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Offline nookiebear

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Re: The boys in brown are active
« Reply #15 on: June 30, 2012, 07:02:05 AM »
The local talk is that BiB are getting commission of 5k for every drunk driver that goes to court!!

They are more likely to earn more than that from the one's that don't go to court  ::)
In Korat there is absolutely no chance of' 'a backhander',if your caught you're banged up overnight then its court the next day,,,Same for Thais & Farangs!!,,,,& they are shit hot on Friday,Saturday & Sunday nights anytime after 20-00hrs

Offline taurus

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Re: The boys in brown are active
« Reply #16 on: June 30, 2012, 07:24:08 AM »
If you don't like the way things are here you will always have the option to leave,it's the way it is stay or leave everyone has the choice.

Even though I agree in a way Tommy { yes we all made a choice when we moved here }, your words of wisdom are not a great help to the Swedish guy who got rammed by a drunk and ended up scared and unable to walk properly.
Yes most of us know the way things work out here and even the Thais are starting to get a bit miffed about the two-tier Law system.Hopefully things will change but it would be nice to be able to comment on such issues without the normal moronic comments of " if you don't like it here go home " post's .For some of us Thailand is our home   smilenod
Coming back to the OP,the thing is, even when the Police are trying to clean up the area we live in ,like raiding the Computer Shops,Gambling Dens,stopping Drunk Drivers and busting drug dealers all we can comment on is how 'they are on the Make' { yes even me  ::) }
Instead maybe we should be thinking 'nice one lads' for setting up that road block and busting the Drunk Drivers and drug dealers that are a menace to our local communities . Things could be worse without them  :)
I forgot to add that my friend's speech is now slurred and some times its difficult to understand him  although he speaks (or did) speak perfect English, yeah I have been coming here in Thailand since 89 for long Winter holidays (3 months) with my late wife and have now lived here full time since Nov 03 so in time I've spent about 13years here ,Of course there are many things here that I dislike ,like the racist 2 tier price system , the 90 day reporting which means and 150 km round trip ,which is totally unnecessary as you should only have to report if you change address's , being expected to be a walking loan society ,everything in my fridge is thought of as "theirs" and of course quite a few more , most of them are within my control so its no big deal really,after all its THEIR Country, however one that is beyond my control is the suicidal way they drive or ride their motorcycles ,like if I'm making a blind left hand turn some maniac will be turning right on MY side of the road meaning if I do not brake hard or swerve there would be an "head onner" of course the looks I often get is its my fault ,this I will never get used to , being I was a part time driving instructor of 25 years experience HGV CLASS 1 ,PSV  and any vehicle you care to mention ,since coming here I have seen more accidents, many of them very serious as a direct result of their totally maniacal lack of road sense , the driving test here is a joke!, of course even though I dislike it I grudgingly accept it ,otherwise I would go back to UKanistan ,and of course again I have heard the moronic comment of other farangs who come out with the same statement time and time again, when I comment about lack of driving skills here and complete unaccountability when nearly all Thai drivers if they are physically able "flee the scene" of the accident , maybe they would not come out with this nonsense if they them selves had a good friend who was reduced to a cabbage as the result of it , or should I just grow to like it and not complain? , talk is cheap when it does not directly concern you ,maybe others should be aware of this simple fact instead of writing a total crock of shit   :)   

Offline taurus

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Re: The boys in brown are active
« Reply #17 on: June 30, 2012, 07:34:10 AM »
The local talk is that BiB are getting commission of 5k for every drunk driver that goes to court!!

They are more likely to earn more than that from the one's that don't go to court  ::)
In Korat there is absolutely no chance of' 'a backhander',if your caught you're banged up overnight then its court the next day,,,Same for Thais & Farangs!!,,,,& they are shit hot on Friday,Saturday & Sunday nights anytime after 20-00hrs
Yeah I have heard the same myself , Do they get banned like they do in UKanistan or are they free to drive again as normal once they have been "weighed in" ?

