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Author Topic: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA  (Read 179120 times)

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Offline urleft

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #90 on: December 27, 2012, 09:10:44 AM »
Thank you mytle_71 nice to know that Australia has rules, But i would like to know what the story is in America, WHAT RULES DO YOU HAVE FOR OWNING A GUN , do you have to store them in a safe , do you have to be registered or can anyone just go out and buy a gun .
Hello urleft you seem to be the one with knowledge about firearms , can you answer this above question , you partly answered saying about the fbi etc , are the laws for guns different in each state, which state has the most guns out of interest, or any other american can provide an answer  pleaseeeeeeeeee/quote]


As you mentioned, each state has its own laws. 

Alabama, my state of residence is fairly free.  Pretty much buy what you want, easy to get a concealed weapons permit, and no requirement for a safe.  As someone mentioned, an unloaded gun in a safe is pretty useless for protection. Safes are used mainly to keep the weapons safe, especially classic and specilized weapons.

A fairly good indicator on strict gun laws is to look at the state by state election results.  If the state went for Obama it will usually have very strict guns laws (like in Conn where the school shooting occurred), if it went for Romney it probably has lax gun laws, like Alabama. 

Also, hunting is a good indication, lots of allowed hunting, lax gun laws.  State population, low population, lax gun laws. 
As far as buying, you have to be approved on a national regester.  When I bought my last pistol, I was in and out of the store in about 20 minutes, approval took about a minute. 

Offline Ahab

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #91 on: December 27, 2012, 11:19:50 AM »

Are you living in the USA or Thailand now Urleft?

I think he's living in Cloud Cuckoo Land   redman
Just because someone disagrees with your opinion does not make someone Cuckoo.  It seems like when one cannot support their opinion the usual reaction is to call someone a name. URLEFT has stated his opinion how about countering with why you think he is wrong. Calling names is rather immature, it would be better to clearly state why you think he is wrong.

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #92 on: December 27, 2012, 11:26:26 AM »
I have no love for guns and find peoples obsession with them quite disturbing. Guns take out much of the skill and fear in killing. They are designed to do maximum damage with minimum effort. One crazy person with very few guns can cause a massive amount of death and destuction.
America recently spent alot of money, effort and lives invading a country on the grounds of weapons of mass destruction. What determins a weapon of mass destruction?
26 killed in a matter of minutes by one person whom had easy access to weapons most US citizens consider the norm! Sounds like a weapon of mass destruction to me!
It seems a bit odd that the USA are happy to drag the rest of the world into waring conflicts outside its own borders but very reluctant to act on its own failings.
Regarding the responcible owner keeping unloaded guns in a locked safe for protection against intruders. In the event of an agressive intruder entering your house, do you, 1. Call the police before you go to your locked gun cabinate? 2. Get shot whilst attempting to get to your cabinet? 3. Unlock the cabinet then get shot whilst loading your gun hence giving criminal access to all your guns? 4. Or keep a gun in an irresponcible manner, in every room loaded ready to for action to be used or played with by any person that happens upon them?
Fact is in most cases the unloaded gun in the locked cabinet in some part of the house will not be accessable and ready for use when needed.

Arguements for God given rights! Who's god? Thats what most of the conflicts in the world are about ffs!
Arguements about rights passed on from the war of independance. A war fought by the colonists for a "United" States of America. The USA is looking pretty ununited at the moment with those that want a different society without guns in every house. These people are Americans too but the gun squad camp seem to show little tolerance for there fellow countrymans wishes. Perhaps its time to move forward instead of holding onto rights laid down 200 odd years ago when life in America was very different to today! 

At the end of the day it is America's problem but it does have a responcibility to take action to protect its citizens and foreign visitors which it clearly cannot do with its present day lifestyle policies.
You have covered quite a few topics here; however, I certainly agree with your first paragraph; I have not love for guns, either. 
The American 'Bill of Rights' was not an American original, nor did they originate with the American Revolution.  They were copied from England; with the 2nd amendment originating from the Glorious Revolution of 1688, where the King of England wanted to prohibit Protestants from being armed.  Much easier to control, that way.

Many Americans would love to go back to the days of Thomas Jefferson; keeping our concerns, troops and money on our side of the oceans.  However, between world events, the UN and the crazies of the world attempting to annihilate various groups they don't agree with, the USA has been called on, again and again, to serve as the worlds policemen; a chore which is impossible and unappreciated.

Recent gun outrage in the USA forces the focus on firearms; in the opinion of many, an equal or larger focus should be turned toward the government guided decline of mental healthcare and the closing of facilities over the past 20 plus years.  I, myself, have to ask how is it possible these nutcase shooters had access to firearms; how are ex-con's able to acquire an arsenal?   If you or I are trying to work with a mentally challenged person, we would likely expose the person to some other activity;  not put a gun in their hand.  Violent video games are certainly not a plus, either.   
The USA is attempting to deal with their problems.  At this point, outlawing firearms in the USA would only take away the guns of law abiding citizens.  As much as I dislike firearms, I am forced to stay out of mall's, buildings and other places where firearms are not allowed.  Guess I'll just stay home.
When I am in Thailand, I've noticed the internet shops are filled with Thai teens engrossed in violent video games.  I keep wondering how long before atrocities such as the recent shooting outrages in the USA start showing up in Thailand.  Some will say they already have begun.  Am hoping the USA won't be blamed for that, too.
Cant remember the world calling on the USA to be its policeman. Step up and be counted when needed yes! Regarding the Iraqi war that did not happen. The UN was asking for time and restraint whilst the Americans fabricated weapons of mass destruction, panic and urgency as a excuse to invade. Stupidly the British and others got sucked in.
Have to agree with you on the video games and also share the worry of how easily guns are used in Thailand.

