Rice Wholesale priceA few day ago I went with my wife's brother to sell the rice that he made this year.
I just helped him to take the rice with my pick-up car.
He got a Recommendation to go to a Wholesaler close to the electricity office (about 4 km from the city).
When we got there they checked the rice and say they will pay 11 Baht per kilo because the rice seeds not beautiful and have a lot of red rice.
Ironically he could sell the rice while the hearvest time by 12 Baht per kilo and on that time the rice Weigh more because the rice was still wet.
So, Quite disappointed he decided to sell the rice by that price.
We had 720 kilo and he got paid 7920 Baht.
In the second round he say lets try in the city next to Bangkok bank.
We had 722 kilo and they paid 14.2 Baht per kilo which was total 10252 Baht.
A difference of more than 2200 Baht only by going to a different Wholesaler !!!
In a Conclusion, better comper the price before selling the rice and don't accept the price the Wholesaler give you automatically.