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Author Topic: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA  (Read 179090 times)

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Offline Prakhonchai Nick

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #150 on: December 29, 2012, 08:40:07 AM »
Sao baht- I said Thai women were all CAPABLE of fighting - not that they all did!  Subtle difference.

Incidentally both of my problems arose AFTER 8 years - so take care!

Offline Prakhonchai Nick

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #151 on: December 29, 2012, 08:44:20 AM »
Urleft...........cars AND guns can cause double the problem. And cars have more social benefit to the population.

And cars cause more pollution and use more resources.   And how often do you encounter an idiot on the road that should not be driving? 

And some of those idiots on the road probably have a gun in the dash, and would likely use it should you make a point of telling them the error of their ways!

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #152 on: December 29, 2012, 09:04:13 AM »
I have driven well over 1 million kilometers in the US, and never had a weapon brandished at me. 

And I have never brandished a weapon while driving. 

Offline BillH52

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #153 on: December 29, 2012, 09:33:09 AM »
I am hoping no one here ever finds themselves in a safe, 'no guns allowed' place (like Big C in Buriram) with their family when, out of nowhere a crazed looney runs in with a gun & plenty of ammo he has stolen, found, made or ??? and starts shooting innocent people.   I would bet no one in Big C would have a gun to stop the carnage; I would also bet no BiB would come running in to return fire.   Can't happen?  Yeah; ok! If you say so. 

I spent 17 years as a Sheriffs Office Captain in the USA;  we 'tried' to train for the unexpected.  And similar Swat tactics with a drug house.  The unexpected can, and will, happen.
As a non-Brit & a non-Aussie there is no way I would even attempt to fathom the confusing news & events taking place in those places;  I know just enough history and other details of these friendly countries to get myself in trouble and sometimes have to guess at the meaning of their citizens statements 'whilst' (is that really a word?) we all are speaking 'English'.  It is very obvious a non-American might not 'get' the current situation in the USA, regarding 'Gun Outrage'.   
True, there are a lot of guns in the USA.  Banning them would only take in the ones from honest, law abiding citizens - the good guys.  The bad guys would not turn theirs in.  However, at this point in time, the issue at hand is NOT how many guns are in the hands of honest, law abiding citizen.  The issue is mentally deranged; ex-con's; and others who can NOT obtain guns legally.   Please take another look; the places where these 'outrages' have taken place recently DO NOT allow guns!  A deranged person enters the place and begins his own personal virtual video game of killing people.  Since no one else has a gun, (because guns are banned in these malls/buildings), the shooter takes a horrible toll; then ends the game by clicking on the 'esc' button when approaching police sirens are heard.  In the case of the recent fire fighters murders, the ex-con bought weapons from an illegal source (who had a very ASEAN sounding name).  Serious charges are pending; but, a little to late!
In several recent situations (which the media doesn't get headlines from) there was a good guy on scene who had a gun, the 'esc' button was clicked before much damage could be done. 

Nick said - "Wishing everone a Happy New Year, and lets hope we don't get ourselves into situations where guns become an option."  I am hoping you don't find yourself in a situation where a gun is the ONLY option and you DON'T have one; which is the very reason I am staying out of malls & buildings in the USA where guns are NOT allowed.  Although I strongly dislike guns, I am a licensed gun owner; I do not want to expose my loved ones to places where only the bad guys can do damage.  As I said before, guess I'll just stay home.  Obviously, we can't even go to a theater anymore, because of the threat of a bad guy with a gun, and where good guys with a gun are not allowed.

Lastly; I would like to see mental institutions return in the USA; stronger mental illness assistance; much stronger requirements for obtaining a weapons permit; much stronger penalties for making weapons available to ex-cons and mentally unstable folks.  In the meantime, will continue to make plans for my retirement in Thailand where we have to watch out for cars, trucks and buses doing 120+km/p/h (in the wrong lane), scooters with 5 passengers, chickens, dogs and who knows what else.  Have a great weekend, and Happy New Year.  I will be watching those 'other' football games for the next few days, at home.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2012, 09:37:58 AM by BillH52 »

Offline Prakhonchai Nick

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #154 on: December 29, 2012, 09:40:58 AM »
BillH52 makes some very valid points.

The US situation is clearly beyond most of us that are not Americans and probably many Americans too,  so I think I will hang up my hat, and just look in from time to time.

