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Offline Italiantony

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Re: 9/11 Tuuth or lies.
« Reply #15 on: September 13, 2012, 07:24:24 PM »
A couple of things.
The Towers were built on the "straw" method. It was cutting edge but didn't take into account a traumatic point load rather a load applied holistically. The aftermath has been studied by the most eminent civil engineers in the world.

Radio's work at over Mach 1. A cell phone is a radio that is low powered and requires many receiver masts. Cell phone calls are available on many international flights through the aircraft system. You are not allowed to use yours as it is unshielded, the aircraft emitter is. It's questionable whether this is a revenue raising matter however technically its possibility is not under question. As you said Tony physics don't lie.

I really can't say who or what was responsible in a definitive way. All I know is that just under five thousand people died.
If I ever do find out who twas responsible......those bastards will answer to me!
I think the chief bastard may have already payed in Abbottabad may Allah's peace and blessing be upon him.....NOT!

JT  sawadi
Agree with you on the majority of what you said although i don't believe the Americans had anything to do with the death of Osama Bin Laden.
But as for those who died on 9/11 it will always be a tragic loss to the world and the circumstances that surround their deaths.
May you all R.I.P.

Offline John the Traveller

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Re: 9/11 Tuuth or lies.
« Reply #16 on: September 13, 2012, 07:51:17 PM »
If DEVGRU ,correct name. Or SEAL TEAM 6  as they were known under their past ,( questionably discredited ),commander Dick Marcinko.Weren't responsible for the death of Usama ( correct name ) Bin Laden then please tell me as I would like to know.

BTW all correspondence by US military and Police refers to UBL=Usama Bin Laden which was his correct name.


Offline John the Traveller

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Re: 9/11 Tuuth or lies.
« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2012, 07:52:38 PM »
Oh...I forgot...forgive me   sawadi

Offline Italiantony

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Re: 9/11 Tuuth or lies.
« Reply #18 on: September 13, 2012, 08:10:55 PM »
If DEVGRU ,correct name. Or SEAL TEAM 6  as they were known under their past ,( questionably discredited ),commander Dick Marcinko.Weren't responsible for the death of Usama ( correct name ) Bin Laden then please tell me as I would like to know.

BTW all correspondence by US military and Police refers to UBL=Usama Bin Laden which was his correct name.

As to my believes on the way Usama (stand corrected)died are not important,but don't you think it's a bit strange that the
so called most important terrorist in the world,having been killed was then taken away and buried at sea within 3/4 hours,and not a single photo has been shown to prove his death.
Some what suspicious don't you think.

Offline John the Traveller

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Re: 9/11 Tuuth or lies.
« Reply #19 on: September 13, 2012, 08:40:23 PM »
No Tony its not suss.
Photo's were taken. They are not available to you or me supposedly. I have seen some illegal ones which I believe were intentionally leaked.
He was buried at sea to conform with Muslim tradition in that a body must be buried prior to sundown of the day of death. This was a convenient cover for the desire of the US government to not provide a point of assembly for those who would desire a land based place of worship of his martyrdom. A belief well founded in my opinion.
If the stories appearing in the press regarding the book written by an assault group member are accurate then I can understand US Special Forces Command (SPECFOR) concern that actions taken on the day could be seen as pre determined. In short he put up no resistance and was shot down.
I would like to make a comment now in rather blunt and crude language.....however I will refrain. I will resort to Latin which ,while an ancient language, is succinct and to the point.

JT sawadi

Offline Italiantony

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Re: 9/11 Tuuth or lies.
« Reply #20 on: September 14, 2012, 09:49:11 AM »
No Tony its not suss.
Photo's were taken. They are not available to you or me supposedly. I have seen some illegal ones which I believe were intentionally leaked.
He was buried at sea to conform with Muslim tradition in that a body must be buried prior to sundown of the day of death. This was a convenient cover for the desire of the US government to not provide a point of assembly for those who would desire a land based place of worship of his martyrdom. A belief well founded in my opinion.
If the stories appearing in the press regarding the book written by an assault group member are accurate then I can understand US Special Forces Command (SPECFOR) concern that actions taken on the day could be seen as pre determined. In short he put up no resistance and was shot down.
I would like to make a comment now in rather blunt and crude language.....however I will refrain. I will resort to Latin which ,while an ancient language, is succinct and to the point.

