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Offline finnomick

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Blood and blood donors
« on: October 19, 2012, 11:25:37 AM »
This is only a suggestion right now, but is there a need to have  a section of this forum dedicated for when there is an urgent need for blood and donors ? Maybe the section could be named " Be Positive ". We all know someone who has had an accident so maybe it's not such a bad idea, and it might speed up any future requests if there is an " URGENT NEED OF BLOOD " .

To start the ball rolling, my blood group is B Positive, and my contact phone numbers are 0861533991 or 0812038211. I live approximately 12 kms due south of Prakhon Chai on the way to Ban Kruat.

Does anyone care to join  the group as a possible donor ?

Offline Starman

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Re: Blood and blood donors
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2012, 01:24:33 PM »
Even better would be to try to get people to donate blood on a regular basis, as many people do in the UK.

Offline finnomick

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Re: Blood and blood donors
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2012, 01:27:59 PM »
Even better would be to try to get people to donate blood on a regular basis, as many people do in the UK.

My thoughts too Starman. I know people donate blood in Thailand -- you see it on the news, but I wonder if there is a national blood bank and a system of delivery throughout the kingdom should the need arise ( as we have back in the UK ).

Offline toffo

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Re: Blood and blood donors
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2012, 07:41:44 PM »
A+ is mine and would be happy to donate blood if needed but would not be happy  to donate blood like they do in the uk only to find out if I or any other Falang  needs blood only to be told they don't have any.. Look after your own is my motto..  Should start some blood donation group for falangs who need it urgently just like this mark guy.. Sorry if you think that's selfish but if they can't look after there own ppl then that's there problem..

Offline Prakhonchai Nick

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Re: Blood and blood donors
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2012, 06:13:50 AM »
A+ and B+ are 2 of the less common blood groups, whilst O is very common. Despite that, there was an urgent call out for Group O blood from Buriram hospital.  I find it hard to accept that a large provincial hospital, catering for a population of well over 1 million people runs short after using just 5 bags.

Before anyone starts donating blood, I think it's necessary for the hospitals to organise themselves better, and have their own inter-hospital system for moving blood when needed. Only when there is a real shortage should appeals be put out.

Although I am A+, having had jaundice as a child, I am unable to donate.

Offline finnomick

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Re: Blood and blood donors
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2012, 07:23:24 PM »
Toffo, I agree with your sentiments. I wasn't proposing our blood, if needed, went anywhere else but just to Buriram Expats who may be in desperate need ( as in Mark's case ). I'd even go further than you by saying if, at some stage in the future you think you may need blood, you'll only get it if you are a Buriram Expat listed donor. Whether this scheme will get off the ground or not depends totally on willing cooperation or apathy depending on ones viewpoint.   

Offline Alan

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Re: Blood and blood donors
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2012, 12:43:00 AM »
I am sorry as I know this will offend but the arrogance and elitist attitudes of some recent posts are at least a 100 years out of date and should have no place here. God knows where you think you are but your very close to assuming yourselves supperior and I am supprised from where it is coming from.

For those that are quick to criticise the hospital's blood reserves, is it fact that they only had 5 bags? or perhaps they may have needed some for another emergency. What is the true situation?

May I suggest all those that want to do something should regularly donate blood to the government hospital for all to use. Should there be an emergency situation and a request put out on this forum for a fellow expat or a Thai, simply go along and donate some more at that time.


Offline Starman

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Re: Blood and blood donors
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2012, 07:02:26 AM »
I am sorry as I know this will offend but the arrogance and elitist attitudes of some recent posts are at least a 100 years out of date and should have no place here. God knows where you think you are but your very close to assuming yourselves supperior and I am supprised from where it is coming from.

For those that are quick to criticise the hospital's blood reserves, is it fact that they only had 5 bags? or perhaps they may have needed some for another emergency. What is the true situation?

May I suggest all those that want to do something should regularly donate blood to the government hospital for all to use. Should there be an emergency situation and a request put out on this forum for a fellow expat or a Thai, simply go along and donate some more at that time.



I would just like to point out that there  is a blood bank system in Thailand. It is no the fault of any hospital that blood donation is not "the thing" in Thailand.

Thanks to some people, most probably Thai, Mark did get the blood that he needed. Thanks to them that they  did not stipulate that their blood should only go to local Thais.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 07:04:10 AM by Starman »

Offline Italiantony

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Re: Blood and blood donors
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2012, 07:30:15 AM »
I am sorry as I know this will offend but the arrogance and elitist attitudes of some recent posts are at least a 100 years out of date and should have no place here. God knows where you think you are but your very close to assuming yourselves supperior and I am supprised from where it is coming from.

