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Author Topic: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA  (Read 179123 times)

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Offline nookiebear

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #135 on: December 29, 2012, 05:45:05 AM »

Reading your last paragraph & knowing you ,I can perhaps understand why!

Perhaps you ought to live a bit more dangerously Nookie! Gets the adrenalin flowing!
FFS Nick I fell off the chair when I read that!!

Offline Ahab

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #136 on: December 29, 2012, 07:00:52 AM »
You actually married the same type twice!!!!!! screwy I think you generalise or have that magnetic attraction Nick.
Your missing the point though, the gun is registered with the wife but purchased at the wishes of Ahab.

I think all Thai women are capable of fighting with whatever is available. We are all potential magnets Alan.

Regardless of who the gun is registered to (and a farang cannot legally own a gun in Thailand) it will be in the home and available for use by the wife should she see fit to use it for any purpose.
Not sure if a farang not being able to own a gun is true (true for retirement and marriage visa's), but what if you attain permanent residence status in Thailand? Not sure, but in any case I will follow the law where I live.

Offline Ahab

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #137 on: December 29, 2012, 07:03:07 AM »
P. Nick as a general guideline after your wife or significant other stabs you once, you should probably end the relationship (or hid all knives and always eat out).

Offline Prakhonchai Nick

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #138 on: December 29, 2012, 07:41:05 AM »

Thanks for your concern, but I was not harmed on either occasion

The first time it was the living room window whilst on the 2nd occasion it was the kitchen table.

I have to admit that I was largely responsible. Derogatory remarks about the begging monks don't go down to well with the Thais!   wildman

Offline Alan

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #139 on: December 29, 2012, 07:42:40 AM »
Just to clarify my point of view as some are getting confussed. I do not like guns but can agree to gun ownership for protection on your property in countries where that is needed. I never needed or felt the need for this in the UK and yes that is something to  cherrish Ahab. I think one or two guns maybe exceptable for protection purposes but multiple weapons are not justifiable.
Whilst keeping weapons on your property unloaded and secured in a locked safe cannot easily be to hand for the purpose you intended rendering them useless. To quote Ahab "when seconds count the police are minutes away" So are properly secured unloaded guns!
Keeping a gun or guns in a unseccured location in your house gives you access when needed but breaks most country laws and comes with its own risks and problems.
Being able to carry guns outside of your property promotes gun culture and theirefore gun crime. Open carrying in a civilised society has no place in this age.
Guns are widely available in Thailand and carried by more than most expats probably realise. I personnally know many Thais that carry concealed weapons but I also know the problems this brings to Thailand. Large groups of young teenagers with booze in their bellies are to be avoided. Soon enough the new year fair at Buriram and elsewhere will claim more young victims shot all to easily over some stupid arguement. Thats what happens when guns are accepted into society.
The Americans may view us Brits and Eropeans as odd, defenceless maybe even weak which is a huge misunderstanding if they do. Disputes happen but are rarely fatal. We respect our way of life and each other enough not to need guns. Our laws have been fierce enough to keep guns out of mainstream use for public and therefore criminals although sadly that is slowly changing. Saying that the laws are changing also allowing severe use of force rather than reasonable use of force to protect yourself and family in your home. This has always been lacking in the UK and I am pleased to see this law change. It does not automatically allow use of firearms as these remain fiercely restricted.
Weapons were openly carried in Britain, Europe and most of the world. This was in a different age when lawlessness was common and authority weak. Laws and authority were introduced and crime fell to allow people to live the way they do today and in most places those laws excluded weapons. America chose a different path to most and that is reflected in the problems that accurr far to regularly. Change is never easy. It can and has been done but initially change needs to be wanted. Many Americans want change and why would anybody not want to live in a safe gun free society? 

Offline Ahab

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #140 on: December 29, 2012, 07:45:44 AM »

Thanks for your concern, but I was not harmed on either occasion

The first time it was the living room window whilst on the 2nd occasion it was the kitchen table.

I have to admit that I was largely responsible. Derogatory remarks about the begging monks don't go down to well with the Thais!   wildman
Good to hear. Have a Happy New Year.

Offline Prakhonchai Nick

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #141 on: December 29, 2012, 07:51:42 AM »

Not sure if a farang not being able to own a gun is true (true for retirement and marriage visa's), but what if you attain permanent residence status in Thailand? Not sure, but in any case I will follow the law where I live.

I have PR status, and I don't think I receive any benefits other than not having to sort out my visa annually and do 90 day reporting. They do say that it is easier to obtain a work permit (but I don't want one), admission to National parks etc should be at the Thai price, but invariably I have to persuade them that I am entitled. And when I leave the country I need 2 re-entry permits at double the cost!

Can however queue up at the Thai Immigration desk at Suvarnabhumi. Last time I did that it was longer than the farang line!!!

Never heard that I could own a gun -although never asked.

Wishing everone a Happy New Year, and lets hope we don't get ourselves into situations where guns become an option.

Offline Prakhonchai Nick

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #142 on: December 29, 2012, 08:01:03 AM »
Urleft talks of his rights (god given or otherwise) being taken away.  Any rights that we humans think we have should not necessarily be for life, but only for such time as they are deemed relevant.

