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Offline Voodoo

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Re: USD tanking against Thai baht.
« Reply #75 on: August 31, 2013, 12:15:28 PM »
Not a fan, but I guess I just loathed Bush jnr for the moron he is.
Apart from his public speaking ? Well let me think.....weapons of mass distraction, resulting in the invasion of Iraq, invading Afganistan which has historically gone so well for the Russians and the British, banning gay marriages, ....his involvement and profiteering from the Emron bankruptcy , ensuring the Bin Laden family members were promptly allowed to leave the US after 9/11 without questioning. Maybe you are correct he may not be a moron but a national and international criminal mastermind who just looks like a big eared retard hiding behind family money and power stained with so many others blood.

Yes, check out public speaking.  How many of these have you seen? 

Funny how Bush's gaffes are main stream news, but most of you probably never have seen these by the media. 

And Obama can't even speak for himself:

And let's compare speaking styles to school children:

Don't even bother Urleft.. All this guy wants to do is talk shit and F**k with people.  He's having a ball just pulling you chain.. By the way Speros.. when's the last time you were in the United States?  OK Speros you hate Bush and we can't stand Obama. Let's just leave it at that. How about we get back on topic here.  Urleft.. from what I can see the rate is fluctuating a bit but it seems to be slowly creeping upward.  It's as high as I've seen it in a while.  So that looks like a good thing

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Re: USD tanking against Thai baht.
« Reply #76 on: August 31, 2013, 12:55:38 PM »
There are reports of the Thai economy on a downturn, as such it is logical that other currencies will get healther. 

I also believe the Thai rice market is going to crash, the Thai GVT can only prop it up so long, and Thailand is losing its international rice market share.  Could be tough times ahead for the average Thai. 

Unfortunately at the same time Obama has so dorked up the middle east (making even Jimmy Carter almost looking smart) that the international markets are holding the USD back. 

However, I hope the USD is headed towards 34, as you check this thread history, was not long ago the rate was about 28 to 1.   To me the magic number to shoot for is 33.5 to 1 such that $30K = 1 Mil Baht. 

Offline Voodoo

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Re: USD tanking against Thai baht.
« Reply #77 on: August 31, 2013, 01:16:32 PM »
Not a good sign for the family in Thailand.. Pon's family are rice farmers but they have branched out into a number of other crops as well.  Hopefully, the rate will continue to go up but from what I've seen of the inflation rate in Thailand, the better rate may be offset by inflation.  This Syria situation could have some serious effects on the economies of many countries around the world..
And that includes the US and Thailand. 
As for Obama.. This guy's becoming more of loose cannon every day.. It's like stepping back to the days of Nixon.. Even parts of the left are turning on him.. I think it's only a matter of time before he comes off the rails entirely.. In the meantime he has the ability to cause enormous damage here and around the world.  God help us because I don't think there's anyone out there that's going to even try to put the brakes on him

Offline Alan

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Re: USD tanking against Thai baht.
« Reply #78 on: August 31, 2013, 08:29:38 PM »
USA this USA that any guess what the USA are gunna do next??????????????? knuppel2

Offline DeputyDavid

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Re: USD tanking against Thai baht.
« Reply #79 on: September 01, 2013, 10:42:08 AM »
Hopefully this ghetto savage we call president will get checked by congress.  Just remember, higher numbers for westerners means worse economy for the natives.  They are having a hard enough time as it is.

Offline Voodoo

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Re: USD tanking against Thai baht.
« Reply #80 on: September 01, 2013, 12:19:14 PM »
After what went on today I have faith that congress say no to him. We already have demonstrations breaking out on the streets against the use of military intervention in Syria.  The PEOPLE here... The silent majority are no longer silent.. They're not only speaking now but they're screaming at the top of their lungs at their elected representatives, many of whom got a real ear full when they went home on break this time.  By the time congress is back in session this movement should have a full head of steam.  So I really don't think that congress is going to authorize the use of military force against Syria.. Then it's up to his majesty Obama what he will do.. Maybe.... Jussst maybe... the egos in Washington are beginning to realize that the Empire is Dead.  The people here have had enough of useless wars that accomplish nothing.. To put it in the words of the gangsters here... It's bad for business...

Offline DeputyDavid

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Re: USD tanking against Thai baht.
« Reply #81 on: September 01, 2013, 12:24:55 PM »
I wish there was a way to "like" a post.  Good post Voodoo.  I agree. redman thumbup

Offline DeputyDavid

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Re: USD tanking against Thai baht.
« Reply #82 on: September 01, 2013, 12:28:30 PM »
Voodoo, the only thing I disagree with is calling Obama "his majesty."  The majesty is clearly only in his mind, and recognizing him as any type of majesty is no bueno.   
Disclaimer:  the opinions expressed in this post are soley the opinion of the poster. Obviously not very impressed with Obama. 

