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Offline Jon Terry

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Re: Two suns!!!!!!!!
« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2012, 04:16:17 PM »
Why didn't they leave an inscription in hieroglyphics?  These were certainly available when the Giza pyramids were built.

Shades of Immanuel Velikovsky and Erik von Daniken!
Yes I see where your coming from but ,
a) There is also no hieroglyphics telling us who built them just an assumption that they were built at the same time as the sphinx was carved ( which has a whole other road to travel) hence It is generally accepted that the Sphinx was built about 2500 BC by Pharaoh Khafra only because it has a slight resemblance to other carving of him wearing a headdress .No recorded text that he built it.
b) The pyramids were built before hieroglyphics
c)We only cracked the code of hieroglyphics 100 years ago with the help of the Rosetta stone and that was luck. perhaps they used the only language they knew would still exist in the future. Maths, science and astronomy.   

1.  The earliest hieroglyphics are pre-dynastic.
2.  There's plenty of archaeological evidence that the whole Giza pyramid complex, including the Sphinx, was built by Fourth Dynasty Pharaohs (2600-2500 B.C.)
3.  The date when hieroglyphics were deciphered (by luck, indeed) was about 1830.... but has
nothing whatsoever to do with the meaning, or otherwise, of the pyramids.

This is a classic case of a theory being created first, and evidence supposedly to support it being subsequently adduced from all over the place;  anything which can be made to fit is accepted, anything which won 't is quietly laid aside.

There is no evidence that Atlantis was ever more than a fable;  where was it?

There is no evidence that 'flying saucers have landed', though many people would like to claim they have seen them.

The mathematical and scientific skills which you attribute to the pyramid-builders existed without a complex writing-system?  Pull the other one, Jon.

But all the theorising is fun, so long as you don't take it too seriously.  Come 20.12, you can have a good laugh at me if I'm wrong!
Not going with this one then Issanbirder?
IT's all fun as Candy says, we cabn't have a forum where everyboby just pats each other on the back.
I did not mean or say they had no form of writing, that is daft to think, I said that the language they used was the pyramids themselves, which have been built with maths ,science and astronomy, three languages of an advanced people which could be rediscovered in time so no need for a written language which will get lost in time. We don't even write the same language as say Defoe or Chaucer today


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Re: Two suns!!!!!!!!
« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2012, 04:34:09 PM »
No, Jon, I am not going with this one!  Mind you, Betelgeuse going supernova would be something to see;  this star is so big that if it were where our sun was, the earth would be inside it.

Maths, science and astronomy can only be 'languages' if you have a way of expressing them.  That means writing... and probably an alphabetic script, as a pictographic system is too clumsy (the Chinese have had lots of problems with this).  Using pyramids to express yourself is a trifle clumsy.  Why should these imaginary people think that their language would be lost?  That's twenty-first century thinking, not Fourth Dynasty.

You mention Defoe.  His books are written in a language very close to ours, and you would have no difficulty reading a contemporary edition (c1700) (I've done so).  Chaucer, I agree, is something different, but Malory a century later, and Shakespeare two centuries later, are not too problematical.

I nearly forgot.  There is no reason to equate Osiris with Orion, except that they both begin with O.  Osiris is usually equated with Dionysus, because they both feature in resurrection myths.  The Greek constellation names probably date to the 8th-7th centuries B.C.

See you on 21.12!

Offline Jon Terry

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Re: Two suns!!!!!!!!
« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2012, 07:36:09 PM »
You might well see me then , as we are hoping to come back autumn/winter time.
We could have a proper chat about it, with beer, if we keep on the subject here I worry that it will just turn into a forum scrap f:@k that!!! I want to use this site as a info hub and to keep up to date with Issan while I'm away. Not get into these slagging matches I keep seeing here these days. Although they are quite entertaining someone must be getting hurt by them, I have seen some right twats on here that frankly had to go, but I have also seen some guys get picked on like a ginger step kid and cold not work out why?
I've been posting for almost three years now and I'm starting to think that this forum is turning into one of those local only pubs.
But I'll drink anywhere I'm a slag !!!

Offline Jon Terry

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Re: Two suns!!!!!!!!
« Reply #18 on: February 28, 2012, 07:48:20 PM »
I forgot Issanbrider I've have read Defoe and OK after a while you fall into sync with it but our language changes alot even in 300 years no?
Thats it now no more debating I want us all to just agree with me, only joking hopefully see in the winter


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Re: Two suns!!!!!!!!
« Reply #19 on: February 29, 2012, 06:18:39 AM »
I forgot Issanbrider I've have read Defoe and OK after a while you fall into sync with it but our language changes alot even in 300 years no?
Thats it now no more debating I want us all to just agree with me, only joking hopefully see in the winter

Quite agree with you, Jon, that there's too much slagging and gratuitous insults to other members.  That's one reason why I rarely post here nowadays.  A good argument where we both have some idea what we're talking about is a different matter, though, and I've enjoyed this one.  It'd be nice to meet and have a go at it in December... though after 20.12 most of your arguments (or perhaps mine) will seem irrelevant.



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