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Need the O group of blood in a hurry
« on: October 18, 2012, 08:55:36 AM »
Need the O group of blood in a hurry

Some one sent us e-mail.
There is some Farang got an accident and now he is in coma and need blood (O group) in a hurry

Contact : Ple  0806393618

Offline finnomick

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Re: Need the O group of blood in a hurry
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2012, 09:39:38 AM »
Need the O group of blood in a hurry

Some one sent us e-mail.
There is some Farang got an accident and now he is in coma and need blood (O group) in a hurry

Contact : Ple  0806393618

URGENT UPDATE.....Lad's name is Mark and he is from Prakhon Chai area. He is in the Buriram Government Hospital. My wife is just speaking to his wife ( APPLE  0806393618) -- they need blood group O+ VERY URGENT

Offline finnomick

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Re: Need the O group of blood in a hurry
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2012, 09:41:03 AM »
Need the O group of blood in a hurry

Some one sent us e-mail.
There is some Farang got an accident and now he is in coma and need blood (O group) in a hurry

Contact : Ple  0806393618

URGENT UPDATE.....Lad's name is Mark and he is from Prakhon Chai area. He is in the Buriram Government Hospital. My wife is just speaking to his wife ( APPLE  0806393618) -- they need blood group O+ VERY URGENT

UPDATE -- they have used 5 bags of blood from their blood bank already, situation stable ( if that's possible ) but they need more

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Re: Need the O group of blood in a hurry
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2012, 11:00:07 AM »
Just for the record, for those who are interested, this is Australian Mark from Together Bar in Prakhonchai.

Had a motorcy accident on his way back from Lahansai a few nights ago. His wife's name is "Bun".

I will ask Steven at Coffee Corner if he will put a notice up about the request for blood.

Offline finnomick

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Re: Need the O group of blood in a hurry
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2012, 12:46:33 PM »
Just for the record, for those who are interested, this is Australian Mark from Together Bar in Prakhonchai.

Had a motorcy accident on his way back from Lahansai a few nights ago. His wife's name is "Bun".

I will ask Steven at Coffee Corner if he will put a notice up about the request for blood.

To avoid any confusion, we say " Apple " but the Thai's for some reason say " A Bun "

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Re: Need the O group of blood in a hurry
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2012, 11:11:35 AM »
Just to update everyone on Mark. Ron and his wife are currently at the hospital in Buriram waiting to see mark's wife/girlfriend Apple/A Bun. For the record, it is now 11:00 am on friday the 19th of October.

The medical team have said that there is now NO urgent need for blood as they do not envisage giving Mark a/another blood transfusion. Of course, that does not mean there is never any need for blood or donors -- please see my suggestion which I will open up in another topic in a minute.

Any further news will be posted as soon as I get it.


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Re: Need the O group of blood in a hurry
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2012, 06:44:15 PM »
Does anyone know Mark well enough to know if he has any family in Australia or elsewhere who should be informed of his situation ? His wife/girlfriend should know this but maybe at the moment this isn't at the forefront of her mind. I don't mind contacting them if someone has any details.

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Re: Need the O group of blood in a hurry
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2012, 10:14:52 AM »
Update re: Mark. PLEASE NOTE THE COMMENTS WRITTEN HERE ARE THOSE RECEIVED FROM HIS WIFE APPLE ( A BUN ). We've just got off the phone from Mark's wife. She has told us the following ( and again, these are HER comments ).

1. Mark is still in a semi-conscious state. He cannot talk. His only way of ' communication ' is by the squeezing of a finger.

2. The doctors have asked her for signed authority to perform a minor operation whereby the can introduce a pipe into his throat to help clear fluids. They have given her 24 hours to decide if she will let them proceed. She even asked us if this was a good idea. We, like Apple, are not medical experts so have to believe the doctors would only ask to do this surgery if they thought it necessary.

3. Although Apple says Mark's family have been notified of his condition, she has not heard back from them as to whether they are making the journey.

4. The Australian Embassy have been in touch with Apple, but they say that because Mark has lived in Thailand for over 3 years, they are unable to help .

