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Author Topic: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA  (Read 179111 times)

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Offline Speros

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #270 on: January 06, 2013, 12:30:33 PM »
sort of still fits in with my definition.....dont ya think....and you asked me what my definition was......

No, you said:

"but i think the objection comes from the strange desire in the USA for stock piling assault rifles etc..which seem to be the cornerstone of every massacre, often the owners are the parents of these sick kids that are the perpetrators"

No law abiding citizens are stock piling Assualt Rifles as these weapons are already illegal.
you asked what my definition of assault rifles were, wake up to yourself...i know what i said and under my definition its semi auto and automatic rifles...... including .22 semi auto rifles..... there are no need for them in private life...and no argument so far can make me change my mind,
i know what auto and semi auto means...have owned rifles, shot guns and a 9mm pistol in the past, now in Australia we generally go after feral pigs with dogs and a big knife.....some with compound bows.....they are "Game" Hunters

You are completely entitled to your view.

However, I am trying to understand on where you come up with: 

"but i think the objection comes from the strange desire in the USA for stock piling assault rifles etc..which seem to be the cornerstone of every massacre, often the owners are the parents of these sick kids that are the perpetrators"

Where is it documented that Americans are stock piling assault rifles (i.e., machine guns), and when has an Automatic Rifle (machine gun) last been used in a massacre?
ok i relent not assault rifles i was wrong....what about USA's fascination with guns and stock piling of semi automatic assault "like" weapons that never would be adjusted to fully automatic buttslap......semi auto weapons were used in these assaults...for the more efficient kill. semantics over "assault" rifles is not an argument that i feel i need to continue with, it is a plot the NRA loves so they can continue to have the right to bear arms...and the right to harm bears.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 12:33:12 PM by Speros »

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #271 on: January 06, 2013, 02:00:58 PM »
Bushmaster .233 a very popular weapon in the USA sold through many outlets including Walmart ....semi automatic...looks innocent enough.
i know its FOX news that i got it from but they say the most popular rifle sold in USA today is the AR-15...the semi auto version of the military M-16.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 02:11:15 PM by Speros »

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #272 on: January 06, 2013, 05:49:09 PM »
Urleft you may be right that i was speaking without a true source of facts, there are enough documentaries, news clippings etc out there to make a generalization. when Obama was elected...gun sales/ applications increased, sadly after the latest massacre the applications again went through the roof...several news sources have stated...feel free to look at any. i don't think any source will say different, people wanting to get more in case the weapon is legislated against...if that is not stockpiling then i'm wrong.  my comment was more of what i think/ believe that this thread was all about....although this source "gunpolicy.org" is from 2009 it seems to be a Swiss government backed site i'm sure there is a degree of accuracy.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 05:54:49 PM by Speros »

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #273 on: January 06, 2013, 07:57:39 PM »
Yet another3 plus the gunmen shot dead........Where??,,,,in the USA of course!

Offline RonTexas

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #274 on: January 06, 2013, 08:11:16 PM »
Would you have thrown a pie at the gunman?

Offline Speros

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #275 on: January 06, 2013, 08:14:17 PM »
Would you have thrown a pie at the gunman?
if he had no gun would he be a pieman...not a gunman?
so the answer is more guns to a more unstable society....?

Offline RonTexas

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #276 on: January 06, 2013, 08:19:25 PM »
You will never stop crazies from obtaining guns. The best you can hope for is the ability to defend you and yours. Good luck with that pie!

Offline Speros

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #277 on: January 06, 2013, 08:28:55 PM »
You will never stop crazies from obtaining guns. The best you can hope for is the ability to defend you and yours. Good luck with that pie!
i do hear ya...but please take the time to download the PDF files i put earlier...compares USA...AUST...GB...even Thailand...i know it wont change anybodies mind...but it is interesting..
by the way...love Pie thumbup

Offline urleft

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #278 on: January 06, 2013, 08:37:05 PM »
Bushmaster .233 a very popular weapon in the USA sold through many outlets including Walmart ....semi automatic...looks innocent enough.
i know its FOX news that i got it from but they say the most popular rifle sold in USA today is the AR-15...the semi auto version of the military M-16.

I may take one if it was given to me, but I would never buy one.  I carried an M-16 for over 3 years, hated the rifle as it was hard to clean.   

I would much rather have an M-14. 

