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Offline urleft

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The boys in brown are active
« on: June 25, 2012, 08:12:37 PM »
I live in Ban Yang just outside of Buriram, it has been mostly left alone by the Police, but that has changed:
-  The Police are targeting internet shops looking for children playing before 2 pm and checking up to date business license.
-  They raided a local gambling area yesterday behind a house.  Must have had a tip to look there. 
-  On Sunday they were checking vehicles.  Checked me for License, current bike registration, and what I had in the compartment area.  All were clean and was let go. 
So this may be a follow on to Nookies post about Police being more aggressive.  Be careful if you are operating on the fringe, the Cops are looking for additional funds. 

Offline Makman

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Re: The boys in brown are active
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2012, 08:22:28 PM »
Or maybe they are just doing their job ------------------ arresting lawbreakers   :blink:

Offline urleft

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Re: The boys in brown are active
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2012, 09:06:56 PM »
Or maybe they are just doing their job ------------------ arresting lawbreakers   :blink:

you could be right if they didn't take a payoff and release the guilty party. 

Offline Makman

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Re: The boys in brown are active
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2012, 10:08:08 PM »
Or maybe they are just doing their job ------------------ arresting lawbreakers   :blink:

you could be right if they didn't take a payoff and release the guilty party.

No-where's is perfect,not even the good old U S of A. :P
I've paid far less here in Thailand to the Police than I ever did back in the UK.
£60 ( 3000 Baht ) for parking on a yellow line for 2 minutes,I ask you  madbar
So watch out you Drunk Drives,Drug pushers,Burglars,Gamblers and the rest of the scum of our Society or the nasty BiB might catch you  biggrin1

Offline urleft

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Re: The boys in brown are active
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2012, 10:15:44 PM »
I would rather have blatant police corruption as in Thailand rather than confication in America. 

You can negotiate corruption, but if the "rule of law" is behind them self-rightous or corrupt law enforcement can take it all.  Yes you can fight it and win, but it will take years. 

Offline urleft

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Re: The boys in brown are active
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2012, 10:23:52 AM »
Last night about 11 pm the Boys in Brown were back in the Village visiting another internet shop, understand the shop closed for the night afterward.  buttslap  So far they have visited 4 of the 7 internet shops.   knuppel2

There is also a rumor that all shops are subject to a surprise inspection that they are using a licensed operating system.  If that comes about most of the internet shops here will have to shut down (unless they find an accomodation with the inspector).   stop1

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Re: The boys in brown are active
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2012, 07:26:44 PM »
The local talk is that BiB are getting commission of 5k for every drunk driver that goes to court!!

Offline Makman

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Re: The boys in brown are active
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2012, 07:35:12 PM »
The local talk is that BiB are getting commission of 5k for every drunk driver that goes to court!!

They are more likely to earn more than that from the one's that don't go to court  ::)

Offline taurus

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Re: The boys in brown are active
« Reply #8 on: June 29, 2012, 08:00:33 PM »
I would rather have blatant police corruption as in Thailand rather than confication in America. 

You can negotiate corruption, but if the "rule of law" is behind them self-rightous or corrupt law enforcement can take it all.  Yes you can fight it and win, but it will take years.
Interesting observation Urleft but that depends on the circumstances and exactly who is involved ,  4 years ago a very good Swedish friend of mine was riding his motorcycle in broad daylight with a full licence and Insurance when he got rammed from behind by a  Thai pickup driver who was pissed out of his skull ,no licence , no insurance , and the pickup although he had owned it for 3 years was not even registered in his name ,the sad part about it that he was the brother of a "big boss" copper ,needless to say it was all brushed "under the carpet" and the swede was offered "big money" with a veiled threat to forget it all ,my friend is now virtually a cabbage due entirely to the head injuries he received and resembles "phantom of the opera" with all the scar tissue on his face plus he cannot walk normally  , the money he was promised quite obviously  never came ,but good for him he's got a great Thai wife who takes care of his every need , as far as I am concerned "justice" for farangs (unless you are "connected" ) and poor people is a joke due entirely to the massive corruption which exists today  by those to are paid to uphold it. 

Offline Makman

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Re: The boys in brown are active
« Reply #9 on: June 29, 2012, 08:01:21 PM »
Last night about 11 pm the Boys in Brown were back in the Village visiting another internet shop, understand the shop closed for the night afterward.  buttslap  So far they have visited 4 of the 7 internet shops.   knuppel2

There is also a rumor that all shops are subject to a surprise inspection that they are using a licensed operating system.  If that comes about most of the internet shops here will have to shut down (unless they find an accomodation with the inspector).   stop1
They might be doing the same thing as Kalasin  smilenod

Illegal Kalasin Internet Cafes

 Kalasin provincial Royal Thai Police announce that they have closed several Internet Cafe shops in the province because the establishments were permitting all kinds of underage children to congregate enmasse and were operating at hours outside those they had been given commercial licence for. Mr. Meeseechon Kaewmeesee, age 30, store owner of an internet cafe game shop the police entered, admitted during interrogation that he had been operating the shop without paying any attention to the age of minors in the shop and had not considered in the least that police may become involved. Police representatives told the media covering the case that such establishments must not provide services to minors below the age of fifteen years.

Offline Makman

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Re: The boys in brown are active
« Reply #10 on: June 29, 2012, 08:06:40 PM »
I would rather have blatant police corruption as in Thailand rather than confication in America. 