5. Apple says a semi - sober friend of Mark has been in touch with her saying that she is not doing her best for him, and that she should move him to a ' better ' hospital. This ' friend ' should be advised that the medical experts say that at the moment, it is not possible to move Mark anywhere. Any move could be fatal.

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Re: Need the O group of blood in a hurry
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2012, 11:30:38 AM »
Great to see you are taking an interest in this situation Mick.

Anything that anybody does to assist a fellow "fa-rang" when in need is to be commended.

I hope that #4 above (Australian Embassy unable to help ....) is NOT true and maybe something lost in translation.

I have never heard of a time limit being placed on a citizen from ANY country living in another country when their Embassy stops assistance !!!

I will definitely be asking about the above on my next trip to Bangkok.

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Re: Need the O group of blood in a hurry
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2012, 01:55:14 PM »
Great to see you are taking an interest in this situation Mick.

Anything that anybody does to assist a fellow "fa-rang" when in need is to be commended.

I hope that #4 above (Australian Embassy unable to help ....) is NOT true and maybe something lost in translation.

I have never heard of a time limit being placed on a citizen from ANY country living in another country when their Embassy stops assistance !!!

I will definitely be asking about the above on my next trip to Bangkok.

I do not know of limitations regarding help from an Embassy, and as you say, I too hope something is lost in the translation. However, I will mention the recent case of ' someone ' from our region who needed surgery for a leg/hip problem. Although he is British, he lived and worked in Australia for I believe, about 20 years. I am told he was refused help in Australia, and ended up with initially part of his thigh bone being removed at Buriram hospital thereby rendering wheelchair bound. After a couple of months with obviously no use of his leg, he had part of it amputated. I am open to correction, but I also hear that if you have lived out of Britain for a specific amount of time, you could be refused treatment by the NHS.

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Re: Need the O group of blood in a hurry
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2012, 02:26:47 PM »
I think we are all taking an interest in Mark's situation Somnat and hoping the best for him.
Mick, Is there anything that can be done to really help such as speaking to family members or Aussi Consulate on behalf of Apple or the doctors if translation is unclear (Most of the update is very unclear). Or releaving Apple for a while and taking her some refreshments etc.
With regard to moving hospitals I feel this should only be discussed by those closely connected.

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Re: Need the O group of blood in a hurry
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2012, 02:36:11 PM »
Regarding the NHS. If you have lived outside of Britain for three months you are supposed to notify the NHS. However when you visit the hospital they ask if you have lived outside the UK for the past 18 months. No proof is required or asked for and in an emergency situation you will get the best possible care without any question.
Currently foriegn nationals are treated 100% in emergency situations and payment is asked for on departure but not enforced.

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Re: Need the O group of blood in a hurry
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2012, 02:49:08 PM »
The school where my wife works have a blood donor day about 3 times a term. I will let every one know the dates when I know them.

The school is a large secondary school just outside of Buriram on the Nang Rong road. A big bus comes from Buriram Hospital with all of the nurses, doctors and equipment.

Surely they must go to other schools. Maybe worth a word with large schools near you. Maybe the largest school in each district.

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Re: Need the O group of blood in a hurry
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2012, 04:03:56 PM »
Regarding the NHS. If you have lived outside of Britain for three months you are supposed to notify the NHS. However when you visit the hospital they ask if you have lived outside the UK for the past 18 months. No proof is required or asked for and in an emergency situation you will get the best possible care without any question.
Currently foriegn nationals are treated 100% in emergency situations and payment is asked for on departure but not enforced.

As a holder of a British passport if you return and say that you intend to stay on a permanant basis, all NHS facilities are then open to you, as are appropriate benifits.


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Re: Need the O group of blood in a hurry
« Reply #14 on: October 21, 2012, 05:02:57 PM »
I am currently searching the website of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade here in Australia in the hope of finding an answer to point 4. If necessary I will call Consular Assistance and ask for verbal advice.

My understanding is that even if you have ticked the "never to return to Australia" box on the Immigration departure form you remain a citizen of Australia up until  you take on the citizenship of another country.

All of you who have been involved in rallying to Mark's aid are to be commended!

JT  sawadi


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