JT sawadi
You seem to come across as somewhat of a military man yourself,also you seem to glorify in the murder of Usama Bin Laden and what the Americans are doing in the middle-east.
Many conflicting stories came out about Bin Laden being unarmed at the supposedly place of execution,if so why was he not arrested on charges of terrorism,or do you think America has the right to be judge,jury and executioner.
I don't believe for one minute that the American special forces killed Bin Laden,but i must admit they have a terrible reputation for killing their own.
But what does seem somewhat strange is why people always believe in what governments and politicians say,it's a form of indoctrination mind control,only believe in what we as your government tell you to believe in,no more no less.
Here are some statistics on the war mongering nation of America and how many countries they have bombed or tried to overthrow or sabotage since world 2.
It's ironic that America say Iran is a danger to the world,what and America ain't.

Offline RonTexas

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Re: 9/11 Tuuth or lies.
« Reply #21 on: September 14, 2012, 10:15:28 AM »
I wonder where Italiantony would be today if we had let Hitler have Italy?

Offline Italiantony

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Re: 9/11 Tuuth or lies.
« Reply #22 on: September 14, 2012, 10:55:42 AM »
I wonder where Italiantony would be today if we had let Hitler have Italy?
I assume by WE you mean the American Army,well It was not just the American Army the British Army were there as well involved in the invasion of Sicily.The beginning of the end for Germany in Italy.

In October 1940, Benito Mussolini declared war on Greece. Attempts by the Italian Army to invade Greece ended in failure. The war was also going badly in North Africa. Although outnumbered, General Archibald Wavell ordered a British counter-offensive on 9th December, 1940. The Italians suffered heavy casualties and were pushed back more than 800km (500 miles). British troops moved along the coast and on 22nd January, 1941, they captured the port of Tobruk in Libya from the Italians.

Not the mighty Americans but the best army in the World the BRITISH ARMY.

As for where i would be today i have no idea,but my gratitude goes to the British Military.

Offline dimple joe

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Re: 9/11 Tuuth or lies.
« Reply #23 on: September 14, 2012, 01:52:35 PM »
I've stayed out of this thread, as the loony tunes conspiracy theories are not worth commenting on, they are best left to the tin foil hat brigade in my opinion and someone of your obvious intelligence is of course just indulging in a wind-up.

But you cannot have it both ways Tony, you claim to disbelieve the facts of 9/11 but are happy to quote “facts” from the Nutters.

Just because some bloke puts stuff on the internet does not make it fact, scientific or otherwise.

By using the collective "we" Ron Texas actually meant the Allies.

Again, you can't have it both ways Tony, in post #20 you say "But what does seem somewhat strange is why people always believe in what governments and politicians say,it's a form of indoctrination mind control,only believe in what we as your government tell you to believe in,no more no less."

But you had ended the previous paragraph saying “I don't believe for one minute that the American special forces killed Bin Laden,but i must admit they have a terrible reputation for killing their own” - that reputation surely is from indoctrination via the media

Then in post #22 you say “the best army in the World the BRITISH ARMY” - who told you they are the best, the media, indoctrination.......

All armies are the same, peopled by average blokes who really don't want to be there, doing jobs they don't want, but to a man, trying their best, despite being scared witless. They all have friendly fire incidents.

All right thinking individuals are happy at the demise of that Bin Laden creature.

It was not America being Judge Jury and Executioner, it was just an average bloke doing his job the best way he could.

I'm really not sure why you would want an arrest and expensive trial or a photo of the corpse but each to his own.

Here endeth the lesson....
« Last Edit: September 14, 2012, 01:54:33 PM by dimple joe »

Offline John the Traveller

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Re: 9/11 Tuuth or lies.
« Reply #24 on: September 14, 2012, 03:32:17 PM »
I couldn't put it better myself Joe. I'm with you. Just an average bloke.
Yes indeed the lesson endeth here.

Offline RonTexas

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Re: 9/11 Tuuth or lies.
« Reply #25 on: September 14, 2012, 04:14:26 PM »
Dimple Joe are John are exactly right. It does not take a lot of words to explain the obvious.


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Re: 9/11 Tuuth or lies.
« Reply #26 on: September 14, 2012, 08:35:42 PM »
In October 1940, Benito Mussolini declared war on Greece. Attempts by the Italian Army to invade Greece ended in failure. The war was also going badly in North Africa. Although outnumbered, General Archibald Wavell ordered a British counter-offensive on 9th December, 1940. The Italians suffered heavy casualties and were pushed back more than 800km (500 miles). British troops moved along the coast and on 22nd January, 1941, they captured the port of Tobruk in Libya from the Italians.
Nice copy & paste from a website similar to http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/2WWmussolini.htm   which you can find by googling the first sentence above....