Yup people are buying it as it is their right. 

Offline urleft

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #279 on: January 06, 2013, 08:44:26 PM »
ok i relent not assault rifles i was wrong....what about USA's fascination with guns and stock piling of semi automatic assault "like" weapons that never would be adjusted to fully automatic......semi auto weapons were used in these assaults...for the more efficient kill. semantics over "assault" rifles is not an argument that i feel i need to continue with, it is a plot the NRA loves so they can continue to have the right to bear arms...and the right to harm bears.

Thanks Mate   party4

Now to what weapons are legally used for:

- Home protection

-Self Protection ourside of the home

-Business Protection

-Recreational shooting (e.g., skeet, trap, target, profiency).

- Competitive shooting.

- Hunting

-  Varmit control

- Herd reductions  (e.g., pig killing)

- Euthanasia

- Funerals (21 gun salute)

- Collectors 

- Other (e.g., drill teams)

I am sure I have missed some, but with all these legal uses, there can be a lot of call for different weapons and capabilities. 

Who is to say what is needed and not needed? 

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #280 on: January 06, 2013, 08:50:23 PM »
Urleft you may be right that i was speaking without a true source of facts, there are enough documentaries, news clippings etc out there to make a generalization. when Obama was elected...gun sales/ applications increased, sadly after the latest massacre the applications again went through the roof...several news sources have stated...feel free to look at any. i don't think any source will say different, people wanting to get more in case the weapon is legislated against...if that is not stockpiling then i'm wrong.  my comment was more of what i think/ believe that this thread was all about....although this source "gunpolicy.org" is from 2009 it seems to be a Swiss government backed site i'm sure there is a degree of accuracy.

I nevery debated that guns were not being stock piled, Obama has been the best gun saleman ever. 

What I was debating against was that Assualt Rifles (machine guns) were being stock piled.  Yup a bushmaster is one of the weapons being stockpiled, but it is neither a military weapon, or a machine gun, but the media calls it an Assault Rifle because of the way it looks, not its capabilities. 

Offline sao baht

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #281 on: January 06, 2013, 09:00:59 PM »
Would you have thrown a pie at the gunman?

A pie killed Ernie  bigcry bigcry bigcry

Offline Speros

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #282 on: January 06, 2013, 09:04:53 PM »
Urleft you may be right that i was speaking without a true source of facts, there are enough documentaries, news clippings etc out there to make a generalization. when Obama was elected...gun sales/ applications increased, sadly after the latest massacre the applications again went through the roof...several news sources have stated...feel free to look at any. i don't think any source will say different, people wanting to get more in case the weapon is legislated against...if that is not stockpiling then i'm wrong.  my comment was more of what i think/ believe that this thread was all about....although this source "gunpolicy.org" is from 2009 it seems to be a Swiss government backed site i'm sure there is a degree of accuracy.

I nevery debated that guns were not being stock piled, Obama has been the best gun saleman ever. 

What I was debating against was that Assualt Rifles (machine guns) were being stock piled.  Yup a bushmaster is one of the weapons being stockpiled, but it is neither a military weapon, or a machine gun, but the media calls it an Assault Rifle because of the way it looks, not its capabilities.
mate please check out the PDF files i put earlier..one relates to Assault Rifles are legal in the USA if registered...its Swiss could be wrong...but i did try get some facts together. i still think its only semantics about whether a AR-15 is a assault rifle....its a killing not hunting weapon as far as i am concerned, and you agree that they are being stockpiled.

Offline Speros

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #283 on: January 06, 2013, 09:13:50 PM »
Bushmaster .233 a very popular weapon in the USA sold through many outlets including Walmart ....semi automatic...looks innocent enough.
i know its FOX news that i got it from but they say the most popular rifle sold in USA today is the AR-15...the semi auto version of the military M-16.

I may take one if it was given to me, but I would never buy one.  I carried an M-16 for over 3 years, hated the rifle as it was hard to clean.   

I would much rather have an M-14. 

Yup people are buying it as it is their right.
it is also the right in some countries to marry a 9-12 year old girl...they are still doing it as this is their right.
doesn't make it smart....or moral in the 21 century

Offline RonTexas

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #284 on: January 06, 2013, 09:18:29 PM »
How will you answer to your maker and you and yours when all you have is  a pie for defense?


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