoo

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Re: USD tanking against Thai baht.
« Reply #54 on: August 14, 2013, 10:24:50 AM »
Well at least we can agree to disagree Speros.. Would like to hear more about the Westminster System.. Never heard of it before but it sounds interesting.. If we could most of us here would bring back Bubba and Newt.. Bill Clinton is very affectionately called Bubba here.. The last time we made a profit was with him and speaker Gingrich.. Newt's cooperation with Clinton also cost him his speaker position in the house.  But the 2 of them got things done.. Unfortunately there is no compromise with this administration.. It's Obama's way or the highway.. He is very carefully scripted by his handlers.. Without a script and a teleprompter he's lost and prone to temper tantrums.. He wants to be remembered like JFK or FDR but right now he looks more like Nixon..

Offline Voodoo

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Re: USD tanking against Thai baht.
« Reply #55 on: August 15, 2013, 06:42:45 PM »
To get back on the original subject... The baht seems to have always floated up and down from what I see.  Over the last month it's come back from being a bit dismal.. From my point of view it seems to be OK.. I remember when I was in the LOS back in 73 it got as low as 17 to the dollar and I never saw it any better then 20 for the 2 years I was there.. In 98 it was really good.. It varied from about 42 to 48.. Then in 2005 it was about 35.. So from 2005 until now it really hasn't changed that much.. What we have right now sure beats what we had back in the 70s.. and it is better then it was about 2 months ago.. Where the rate is headed is anyone's guess.. but for right now it seems to be pretty stable.. At least from this ole boy's point of view..

Offline bart simpson

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Re: USD tanking against Thai baht.
« Reply #56 on: August 16, 2013, 01:09:12 AM »
To get back on the original subject... The baht seems to have always floated up and down from what I see.  Over the last month it's come back from being a bit dismal.. From my point of view it seems to be OK.. I remember when I was in the LOS back in 73 it got as low as 17 to the dollar and I never saw it any better then 20 for the 2 years I was there.. In 98 it was really good.. It varied from about 42 to 48.. Then in 2005 it was about 35.. So from 2005 until now it really hasn't changed that much.. What we have right now sure beats what we had back in the 70s.. and it is better then it was about 2 months ago.. Where the rate is headed is anyone's guess.. but for right now it seems to be pretty stable.. At least from this ole boy's point of view..
The baht was at 40+ / dollar when I moved here in November 2005 by June 2006 it was down to 35. I was lucky and bought my home and vehicles in Nov. 2005 at 41 baht / dollar.

Offline Voodoo

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Re: USD tanking against Thai baht.
« Reply #57 on: August 16, 2013, 04:26:12 AM »
Wasn't so lucky on this end.. It cost not only in the baht rate but in the price of the house as well.. By the time we were eligible to retire, build the house, and make this move.  The cost of the materials for the house had increased by about 30% and the baht rate slowly tanked.  We had major problems trying to send money bank to bank.  They screwed up on the transfers (Bangkok Bank in Nang Rong) and the banks we were able to deal with here just didn't deal with any other bank other then Bangkok Bank. The only way we could safely get the money to the LOS was through Western Union and that added to the cost.  When all was said and done, over the last 2 years we have only averaged 29.37 baht to the dollar.  So, once we are there, if we can get 30 to 31 baht to the dollar that will be just fine with us.  For those who have been in the LOS since 2005 or earlier feel good about having been through the good times.  In the last 5 years the price of land in Pon's home village has gone up by over 500%.  We feel lucky because by the end of this year the price of the materials to build the house we built will go up another 25 to 30%.  That's why we did everything we could to scrape the money together to build the house as soon as possible.  It's like anything else in this world.  It's a matter of supply and demand.  In 1973 I was the 1st farang to ever set foot in Pon's home village.  By 1998 there were maybe  4 or 5.  By 2005 the number had gone up to about 15 to 20 and as of now there are over 50 living in that village.  With the arrival of so many farang came some outrageous inflation.  Remember... We're all rich???  That's a lot of farang for a little farm village out in the sticks that doesn't even show up on Google Earth.  Thailand has become a  very popular place to live and retire in.  We're all living proof of that. 

Offline urleft

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Re: USD tanking against Thai baht.
« Reply #58 on: August 23, 2013, 09:42:58 AM »

Maybe we can hit 32 in the next month. 

Sometimes I am really good  bananadance , the rate at Super Rich hit 32  punk for about 15 seconds (more like 16 hours), but is back down to 31.88   moneysmile

But then this is the beginning of the weekend when rates usually drop, luckily I used the ATM with better exchange rate yesterday. 

The news on the Thai Economy getting weaker plus the turd in the punch bowl of the inflated rice prices seem to have an impact. 

Link to check exchange rates:   http://bankexchangerates.daytodaydata.net/default.aspx

Offline Voodoo

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Re: USD tanking against Thai baht.
« Reply #59 on: August 28, 2013, 07:27:54 AM »
As of today the exchange rate is better now, at least here, then it was when we were in the LOS in September 2011. So it has to be better over there.. Enjoy it while it lasts..


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