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Offline nookiebear

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Re: good Thai girl
« Reply #90 on: July 29, 2011, 07:38:39 AM »
Well said Nick,It would appear that so many who have been here a few times know everything about Thai Girls/Ladies when in reality they know next to nothing or less

Offline dundeemk6

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Re: good Thai girl
« Reply #91 on: July 29, 2011, 08:54:02 AM »
@ Nick : why do you even bother to aswer these 'know-it-all' newbies ... join the club of the ladies and help them clean out these as...les, never break their ricebowls and you'll get I nice percentage out of it ... I've tried to 'help' several foreigners before, and this to my great loss of friendship/time/money and even getting a lot of trouble with my wife ... finish/schluss/fini/the end ... now I just laugh with their plain stupidity and help the ladies ...

Offline Prakhonchai Nick

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Re: good Thai girl
« Reply #92 on: July 29, 2011, 09:01:52 AM »
You are correct Croc. I've had more than my fair share from the local lasses over the years!

Offline bartomeer

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Re: good Thai girl
« Reply #93 on: July 29, 2011, 12:34:27 PM »
@ Nick : why do you even bother to aswer these 'know-it-all' newbies ... join the club of the ladies and help them clean out these as...les, never break their ricebowls and you'll get I nice percentage out of it ... I've tried to 'help' several foreigners before, and this to my great loss of friendship/time/money and even getting a lot of trouble with my wife ... finish/schluss/fini/the end ... now I just laugh with their plain stupidity and help the ladies ...

@DundeemK6: Do you really think that "the ladies" will find you the smart guy? When you act like this, "the ladies" will be on your side? Or is this act plain stupidity from the "know-it all-expats"?

Offline dundeemk6

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Re: good Thai girl
« Reply #94 on: July 29, 2011, 01:31:29 PM »
bartomeer : whatever, I live my life without all that hassle that is going around with my poverish eight years of experience living in Isaan.

Offline barrybox

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Re: good Thai girl
« Reply #95 on: July 30, 2011, 03:01:06 AM »
Nick maybe you have just had bad luck and dont meet the right girl .(or girls} you just seem a little bitter perhaps you could tell us another sad farang loses everything story ,or better still tell us your story  .regards  Bb

Offline Prakhonchai Nick

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Re: good Thai girl
« Reply #96 on: July 30, 2011, 05:39:16 AM »
Barrybox. You have clearly misinterpreted my response..My relationship with my girl (wife) is an excellent one as all who know me will confirm. I have nothing to be bitter about, and fortunately in my 25 years here in Thailand, have not been cheated by the girls.

You appear to think you can buy the girl with a vast amount of money. Yes she will take care of you whenever you are with her, but she will lead her own life when you are away and in my experience, most girls will play around with their Thai boyfriends or husband, which is made all the easier for them due to your generosity.  (I met yet another girl only yesterday in my village who has a farang boyfriend, has been with him to his home country, and yet pending his return is living with her Thai boyfriend on the farangs generosity).And then there is the gambling - your money is often not enough to pay back the loans they take since they believe they surely must win next time.

There are many many horror stories of farangs losing everything to the conniving schemes of their girlfriends and the Thai men behind them. I personally know and have met more than a few. This is largely due to their naivety. They come here, fall in
love and are buying gold, motorcycles, cars and houses for their Tiracs within weeks of meeting them. A recipe for disaster in most cases.

There are some good girls around (I have one) but it needs time before you start giving her all your wealth. This thread will hopefully alert the newbies especially to the dangers of doing things too quickly. Get to know your girl, try and establish whether she is trustworthy. What does she do when you are back home? Try and find out -although the local Thais will never betray her. Only when you are confident can you plan to perhaps vacate your native country and settle down with her in Thailand..

She does not need large sums of money. A few thousand a month to live on in the villages is more than sufficient. If she demands more, then she is not the girl for you. Forget this sinsod crap. You will be giving her a lifestyle way above what a village man could likely give her. Mothers should be happy about this. If not, keep looking.

To conclude, I am not bitter about anything. I just laugh everytime I hear the "farang being cheated".It happens all too often, and if this thread and others elsewhere like it can alert the naive newbies, then I will be more than pleased.

Offline nookiebear

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Re: good Thai girl
« Reply #97 on: July 30, 2011, 06:25:03 AM »
Nick,you & I both know that all newbies will have found a 'good girl',whatever anyone posts will be 'pie in the sky' to them

Offline Prakhonchai Nick

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Re: good Thai girl
« Reply #98 on: July 30, 2011, 06:31:29 AM »
Very true Nookie.

But if I can steer just one in the right direction, Buddha will be happy with me!

jones the rice

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Re: good Thai girl
« Reply #99 on: July 30, 2011, 06:34:32 AM »
Barrybox. You have clearly misinterpreted my response..My relationship with my girl (wife) is an excellent one as all who know me will confirm. I have nothing to be bitter about, and fortunately in my 25 years here in Thailand, have not been cheated by the girls.