Easy street parking becomes prohibited as more vehicles use the roads.

Speed limits are introduced to lower the accident rate

So as more and more crime is committed with guns, it is only correct that in the interests of the population at large, certain restrictions are introduced.

If this impinges of urlefts god given right to own and tote his guns around American cities and towns, then tough. It is a concession he should make and acceopt for the well being of his fellow countrymen.

Offline rufusredtail

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #143 on: December 29, 2012, 08:07:45 AM »
Well at least AHAB agrees somewhat that they "most likely be less", deaths. Has been an interesting post sorry to see jamaw banned , made some very good points , after its all said and done and from reading from start to end, i think americans should have there rights to own guns changed,  for the good of the country, make the license system 10 times harder, this wont stop criminals , it dosent  in australia, but the average personin australia does not own a gun,all my mates dont have,if i shot someone that  robbed my house and walking out with my video player i would be in serious trouble , if he died i could be up for murder, i hope for the sake of the America that the laws are changed in your life time.       

Offline urleft

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #144 on: December 29, 2012, 08:18:08 AM »
Regarding Urlefts nice video and his wish to rid America of all its wild boar and own sniper riffles to impress his mates... Sad!

Admin removed my posting on my buddies and gun handling for some reason, probably to do with Jamie. 

However, all my gun buddies are extensively trained on weapons.  One was on the USMC Rifle Team.  We all appreciate fine weapons.  The .50 Cal sniper rifle is a fine weapon, but with a $8000 price tag.  This weapon became available after we all retired from the military so none of us has every fired it, but we all would love to try it out, especially the Jarhead. 

When we exchange weapons, the guy giving it clears the weapon, the receiving guy then double checks and visually inspects that the barrel.  The only exception to this is when are on the firing range, we can hand over a loaded weapon saying like "There's a round in the chamber, 4 left in the magazine". 

Rule 1:  Treat every weapon as if it is loaded, never point it at a person unless you are prepared to shoot them. 

So far we have zero accidents between us.   

And I never said the goal was to rid America of wild pigs, however, there is a serious increase in the wild pig population such that states are allowing wild pigs to be hunted during night with special optics, no bag limit, and no closed season.  I have a lifetime hunting and fishing license in Alabama, so it is within my rights to take advantage of the hunting if I so choose.  The pigs are destroying crops, meancing peoples, and are a dangerous problem.  The Discovery Channel has a series called the "Pig Bomb", about the exploding wild pig population, and Alabama is right in the middle of it. 

What is sad is people trying to take away my rights because they don't agree with what I do.  There are several individuals on the forum that I think do some sad things, like cheat on their wives, but that is up to them.   You don't like me having weapons because I may go wacko and come after you?  I can do the same thing in a car, and a lot more people are killed by cars. 

Offline Prakhonchai Nick

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #145 on: December 29, 2012, 08:21:18 AM »
Urleft...........cars AND guns can cause double the problem. And cars have more social benefit to the population.

Offline Prakhonchai Nick

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #146 on: December 29, 2012, 08:24:28 AM »
Fortunately, most of us agree to differ in a friendly way. But at the end of the day, our views carry absolutely no weight, and probably those of our American members  also fall on deaf ears.

Congress and the Senate will end up doing what they want or are paid to do!

Offline urleft

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #147 on: December 29, 2012, 08:31:45 AM »
Urleft talks of his rights (god given or otherwise) being taken away.  Any rights that we humans think we have should not necessarily be for life, but only for such time as they are deemed relevant.

Easy street parking becomes prohibited as more vehicles use the roads.

Speed limits are introduced to lower the accident rate

So as more and more crime is committed with guns, it is only correct that in the interests of the population at large, certain restrictions are introduced.

If this impinges of urlefts god given right to own and tote his guns around American cities and towns, then tough. It is a concession he should make and acceopt for the well being of his fellow countrymen.

Yes, and I am talking about America's demographics.  For example, Alabama which is roughly the size of Germany has a population of 5 million, as opposed to 81 million in Germany.  This means there is vast open land, a lot of it publically available for sale.  One my fellow soldiers was a rancher in Wyoming, but he told me his place was rather small at 7000 acres, big guys have 50,000 + acres. 

America is hugh compared too Europe, probably 10 times the land mass with about 1/3 the population. 

However, I will grant you a point that as the population centers in America grow, gun restrictions increase, and so does crime. 

Offline sao baht

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #148 on: December 29, 2012, 08:34:10 AM »
I think all Thai women are capable of fighting with whatever is available. We are all potential magnets Alan.

Sorry I have to disagree with that one Nick.
I have been married 8+ years and never ever have me or my wife been physically violent to each other ( even though we have had a few rows ) or have any of my friends.Yes, you here of fights between married couples but to tar all Thai women with the same brush is unjust.It's a bit like saying all men are wife-beaters after a few beers,though some are ,most are not!!

Offline urleft

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #149 on: December 29, 2012, 08:39:41 AM »
Urleft...........cars AND guns can cause double the problem. And cars have more social benefit to the population.

And cars cause more pollution and use more resources.   And how often do you encounter an idiot on the road that should not be driving? 


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