Offline Speros

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Re: USD tanking against Thai baht.
« Reply #83 on: September 01, 2013, 02:46:27 PM »
After what went on today I have faith that congress say no to him. We already have demonstrations breaking out on the streets against the use of military intervention in Syria.  The PEOPLE here... The silent majority are no longer silent.. They're not only speaking now but they're screaming at the top of their lungs at their elected representatives, many of whom got a real ear full when they went home on break this time.  By the time congress is back in session this movement should have a full head of steam.  So I really don't think that congress is going to authorize the use of military force against Syria.. Then it's up to his majesty Obama what he will do.. Maybe.... Jussst maybe... the egos in Washington are beginning to realize that the Empire is Dead.  The people here have had enough of useless wars that accomplish nothing.. To put it in the words of the gangsters here... It's bad for business...
Scooby do..... I thought you wanted to get back on the subject, yes I'm sure everyone is sick of wars.... Lets not forget who started the invasions... But of course Bush already declared victory... buttslap

Offline urleft

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Re: USD tanking against Thai baht.
« Reply #84 on: September 01, 2013, 08:39:52 PM »
After what went on today I have faith that congress say no to him. We already have demonstrations breaking out on the streets against the use of military intervention in Syria.  The PEOPLE here... The silent majority are no longer silent.. They're not only speaking now but they're screaming at the top of their lungs at their elected representatives, many of whom got a real ear full when they went home on break this time.  By the time congress is back in session this movement should have a full head of steam.  So I really don't think that congress is going to authorize the use of military force against Syria.. Then it's up to his majesty Obama what he will do.. Maybe.... Jussst maybe... the egos in Washington are beginning to realize that the Empire is Dead.  The people here have had enough of useless wars that accomplish nothing.. To put it in the words of the gangsters here... It's bad for business...
Scooby do..... I thought you wanted to get back on the subject, yes I'm sure everyone is sick of wars.... Lets not forget who started the invasions... But of course Bush already declared victory... buttslap

Bush (either one) is a Washington elitist that while trying to do the right thing, listened too much to idiots instead of "going for the nuts" and literally decaring war on the enemy. 

Implement my plan to fix things:

1.  Recind defining the War Office as Department of Defense. I want a Deparment of War.
2.  Make congress declare war, if you aren't ready to go to war, don't do it. 
3.  Unconditional surrender.  That is the objective, nothing less will work
4.  There will be no safe havens or free borders.  When we pursue the enemy everywhere.  If you give them safe have, you are the enemy.   

I bet if is this is done once, the world will become a quiet place. 

Offline Voodoo

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Re: USD tanking against Thai baht.
« Reply #85 on: September 01, 2013, 10:18:51 PM »
Nice thought but there's just too much profit in war.. Ask the Russians.. Ask the bottom feeders that made billions prolonging the Vietnam war at the cost of 58,000 lives.. but it would be nice to see it done right if it had to be done at all..

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Re: USD tanking against Thai baht.
« Reply #86 on: September 23, 2013, 06:39:39 PM »
Well the USD is back in the tanking mode.

All indicies had the USD under 31 to 1 this weekend.  Big fall from all being over 32 to 1 recently. 

Offline urleft

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Re: USD tanking against Thai baht.
« Reply #87 on: November 14, 2013, 09:17:21 AM »
Now back to the untanking, and the reason why: 


Foreign investors' extended retreat has raised their net-sell position in the Thai stock market so far this month to Bt18.7 billion, amid the raging political chaos at home and rising volatility in the global financial market.
Yesterday alone, foreign investors sold Thai shares worth Bt10.2 billion against purchases of Bt5.9 billion, resulting in net sales of Bt4.28 billion. This followed the Bt3.3 billion in net sales on Tuesday and over Bt1 billion on Monday. The year-to-date net-sell has ballooned to Bt123.95 billion. Global funds have also pulled some investment from Thai equities this month.

The baht opened at 31.61 per US dollar before closing at 31.60. On Monday, it fell as far as 31.705, the weakest level since September 18. The baht has given up 1.5 per cent over the past two weeks.

Besides the prolonged political protests, and despite the call from the private sector for all demonstrations to end, the baht was also marching along with other Asian currencies as investors waited for a clearer sign on the beginning of "tapering" in the US.

New Federal Reserve chairwoman Janet Yellen will appear before US senators today to defend her nomination as Fed policy-makers debate whether the stimulus policy known as quantitative easing is still needed to shore up the world's largest economy.
The greenback rose against the Singaporean dollar, Taiwanese |dollar, South Korean won, Indian rupee and Philippine peso.
World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said on Tuesday in Washington that emerging markets are likely to see considerably more impact from higher US interest rates when the Fed pulls back from its massive monetary stimulus.
In May, then Fed chairman Bernanke shocked emerging markets when he raised the possibility that the US central bank could soon embark on a drawdown in its bond-buying programme. Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia were particularly hard hit by capital outflows after Bernanke's comment.
"We think we've seen about a third of the overall increase in interest rates responding to that first announcement," Kim said.
"As US interest rates go up, what we're going to see is it will be even more difficult to get access to the kind of capital for infrastructure investment that developing economies need."
Prasarn Trairatvorakul, governor of the Bank of Thailand, insisted that there was no irregularity in capital outflows from the country. Movements in the stock and bond markets as well as in foreign exchange rates remained "orderly". There was no special concern that required action from the central bank.
"Overall, the condition is in order," he said, implying that all the proceeds from the dumping of Thai shares and bonds have not yet left the country.

Foreign investors are just keeping a close eye on the unfolding political situation.


Offline DeputyDavid

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Re: USD tanking against Thai baht.
« Reply #88 on: November 14, 2013, 10:59:13 AM »
Love for it to hit 38 again....

Offline urleft

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Re: USD tanking against Thai baht.
« Reply #89 on: November 27, 2013, 10:16:46 AM »
Super Rich just posted 32 to 1 USD. 

Wooo wooo, hope it continues that way for a while as opposed to the drop back.  But still much better than the April rate.  I was able to 19000 baht out of the ATM on my US Bank with a $600 limit. 


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