You appear to think you can buy the girl with a vast amount of money. Yes she will take care of you whenever you are with her, but she will lead her own life when you are away and in my experience, most girls will play around with their Thai boyfriends or husband, which is made all the easier for them due to your generosity.  (I met yet another girl only yesterday in my village who has a farang boyfriend, has been with him to his home country, and yet pending his return is living with her Thai boyfriend on the farangs generosity).And then there is the gambling - your money is often not enough to pay back the loans they take since they believe they surely must win next time.

There are many many horror stories of farangs losing everything to the conniving schemes of their girlfriends and the Thai men behind them. I personally know and have met more than a few. This is largely due to their naivety. They come here, fall in
love and are buying gold, motorcycles, cars and houses for their Tiracs within weeks of meeting them. A recipe for disaster in most cases.

There are some good girls around (I have one) but it needs time before you start giving her all your wealth. This thread will hopefully alert the newbies especially to the dangers of doing things too quickly. Get to know your girl, try and establish whether she is trustworthy. What does she do when you are back home? Try and find out -although the local Thais will never betray her. Only when you are confident can you plan to perhaps vacate your native country and settle down with her in Thailand..

She does not need large sums of money. A few thousand a month to live on in the villages is more than sufficient. If she demands more, then she is not the girl for you. Forget this sinsod crap. You will be giving her a lifestyle way above what a village man could likely give her. Mothers should be happy about this. If not, keep looking.

To conclude, I am not bitter about anything. I just laugh everytime I hear the "farang being cheated".It happens all too often, and if this thread and others elsewhere like it can alert the naive newbies, then I will be more than pleased.
i agree with some of what you say but you come across as thais are not equal to us and that is not true,i think the one thing i  have heard the most in my 10 years here is that farang talk about my wife is no good her family no good,my girlfriend no good,but the farang is always the best man in the world.truth is that some are the bottom of the barrel, ok for the husband to go do what he wants,but if the wife or girlfriend do the same she is no good,i think that is what you call double standards.
one more thing you say a few thousand a month is more than enough,why should someone that has a husband boyfriend live in a way of poverty,i think ok don't show it all at first but 15000 baht a month is not to much and gives you peace of mind that your girlfriend is ok and feels happy.

Offline Prakhonchai Nick

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Re: good Thai girl
« Reply #100 on: July 30, 2011, 06:53:51 AM »
If she is your girlfriend or wife, then she most certainly is equal to you and should be treated accordingly.

Whatever amount of money you decide to send her, is fine, as long as you are sure it is being spent by her as you would wish. Unfortunately that is most times not the case. Upon receipt she will  likely  splash out on beer etc for all and sundry, and possibly  take a Thai overnight partner in her state of drunkenness. Mother will be there with her hand out, to go off and play cards,or make another donation to the Monks or most likely both.

The money will be frittered away gambling, lottery etc, etc, and she will forever be telling you it is not enough

That is not how I would want my money to be spent!

Agree there are more than a few farang men who are bottom of the barrel, but remember it is their hard earned money they are using and not the girlfriends!

15000bt a month. Far too much in a village for just one girlfriend. She probably would never have earned anything like that in a legitimate way. On that the whole extended family can live and need not get off their mattresses to look for work!

If you are happy with that -then fine!

Offline pfbrown

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Re: good Thai girl
« Reply #101 on: July 30, 2011, 07:38:39 AM »
Gentlemen, I applaud your measured and caring responses to these fellows who are trying to understand this culture.  I have seen this again and again over the 7 years I have been here.  One cannot teach commonsense or prudence.  The " go slow" approach normally falls on dead ears. The real pain is listening to the stories of those taken as they slide into "the bottle" wondering where their life savings went to. In Thailand, if you act like "a mark" you will be treated like one. bravo1

Offline nookiebear

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Re: good Thai girl
« Reply #102 on: July 30, 2011, 07:45:19 AM »
Gentlemen, I applaud your measured and caring responses to these fellows who are trying to understand this culture.  I have seen this again and again over the 7 years I have been here.  One cannot teach commonsense or prudence.  The " go slow" approach normally falls on dead ears. The real pain is listening to the stories of those taken as they slide into "the bottle" wondering where their life savings went to. In Thailand, if you act like "a mark" you will be treated like one. bravo1
There is one such idiot who stays close by when he is here from UK,only a young guy 41 ,already knocked a kid out ,now sold his batchelor flat ,going to do this ,do that,do the other,,,,I've tried talking to him but know I'm wasting my time..........

jones the rice

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Re: good Thai girl
« Reply #103 on: July 30, 2011, 08:22:20 AM »
i agree with some of what you guys say,but i must say i have heard all the stories about this and that ,but to speak the truth i suppose in life you have to have a bit of luck ,i myself have spent a lot of money since my arrival here full time 10 years ago,and i must say in the 10 years of living here my wife and family have never bombarded me will request for money,of course like us all a little here and a little there but no more than what i would do for my farther back in WALES,so i suppose i am just a very lucky guy with a loving an caring wife and family to witch i think the world of.
some times good thing come to good people.

Offline Prakhonchai Nick

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Re: good Thai girl
« Reply #104 on: July 30, 2011, 09:00:53 AM »
Jones you too would seem to be one of the lucky ones. Sadly there are far too many who are unlucky, often through their own making.

If the new arrivals would listen and learn from the advice they are given, there would be far fewer failures.


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