Offline ischme

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Re: The boys in brown are active
« Reply #18 on: June 30, 2012, 08:04:41 AM »
The por ror bor insurance is not even third party. It is injury insurance. They should, and would, stand up for you. This story about the Swedish guys is full of holes I am afraid.

Offline urleft

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Re: The boys in brown are active
« Reply #19 on: June 30, 2012, 08:13:42 AM »
I would rather have blatant police corruption as in Thailand rather than confication in America. 

You can negotiate corruption, but if the "rule of law" is behind them self-rightous or corrupt law enforcement can take it all.  Yes you can fight it and win, but it will take years.
Interesting observation Urleft but that depends on the circumstances and exactly who is involved ,  4 years ago a very good Swedish friend of mine was riding his motorcycle in broad daylight with a full licence and Insurance when he got rammed from behind by a  Thai pickup driver who was pissed out of his skull ,no licence , no insurance , and the pickup although he had owned it for 3 years was not even registered in his name ,the sad part about it that he was the brother of a "big boss" copper ,needless to say it was all brushed "under the carpet" and the swede was offered "big money" with a veiled threat to forget it all ,my friend is now virtually a cabbage due entirely to the head injuries he received and resembles "phantom of the opera" with all the scar tissue on his face plus he cannot walk normally  , the money he was promised quite obviously  never came ,but good for him he's got a great Thai wife who takes care of his every need , as far as I am concerned "justice" for farangs (unless you are "connected" ) and poor people is a joke due entirely to the massive corruption which exists today  by those to are paid to uphold it. 

While it may be hard to believe, there is a privilidged class in America also:

On the evening of July 19, 1969, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts (and brother of the assinated President John Kennedy) drove his Oldsmobile off a wooden bridge on Chappaquiddick Island, drowning his passenger, a young campaign worker named Mary Jo Kopechne. The senator left the scene of the accident, did not report it to the police for many hours, and according to some accounts considered concocting an alibi for himself in the interim.

At the time, Kennedy managed to escape severe legal and political consequences for his actions thanks to his family's connections (which helped to contain the inquest and grand jury) and to a nationally televised "Checkers"-like speech broadcast a week after the accident.   He remained a US Senator until his death in 2009. 

Offline taurus

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Re: The boys in brown are active
« Reply #20 on: June 30, 2012, 08:15:17 AM »
The por ror bor insurance is not even third party. It is injury insurance. They should, and would, stand up for you. This story about the Swedish guys is full of holes I am afraid.
I can only tell you what was told to me by several people including my friend  , however the living testament to my story lives about 15 kms from me , there is a very similar story to my friend ,he's a guy called Dieter who has a German Eatery in Prokonchai, the guy is a permanent cripple as the direct result of some Thai  maniacs driving  as anyone will tell you who knows him, of course its entirely your prerogative  if you are personally of the opinion that the standard of Thai driving is Exemplary   :)

Offline ischme

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Re: The boys in brown are active
« Reply #21 on: June 30, 2012, 08:32:39 AM »
The por ror bor insurance is not even third party. It is injury insurance. They should, and would, stand up for you. This story about the Swedish guys is full of holes I am afraid.
I can only tell you what was told to me by several people including my friend  , however the living testament to my story lives about 15 kms from me , there is a very similar story to my friend ,he's a guy called Dieter who has a German Eatery in Prokonchai, the guy is a permanent cripple as the direct result of some Thai  maniacs driving  as anyone will tell you who knows him, of course its entirely your prerogative  if you are personally of the opinion that the standard of Thai driving is Exemplary   :)

I was not talking about the driving skills. I was talking about the legal implications.

By the stories I have heard there must be about 100 "big boss" policemen. Either that or the one big boss has about 100 brothers.

I have had 2 accidents in Thailand, both actually in Buriram. Both times I have received full cooperation from all involved.