Offline CO-CO

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #155 on: December 29, 2012, 09:44:45 AM »
That was a cogent analysis from Bill. However, I have 2 observations:-

1) We will NEVER, I repeat NEVER, see such an incidentin Big C - at least not by a Thai

2) Thank God I dont live in the USA. To have to fear a visit to the mall is beyond anything I consider to be acceptable.

Offline Prakhonchai Nick

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #156 on: December 29, 2012, 09:49:58 AM »
That was a cogent analysis from Bill. However, I have 2 observations:-

1) We will NEVER, I repeat NEVER, see such an incidentin Big C - at least not by a Thai

2) Thank God I dont live in the USA. To have to fear a visit to the mall is beyond anything I consider to be acceptable.

I hope you are right CoCo.

My biggest fear in Malls etc is the possibility of terrorists bombing the place, due largely to the likely presence of their main enemy -  Americans - and other  infidels.

Offline Nobby

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Offline sao baht

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #158 on: December 29, 2012, 10:16:02 AM »


On December 17, 2012, Discovery announced the cancellation of the series. Discovery said the decision had been made earlier, it was only announced in December. A spokesperson said "Discovery Channel chose not to renew the series and has no plans to air repeats of the show." The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting is thought to have played a part in the decision to not even broadcast repeats of the series

Well done Discovery  love5

Offline Nobby

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #159 on: December 29, 2012, 10:31:42 AM »
Thanks for the update, Alan
I have informed my farcebook friend who poster this out ofdate (& inappropriate) info.

Happy New Year

p.s. It IS being shown in Thailand for those interested!
« Last Edit: December 29, 2012, 10:33:49 AM by Nobby »

Offline sao baht

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #160 on: December 29, 2012, 10:43:51 AM »
Here's another Yank show set for the chop  :blink:

Offline Ahab

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #161 on: December 29, 2012, 11:35:50 AM »
I think all Thai women are capable of fighting with whatever is available. We are all potential magnets Alan.

Sorry I have to disagree with that one Nick.
I have been married 8+ years and never ever have me or my wife been physically violent to each other ( even though we have had a few rows ) or have any of my friends.Yes, you here of fights between married couples but to tar all Thai women with the same brush is unjust.It's a bit like saying all men are wife-beaters after a few beers,though some are ,most are not!!
Concur with you Nick. I have been married for almost twenty years, we have had some arguments (but really not very many), and she or I have never laid a hand (or anything else) on each other.

Offline sao baht

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #162 on: December 29, 2012, 11:41:41 AM »
I think all Thai women are capable of fighting with whatever is available. We are all potential magnets Alan.

Sorry I have to disagree with that one Nick.
I have been married 8+ years and never ever have me or my wife been physically violent to each other ( even though we have had a few rows ) or have any of my friends.Yes, you here of fights between married couples but to tar all Thai women with the same brush is unjust.It's a bit like saying all men are wife-beaters after a few beers,though some are ,most are not!!
Concur with you Nick. I have been married for almost twenty years, we have had some arguments (but really not very many), and she or I have never laid a hand (or anything else) on each other.


Offline Ahab

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #163 on: December 29, 2012, 11:43:04 AM »

Not sure if a farang not being able to own a gun is true (true for retirement and marriage visa's), but what if you attain permanent residence status in Thailand? Not sure, but in any case I will follow the law where I live.

I have PR status, and I don't think I receive any benefits other than not having to sort out my visa annually and do 90 day reporting. They do say that it is easier to obtain a work permit (but I don't want one), admission to National parks etc should be at the Thai price, but invariably I have to persuade them that I am entitled. And when I leave the country I need 2 re-entry permits at double the cost!

Can however queue up at the Thai Immigration desk at Suvarnabhumi. Last time I did that it was longer than the farang line!!!

Never heard that I could own a gun -although never asked.

Wishing everone a Happy New Year, and lets hope we don't get ourselves into situations where guns become an option.
Hey Nick congratulations on your PR status.

Offline Ahab

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #164 on: December 29, 2012, 11:44:01 AM »
I think all Thai women are capable of fighting with whatever is available. We are all potential magnets Alan.

Sorry I have to disagree with that one Nick.
I have been married 8+ years and never ever have me or my wife been physically violent to each other ( even though we have had a few rows ) or have any of my friends.Yes, you here of fights between married couples but to tar all Thai women with the same brush is unjust.It's a bit like saying all men are wife-beaters after a few beers,though some are ,most are not!!
Concur with you Nick. I have been married for almost twenty years, we have had some arguments (but really not very many), and she or I have never laid a hand (or anything else) on each other.

In a violent manner party6 party6


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