You can negotiate corruption, but if the "rule of law" is behind them self-rightous or corrupt law enforcement can take it all.  Yes you can fight it and win, but it will take years.
Interesting observation Urleft but that depends on the circumstances and exactly who is involved ,  4 years ago a very good Swedish friend of mine was riding his motorcycle in broad daylight with a full licence and Insurance when he got rammed from behind by a  Thai pickup driver who was pissed out of his skull ,no licence , no insurance , and the pickup although he had owned it for 3 years was not even registered in his name ,the sad part about it that he was the brother of a "big boss" copper ,needless to say it was all brushed "under the carpet" and the swede was offered "big money" with a veiled threat to forget it all ,my friend is now virtually a cabbage due entirely to the head injuries he received and resembles "phantom of the opera" with all the scar tissue on his face plus he cannot walk normally  , the money he was promised quite obviously  never came ,but good for him he's got a great Thai wife who takes care of his every need , as far as I am concerned "justice" for farangs (unless you are "connected" ) and poor people is a joke due entirely to the massive corruption which exists today  by those to are paid to uphold it.

You here of these horror stories.....why didn't your Swedish friends  Insurance  company sort this all out for him ???

Offline taurus

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Re: The boys in brown are active
« Reply #11 on: June 29, 2012, 08:17:00 PM »
I would rather have blatant police corruption as in Thailand rather than confication in America. 

You can negotiate corruption, but if the "rule of law" is behind them self-rightous or corrupt law enforcement can take it all.  Yes you can fight it and win, but it will take years.
Interesting observation Urleft but that depends on the circumstances and exactly who is involved ,  4 years ago a very good Swedish friend of mine was riding his motorcycle in broad daylight with a full licence and Insurance when he got rammed from behind by a  Thai pickup driver who was pissed out of his skull ,no licence , no insurance , and the pickup although he had owned it for 3 years was not even registered in his name ,the sad part about it that he was the brother of a "big boss" copper ,needless to say it was all brushed "under the carpet" and the swede was offered "big money" with a veiled threat to forget it all ,my friend is now virtually a cabbage due entirely to the head injuries he received and resembles "phantom of the opera" with all the scar tissue on his face plus he cannot walk normally  , the money he was promised quite obviously  never came ,but good for him he's got a great Thai wife who takes care of his every need , as far as I am concerned "justice" for farangs (unless you are "connected" ) and poor people is a joke due entirely to the massive corruption which exists today  by those to are paid to uphold it.

You here of these horror stories.....why didn't your Swedish friends  Insurance  company sort this all out for him ???
Unfortunately for him He only had the bare minimum Insurance,not sure but I think I think the Thai 's call it polibor? which costs about 350 baht ,which must be similar to our "third party" insurance back in Ukanistan .

Offline Makman

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Re: The boys in brown are active
« Reply #12 on: June 29, 2012, 08:25:02 PM »
Unfortunately for him He only had the bare minimum Insurance,not sure but I think I think the Thai 's call it polibor? which costs about 350 baht ,which must be similar to our "third party" insurance back in Ukanistan .

Sounds about the same as I have got  :blink:
Stories like this make me think about getting a proper quote for some Fully Comp Insurance !!!
Fully Comp can't be much for small motorbike ???

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Re: The boys in brown are active
« Reply #13 on: June 29, 2012, 09:25:04 PM »
I would rather have blatant police corruption as in Thailand rather than confication in America. 

You can negotiate corruption, but if the "rule of law" is behind them self-rightous or corrupt law enforcement can take it all.  Yes you can fight it and win, but it will take years.
Interesting observation Urleft but that depends on the circumstances and exactly who is involved ,  4 years ago a very good Swedish friend of mine was riding his motorcycle in broad daylight with a full licence and Insurance when he got rammed from behind by a  Thai pickup driver who was pissed out of his skull ,no licence , no insurance , and the pickup although he had owned it for 3 years was not even registered in his name ,the sad part about it that he was the brother of a "big boss" copper ,needless to say it was all brushed "under the carpet" and the swede was offered "big money" with a veiled threat to forget it all ,my friend is now virtually a cabbage due entirely to the head injuries he received and resembles "phantom of the opera" with all the scar tissue on his face plus he cannot walk normally  , the money he was promised quite obviously  never came ,but good for him he's got a great Thai wife who takes care of his every need , as far as I am concerned "justice" for farangs (unless you are "connected" ) and poor people is a joke due entirely to the massive corruption which exists today  by those to are paid to uphold it.
If you don't like the way things are here you will always have the option to leave,it's the way it is stay or leave everyone has the choice.

Offline Makman

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Re: The boys in brown are active
« Reply #14 on: June 29, 2012, 11:40:33 PM »
If you don't like the way things are here you will always have the option to leave,it's the way it is stay or leave everyone has the choice.

Even though I agree in a way Tommy { yes we all made a choice when we moved here }, your words of wisdom are not a great help to the Swedish guy who got rammed by a drunk and ended up scared and unable to walk properly.
Yes most of us know the way things work out here and even the Thais are starting to get a bit miffed about the two-tier Law system.Hopefully things will change but it would be nice to be able to comment on such issues without the normal moronic comments of " if you don't like it here go home " post's .For some of us Thailand is our home   smilenod
Coming back to the OP,the thing is, even when the Police are trying to clean up the area we live in ,like raiding the Computer Shops,Gambling Dens,stopping Drunk Drivers and busting drug dealers all we can comment on is how 'they are on the Make' { yes even me  ::) }
Instead maybe we should be thinking 'nice one lads' for setting up that road block and busting the Drunk Drivers and drug dealers that are a menace to our local communities . Things could be worse without them  :)


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