One accident, ironically, was my fault. I was only penalised the same way as a local would have been.

Offline taurus

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Re: The boys in brown are active
« Reply #22 on: June 30, 2012, 08:57:41 AM »
The por ror bor insurance is not even third party. It is injury insurance. They should, and would, stand up for you. This story about the Swedish guys is full of holes I am afraid.
I can only tell you what was told to me by several people including my friend  , however the living testament to my story lives about 15 kms from me , there is a very similar story to my friend ,he's a guy called Dieter who has a German Eatery in Prokonchai, the guy is a permanent cripple as the direct result of some Thai  maniacs driving  as anyone will tell you who knows him, of course its entirely your prerogative  if you are personally of the opinion that the standard of Thai driving is Exemplary   :)

I was not talking about the driving skills. I was talking about the legal implications.

By the stories I have heard there must be about 100 "big boss" policemen. Either that or the one big boss has about 100 brothers.

I have had 2 accidents in Thailand, both actually in Buriram. Both times I have received full cooperation from all involved.

One accident, ironically, was my fault. I was only penalised the same way as a local would have been.
Actually I was writing about Thai driving skills (or the lack of them) and the horrendous accidents that happen daily on roads the length and breadth of Thailand resulting in many deaths and terrible injuries, and any way its no big deal and I do not want to make a court case out of it, but if all it costs is 350 baht or so for a motor cycle for unlimited costs as far as Injuries received , then the company or whatever who is the insurer must be as insane as many of the riders they insure . :D

Offline urleft

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Re: The boys in brown are active
« Reply #23 on: June 30, 2012, 08:58:45 AM »
I can only tell you what was told to me by several people including my friend  , however the living testament to my story lives about 15 kms from me , there is a very similar story to my friend ,he's a guy called Dieter who has a German Eatery in Prokonchai, the guy is a permanent cripple as the direct result of some Thai  maniacs driving  as anyone will tell you who knows him, of course its entirely your prerogative  if you are personally of the opinion that the standard of Thai driving is Exemplary

I am constantly amazed that there are not more accidents as there seems to be complete disregard for rules of the road, especially driving the wrong way on a street. 

Several years ago one of the 1st times I drove here I was exiting Makro I saw a break in traffic and hit the gas but through shear luck I looked left as a scooter came the wrong way right in front of my car and I was able to stop before hitting them, scared the crap out of me.  Now I always check both ways, especially the on 1 way streets. 

But I have figured out why there are not more accidents, most driver's expect the other drivers to do something stupid.  Whereas in America we expect the other drivers to follow the driving laws. 

BTW, understand they have doubled the amount of driver's instruction when applying for your 1st driver's license from 2 to 4 hours. 

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Re: The boys in brown are active
« Reply #24 on: June 30, 2012, 09:02:31 AM »
Can someone explain why roundabouts are round i presume so we can drive around them YES,so WHY the F do they drive across it and then cut across to take an exit.

Offline taurus

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Re: The boys in brown are active
« Reply #25 on: June 30, 2012, 09:02:54 AM »
So when u had a crash and it was your fault the police let u go scott free u mean.
Like it ,like it  :D :D

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Re: The boys in brown are active
« Reply #26 on: June 30, 2012, 09:07:09 AM »
Can someone explain why roundabouts are round i presume so we can drive around them YES,so WHY the F do they drive across it and then cut across to take an exit.
Thought you would have figured that out Hank, it saves precious time ,every second is vital, thats why they are quite prepared to risk an "head onner" in heavy traffic just to gain one vehicle length!! :o

Offline ischme

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Re: The boys in brown are active
« Reply #27 on: June 30, 2012, 09:11:35 AM »
The por ror bor insurance is not even third party. It is injury insurance. They should, and would, stand up for you. This story about the Swedish guys is full of holes I am afraid.
I can only tell you what was told to me by several people including my friend  , however the living testament to my story lives about 15 kms from me , there is a very similar story to my friend ,he's a guy called Dieter who has a German Eatery in Prokonchai, the guy is a permanent cripple as the direct result of some Thai  maniacs driving  as anyone will tell you who knows him, of course its entirely your prerogative  if you are personally of the opinion that the standard of Thai driving is Exemplary   :)

I was not talking about the driving skills. I was talking about the legal implications.

