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Offline John the Traveller

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Re: Need the O group of blood in a hurry
« Reply #15 on: October 21, 2012, 05:47:36 PM »
I have accessed DFAT's database and have found Part 2 Consular services: Welfare of Australians overseas.

If Mark has a current Australian Passport then my reading of the advice is that he can access Consular services as he is still an Australian citizen.

Below are contact details :-

"The Consular Services Section is open from 0830-1600 hours Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays). Appointments are not required.

If you would like to speak with a consular officer please call the Embassy on
02 344 6300 during business hours and follow the prompts to be connected to Consular Services. We may not be able to answer your call immediately as we also assist clients at our counter, and outside the Embassy, but please leave a message for us and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. Alternatively, e-mail us at consular.bangkok@dfat.gov.au

If the Embassy is closed and you need emergency consular assistance the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Consular Emergency Centre (CEC) in Canberra is there to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Contact the CEC by calling the Embassy switchboard 02-3446300 and follow the prompts for emergency consular assistance. Alternatively, contact the CEC directly by dialling +61 2 62613305 (international call charges apply). The CEC is also an advisory line for concerned family members in Australia and can be called on 1300 555 135 (for the cost of a local call within Australia)"

Finnomick it appears any one can contact the Consul regardless of standing or nationality. What they can do and is relevant to Mark's case is set out below.

"• provide advice and support in the case of an accident, serious illness or death, or if an Australian is a victim of a serious crime, and arrange for next-of-kin to be informed (if they wish) "

I will keep an eye on this topic and will be happy to assist in any way. Which includes rattling Canberra's cage if necessary. Something I have done before on behalf of another board member.

It's great to see Falang "taking care" of Falang.

JT  sawadi

Offline finnomick

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Re: Need the O group of blood in a hurry
« Reply #16 on: October 21, 2012, 07:01:41 PM »
I think we are all taking an interest in Mark's situation Somnat and hoping the best for him.
Mick, Is there anything that can be done to really help such as speaking to family members or Aussi Consulate on behalf of Apple or the doctors if translation is unclear (Most of the update is very unclear). Or releaving Apple for a while and taking her some refreshments etc.
With regard to moving hospitals I feel this should only be discussed by those closely connected.

Alan, all the information given is from Apple, these are her words as given to my wife who has an excellent knowledge of English so very little information if any would be translated wrongly. If I am missing something regarding the clarity of my update, please tell me what is unclear.
Apple said that ' she has no-one to talk to about Mark and his situation ' so for instance, she mentioned the signed authority matter. I agree with you that just about all matters should be for the family to decide, but when the family member, in this case Apple, is being put into the situation of deciding what actions the medical team should take which could have a serious outcome regarding Mark, it's not surprising she is seeking advice from those around her and those who are helping her. I feel the medical team should be advising her what is best to do, but that's my opinion.
I have appealled on this forum for friends of Mark to do what they can as regards contacting the family etc. Someone wrote on the shoutbox that a friend of Mark who is normally resident in Pattaya will have contacted the family on her behalf. As Apple mentioned today, she is still waiting to hear from them. Did Mark's friend actually manage to make contact ?
It was also mentioned on this forum that someone had contacted the Australian Embassy. I don't know who contacted them or when. I don't know Mark or Apple, all I know is that someone wrote that they have a bar in P. Chai. I don't even know the details of the accident. That's not important to me, helping to the best of my ability is my sole motivating force however great or small this may be.
Apple has been to Ban Kruat today to see about insurance, and also to the hospital there which is where Mark was taken when found by the police. We have not heard from her since this morning even though we invited her to our house which she would pass on her way back to P. Chai. We don't like to call her too much because we don't want to bother her if she is at Mark's bedside.
I know Ron and his wife have been to the hospital in Buriram and spoken to Apple. Maybe there are some BE members who live in Buriram who can call in to see her and, as you write, take her some refreshments etc., and give her some encouragement. And of course, someone to chat too to relieve some of the stress she must be feeling.
If Apple calls us tomorrow and asks for anything, I will put a post on the forum if we cannot assist her. It's hard not knowing them because we just don't know who they know and what, if anything, is being done by others at this time. Nobody else has posted any information so we are completely in the dark so-to-speak but this will not stop me from assisting to the best of my ability. 

Offline finnomick

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Re: Need the O group of blood in a hurry
« Reply #17 on: October 21, 2012, 07:05:31 PM »
JT., thanks for the information. I think it will be a good idea for my wife to ring Apple in the morning and get Mark's surname and hopefully his passport number. I'll then call them to see why they haven't responded in an appropriate manner ( my opinion ).

Offline finnomick

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Re: Need the O group of blood in a hurry
« Reply #18 on: October 22, 2012, 06:01:27 PM »
Latest update on Mark.
Although Mark is still only semi-conscious, he is showing increased signs of awareness. He has responded more positively to Apple, and when his friend ( whose name I think is also Mark ) visited him from Pattaya, he moved his head in recognition to his voice.
I have had a long conversation with someone who is very close to Mark and Apple this afternoon. He is holding the fort in P. Chai. He is in daily contact with Mark's family in Australia so they are aware of all news.
The Australian Embassy was contacted, but the only help they could offer was to contact Mark's family which as just stated, has already been done. I am not Australian so I cannot comment on whether they could or should do more. A point JT that you may be more aware of due to your previous dealings.
If any clarification is necessary, please ask and if anyone has any thoughts on areas where we may have missed something, again, please post on the forum.


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