For those that are quick to criticise the hospital's blood reserves, is it fact that they only had 5 bags? or perhaps they may have needed some for another emergency. What is the true situation?

May I suggest all those that want to do something should regularly donate blood to the government hospital for all to use. Should there be an emergency situation and a request put out on this forum for a fellow expat or a Thai, simply go along and donate some more at that time.



I would just like to point out that there  is a blood bank system in Thailand. It is no the fault of any hospital that blood donation is not "the thing" in Thailand.

Thanks to some people, most probably Thai, Mark did get the blood that he needed. Thanks to them that they  did not stipulate that their blood should only go to local Thais.
Totally agree with Alan and Starman.
As Starman said most of the blood probably comes from Thai people,so it's Ok for the

Farang to use the Thai blood,but not Ok for the Thai people to use the Farang blood.

But the best one was only for Buriram Expats.( at some stage in the future you think

you may need blood, you'll only get it if you area Buriram Expat listed donor)Don't

worry about the little 7 year old who will die if she/he doesn't get blood,just save it

for the Expats.

« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 07:42:02 AM by Italiantony »

Offline Prakhonchai Nick

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Re: Blood and blood donors
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2012, 08:24:23 AM »

For those that are quick to criticise the hospital's blood reserves, is it fact that they only had 5 bags? or perhaps they may have needed some for another emergency. What is the true situation?

Whatever the true position (and we are unlikely to be told or find out) I would have thought that if stocks were very low, or even exhausted, the first port of call would have been to neighbouring provincial hospitals, rather than a public appeal, as that would surely have been quicker.

Over the years I have often asked to donate blood, but each time have been rejected.

Offline finnomick

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Re: Blood and blood donors
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2012, 08:47:00 AM »
I am sorry as I know this will offend but the arrogance and elitist attitudes of some recent posts are at least a 100 years out of date and should have no place here. God knows where you think you are but your very close to assuming yourselves supperior and I am supprised from where it is coming from.

For those that are quick to criticise the hospital's blood reserves, is it fact that they only had 5 bags? or perhaps they may have needed some for another emergency. What is the true situation?

May I suggest all those that want to do something should regularly donate blood to the government hospital for all to use. Should there be an emergency situation and a request put out on this forum for a fellow expat or a Thai, simply go along and donate some more at that time.



I would just like to point out that there  is a blood bank system in Thailand. It is no the fault of any hospital that blood donation is not "the thing" in Thailand.

Thanks to some people, most probably Thai, Mark did get the blood that he needed. Thanks to them that they  did not stipulate that their blood should only go to local Thais.
Totally agree with Alan and Starman.
As Starman said most of the blood probably comes from Thai people,so it's Ok for the

Farang to use the Thai blood,but not Ok for the Thai people to use the Farang blood.

But the best one was only for Buriram Expats.( at some stage in the future you think

you may need blood, you'll only get it if you area Buriram Expat listed donor)Don't

worry about the little 7 year old who will die if she/he doesn't get blood,just save it

for the Expats.


Not really UNBELIEVABLE because giving blood is a personal choice, and let's face it, the percentage of people who actually donate blood is miniscule. Alan, putting a post out on a forum in the hope that a suitable donor may choose to turn his PC on is rather hit and miss, especially if there is urgency involved. Far better to be able to telephone a listed donor of the needed blood group is a much faster route, hence my original suggestion.

I note that the replies to the arrogant and elitist posters have come from those who choose NOT to list their blood group or phone number, so what does that make them ?

Forget the original idea, I get a pretty good idea who are the ' givers ' and who are the ' takers ' here.

If any of you go to Prakhon Chai hospital to have your blood tested, just look through to the back room to the small white Nobo board and you'll see listed the stock of blood they have.

Offline Starman

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Re: Blood and blood donors
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2012, 08:56:55 AM »
I did not list my group or phone number as I did not agree with your idea. I give my blood for the use of all people.

I am a giver.

Thank you.

Offline Italiantony

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Re: Blood and blood donors
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2012, 09:41:54 AM »
I did not list my group or phone number as I did not agree with your idea. I give my blood for the use of all people.

I am a giver.

Thank you.
I also would not give blood if only for the use of certain people ie Expats,i would maybe give blood but it would be for all to use not just Expats.

I also am a giver like Starman.

It's nice to give.

Offline finnomick

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Re: Blood and blood donors
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2012, 09:56:32 AM »
I'm glad to see my last post has started to get people motivated......

Offline Italiantony

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Re: Blood and blood donors
« Reply #14 on: October 21, 2012, 10:17:28 AM »
I'm glad to see my last post has started to get people motivated......
Really therefore your perception of the word motivation must be different to mine.
I honestly feel no more motivated towards your idea than i did before your last post.
I said i may give for all to use,but never for just Farang alone.


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