Supprised at some of the main posters on here with there my guns bigger than your gun attitude. Grow up ffs!
If the UN had been around at the beginning of WWII it would have been asking for time and restraint while Hitler was taking over Europe. The UN is a useless entity, no it is worse than useless because many countries think that it can prevent conflict. It cannot and does not.

Offline rufusredtail

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #93 on: December 27, 2012, 12:29:30 PM »
In todays news paper

Offline mike

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #94 on: December 27, 2012, 02:54:03 PM »

I don't have time to look for it right now, but I posted the total amount of roads and vehicles in the US on another posting  (I think is was another of Nookie's (who speaks for everyone) posts).  Hard to compare apples (amount of vehicles/roads in US) to raisins (# of vehicles/roads in other countries). 

Err - not quite true. I posted the numbers which clearly showed that there is a major issue in the US for road deaths as well as gun deaths.



Not only do people in the USA like to kill themselves with guns as compared to the UK (10.27 per 100k v .46 for England and Wales)


They also like to kill themselves with their cars too (12.3 per 100K v 3.6)

Interesting to see that there is a massive difference between the two ratios - 10.27 / 0.46 for gun related deaths compared with 12.3 / 3/6 for traffic related deaths. I wonder why that is ?


So with 10 times as many vehicles, a vast amount of roads, you can expect to have more accidents.

To which you never gave a satisfactory reply about the differnces in the two ratios (between car realated death and gun related deaths and you only defended the number of car related deaths due to the number of cars in the US.

Maybe this is also for the same reason and you could not admit that ??

Offline rufusredtail

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #95 on: December 28, 2012, 05:05:00 PM »
Question for urleft, lets have an honest answer please , with a simple YES or NO, would you agree if the gun laws were changed, as in harder to get a license, have to store weapons in a safe, cannot have high powered rifles , WOULD  there be less DEATHS in the usa. 

Offline urleft

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #96 on: December 28, 2012, 06:37:18 PM »
Question for urleft, lets have an honest answer please , with a simple YES or NO, would you agree if the gun laws were changed, as in harder to get a license, have to store weapons in a safe, cannot have high powered rifles , WOULD  there be less DEATHS in the usa. 


My reasoning is like the start of this thread, the perp illegally had the guns, what more laws would have stopped him?

Offline Alan

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #97 on: December 28, 2012, 06:46:58 PM »
If stiffer laws had been in place his mother would not have had the guns he so easily had access too.......! Why do all gun pro people not want to admit the obviouse?

Offline urleft

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #98 on: December 28, 2012, 06:53:11 PM »

Unfortunately, Urleft, there are now so many non - Law Abiding Citizens, that for the safety and protection of the remaonder, new laws need to be introduced.

Did you actually read what you wrote?

We need new laws because lawbreakers are not following the laws.  What kind of twisted logic is that?  New laws will make lawbreakers suddenly begin following these laws? 

And law abiding citizens are denied, and made even more defenseless. 

Offline urleft

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #99 on: December 28, 2012, 06:59:24 PM »
If stiffer laws had been in place his mother would not have had the guns he so easily had access too.......! Why do all gun pro people not want to admit the obviouse?

What is obvious to me is that new laws will just make it harder on law abiding citizens, which means taking rights away from me. 

My solution is to make it easier on law abiding citizens and get rid of gun free zones.  Back when I was in 7th and 8th grade I went to a school where they had a gun club, students would bring there guns to school, often with ammo so they could go hunting afterwards.  And we had zero school shootings. 

Offline Alan

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #100 on: December 28, 2012, 07:10:18 PM »
I read that most gun pro Americans want to bring back open carrying of side arms throughtout America. Do you agree with this Urleft and why?

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #101 on: December 28, 2012, 07:35:27 PM »

Offline urleft

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #102 on: December 28, 2012, 07:36:06 PM »
I read that most gun pro Americans want to bring back open carrying of side arms throughtout America. Do you agree with this Urleft and why?

Yes.  When I grew up in the 60's it was common to see pick up trucks with gun racks in the rear window sporting 2 rifles. 

I've been to Arizona which has open carry, and it was rare to see.  It surprised me 1st time I saw a guy riding a Harley with a pistol stapped to his side. 

I think initially some would do it, but after the novelty wore off, they would stop.  I personally prefer concealed carry. 

Offline Alan

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #103 on: December 28, 2012, 07:46:26 PM »
So "yes" you agree with open carrying although you prefer concealed carrying. You did not answer why you agree with open carrying.

Offline Prakhonchai Nick

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Re: Yet Another Gun Outrage in USA
« Reply #104 on: December 28, 2012, 07:49:53 PM »

I think initially some would do it, but after the novelty wore off, they would stop.  I personally prefer concealed carry. 

Why do you urleft, or anyone need to carry guns outside?  I can understand for home protection, but not in cars, shopping malls etc!


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