By the stories I have heard there must be about 100 "big boss" policemen. Either that or the one big boss has about 100 brothers.

I have had 2 accidents in Thailand, both actually in Buriram. Both times I have received full cooperation from all involved.

One accident, ironically, was my fault. I was only penalised the same way as a local would have been.
Actually I was writing about Thai driving skills (or the lack of them) and the horrendous accidents that happen daily on roads the length and breadth of Thailand resulting in many deaths and terrible injuries, and any way its no big deal and I do not want to make a court case out of it, but if all it costs is 350 baht or so for a motor cycle for unlimited costs as far as Injuries received , then the company or whatever who is the insurer must be as insane as many of the riders they insure . :D

Maybe you should do some more investigation before you slate people.

Por Ror Bor insurance was set up and is part funded by the King of Thailand. He instigated this in order that the poorer population of Thailand could have insurance cover.

Offline taurus

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Re: The boys in brown are active
« Reply #28 on: June 30, 2012, 09:30:51 AM »
The por ror bor insurance is not even third party. It is injury insurance. They should, and would, stand up for you. This story about the Swedish guys is full of holes I am afraid.
I can only tell you what was told to me by several people including my friend  , however the living testament to my story lives about 15 kms from me , there is a very similar story to my friend ,he's a guy called Dieter who has a German Eatery in Prokonchai, the guy is a permanent cripple as the direct result of some Thai  maniacs driving  as anyone will tell you who knows him, of course its entirely your prerogative  if you are personally of the opinion that the standard of Thai driving is Exemplary   :)

I was not talking about the driving skills. I was talking about the legal implications.

By the stories I have heard there must be about 100 "big boss" policemen. Either that or the one big boss has about 100 brothers.

I have had 2 accidents in Thailand, both actually in Buriram. Both times I have received full cooperation from all involved.

One accident, ironically, was my fault. I was only penalised the same way as a local would have been.
Actually I was writing about Thai driving skills (or the lack of them) and the horrendous accidents that happen daily on roads the length and breadth of Thailand resulting in many deaths and terrible injuries, and any way its no big deal and I do not want to make a court case out of it, but if all it costs is 350 baht or so for a motor cycle for unlimited costs as far as Injuries received , then the company or whatever who is the insurer must be as insane as many of the riders they insure . :D

Maybe you should do some more investigation before you slate people.

Por Ror Bor insurance was set up and is part funded by the King of Thailand. He instigated this in order that the poorer population of Thailand could have insurance cover.
I'm not slating any one off but it defies logic, if one can get full injury cover whatever the cost of the injurys sustained which even on a motor cycle with 2 people aboard could be truly horrendous for about 350 baht, then something is just not quite right, there has to be a ceiling on how much compensation is paid out ,which may well not be no were near enough .

Offline nookiebear

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Re: The boys in brown are active
« Reply #29 on: June 30, 2012, 06:04:42 PM »
The local talk is that BiB are getting commission of 5k for every drunk driver that goes to court!!

They are more likely to earn more than that from the one's that don't go to court  ::)
In Korat there is absolutely no chance of' 'a backhander',if your caught you're banged up overnight then its court the next day,,,Same for Thais & Farangs!!,,,,& they are shit hot on Friday,Saturday & Sunday nights anytime after 20-00hrs
Yeah I have heard the same myself , Do they get banned like they do in UKanistan or are they free to drive again as normal once they have been "weighed in" ?
Free to drive again but if you get caught a 2nd time its 30,000 & or 6 months inside....PLUS they have the right to cancel your visa


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