It's very likely that you are a TROLL purporting to be an italian.....Reminds me of another member who has had many identities....
« Last Edit: September 14, 2012, 08:51:31 PM by mxyzptlk »

Offline Italiantony

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Re: 9/11 Tuuth or lies.
« Reply #27 on: September 14, 2012, 10:03:09 PM »
I've stayed out of this thread, as the loony tunes conspiracy theories are not worth commenting on, they are best left to the tin foil hat brigade in my opinion and someone of your obvious intelligence is of course just indulging in a wind-up.

But you cannot have it both ways Tony, you claim to disbelieve the facts of 9/11 but are happy to quote “facts” from the Nutters.

Just because some bloke puts stuff on the internet does not make it fact, scientific or otherwise.

By using the collective "we" Ron Texas actually meant the Allies.

Again, you can't have it both ways Tony, in post #20 you say "But what does seem somewhat strange is why people always believe in what governments and politicians say,it's a form of indoctrination mind control,only believe in what we as your government tell you to believe in,no more no less."

But you had ended the previous paragraph saying “I don't believe for one minute that the American special forces killed Bin Laden,but i must admit they have a terrible reputation for killing their own” - that reputation surely is from indoctrination via the media

Then in post #22 you say “the best army in the World the BRITISH ARMY” - who told you they are the best, the media, indoctrination.......

All armies are the same, peopled by average blokes who really don't want to be there, doing jobs they don't want, but to a man, trying their best, despite being scared witless. They all have friendly fire incidents.

All right thinking individuals are happy at the demise of that Bin Laden creature.

It was not America being Judge Jury and Executioner, it was just an average bloke doing his job the best way he could.

I'm really not sure why you would want an arrest and expensive trial or a photo of the corpse but each to his own.

Here endeth the lesson....
I've stayed out of this thread, as the loony tunes conspiracy theories are not worth commenting on, they are best left to the tin foil hat brigade in my opinion and someone of your obvious intelligence is of course just indulging in a wind-up.

But you cannot have it both ways Tony, you claim to disbelieve the facts of 9/11 but are happy to quote “facts” from the Nutters.

Nutters a strange word to use to describe scientist that have study the evidence for over 10 years and categorically stated that what the American government have said is basically lies.
Professional people who have study and majored in their field of expertise.
I am not trying to deny anyone of their opinion,but simple ask them to look at all the options before them,and then make a calculated diagnosis of the evidence.
I respect your views and your opinions and i have enjoyed the debate.

Offline Italiantony

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Re: 9/11 Tuuth or lies.
« Reply #28 on: September 14, 2012, 10:26:10 PM »
In October 1940, Benito Mussolini declared war on Greece. Attempts by the Italian Army to invade Greece ended in failure. The war was also going badly in North Africa. Although outnumbered, General Archibald Wavell ordered a British counter-offensive on 9th December, 1940. The Italians suffered heavy casualties and were pushed back more than 800km (500 miles). British troops moved along the coast and on 22nd January, 1941, they captured the port of Tobruk in Libya from the Italians.
Nice copy & paste from a website similar to http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/2WWmussolini.htm   which you can find by googling the first sentence above....

It's very likely that you are a TROLL purporting to be an italian.....Reminds me of another member who has had many identities....
mxyzptlk i don't think it's against any laws to use the internet as a way of forwarding information,i am sure we all do it from time to time.
As for the remark about me being a TROLL i find your remark unjust and somewhat bewildering,and upsetting that you think i would lie about my nationality of which i am very proud.
I hope we can put this minor incident behind us and enjoy some intelligent debates in the future.

Offline Somnat

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Re: 9/11 Tuuth or lies.
« Reply #29 on: September 15, 2012, 10:06:03 AM »
Italiantony ...there is nothing wrong with quoting someone else's work to make your point.

But internet etiquette, and to avoid a charge of plagiarism, require you to quote your source.

Slightly off topic, but as an Italian who seems well versed in military matters, could you please answer one question that has been bothering me for years.

Is it true that Italian tanks have 5 reverse gears and only 1 forward ?  :blink:


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