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Offline Nat

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Govt hospital or Private?
« on: November 06, 2011, 07:57:25 PM »
Hi all,

as the header says. Is the local government hospital good or would you avoid it and use the private one on Phutthaisong road?

Thanks, Nat

Offline swisstony

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Re: Govt hospital or Private?
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2011, 11:10:00 PM »
You get what you pay for in this word,something simple and you are prepared to wait the Government one is fine,you want to be seen quickly and taken care of, go private  character5

Offline Prakhonchai Nick

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Re: Govt hospital or Private?
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2011, 04:53:57 AM »
Rather depends on the problem Nat.

Having spent 4 days in the private hospital with kidney stones, they advised me I needed an operation, but could not be carried out in the private hospital. They sent me to the government hospital to see the specialist. He was only there 2 mornings a week for just 1 hour. When I arrived I was number 53 in the queue to see him (in his allotted 1 hour!!!)

I went to Bangkok Pattaya hospital, with my x rays etc, and was told there was no need for an operation!

So my views on both government and private hospitals are not good!

Recently went to Bangkok-Korat Hospital for sciatica. First class -but all treatment is expensive. OK if you have insurance.

Offline urleft

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Re: Govt hospital or Private?
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2011, 08:06:24 AM »
I went to visit at the Buriram Public hospital, the place was overcrowded with patients.  The grandfather was there several days, was in a bed in the hallway.  There was very little if any privacy. 

Decided right then if I have to go to the hospital, it will not be there.

Offline Prakhonchai Nick

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Re: Govt hospital or Private?
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2011, 08:32:50 AM »
Government hospitals are next to useless.

I went to the Prakhonchai government hospital 4 years ago with  99% certain dengue fever. (This comes under the jurisdiction of Buriram hospital)

After a blood test the doctor told me no dengue but I have an STD.    WTF!!!    No problems down below!

4 hours later I was in Buriram Private hospital (Ekachon) with hemorrhagic  dengue fever!

Government hospitals deal with too many people, overworked doctors on very low pay, who all care more for their private clinics.

Offline Nat

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Re: Govt hospital or Private?
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2011, 08:52:18 AM »
Seems like a done deal I'm off to the private hospital (Ekachon) to get this ear situation sorted. Thanks for the feedback all.

Offline nookiebear

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Re: Govt hospital or Private?
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2011, 09:12:39 AM »
The Navy Hospital at Sattahip is very good if you dont have insurance........I had an hernia op in Bangkok Pattaya a few years ago,I had insurance the bill was 76,000 baht,,,The same surgeon would have performed the same op in Sattahip for 13,000 baht

Offline aparasher

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Re: Govt hospital or Private?
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2011, 05:33:54 PM »
I would definitely recommend Private hospital. We used the Ruam Phet hospital in Surin for delivery of our daughter and it was great experience. Even a doctor from government hospital told us to go there. St.Mary's in Korat is another good one.

Offline BillH52

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Re: Govt hospital or Private?
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2012, 08:25:37 PM »
We spend winters here in Thailand; have been experiencing ear issues since our return to Thailand a couple of months ago, with my left ear.  Several visits to a doctor in NangRong, followed by his recommended visit to the Government Hospital there, or an audio evaluation.  What an experience!  Not unlike being placed in the middle of a full livestock barn and being asked to hold up a finger if I heard a pin drop, while a local grandmother & grandson attempted to cheer me on while the testing proceeded.   Bottom line, was told I was just growing old (66) and should just live with it. Didn't like that answer, so have been evaluating my next step. 

Shortly after the visit to said hospital, I suddenly stopped hearing with my right ear; wifey & I dug out a fair amount of wax, but no improvement.  Waited about a week, in the hopes the things would correct themselves; left @ about 80%; right @ about 5%.  When that didn't work, put together a phone list of area hospitals I might be interested in using.  Had taken a family member to the Buriram General a few weeks ago, and wasn't convinced I wanted to experience that first hand; so, it wasn't on the list.  Had wifey start down a phone list this morning, of hospitals in the area who might offer a Ear, Nose, Throat specialty; started with the closest, Buriram Ekachon Private Hospital first.  Low and behold - miracle of miracles!  Ekachon has an ENT specialty clinic available from 11AM-1PM on Mondays!  Loaded up and headed for Buriram!

Made it thru the paperwork process relatively unbruised. While waiting for the Doctor to arrive, found another Farong waiting in line; a Brit, I think; been in Buriram 17 yrs.  Wifey had a nice conversation with him; I couldn't hear well enough to try.
Doctor found considerable wax in the right ear; vacuumed it out, which was my first time at that.  Hearing returned instantly.  Then took a look at the left; sent me across the street for an audio test.
Upon reviewing the results of the audio exam, was stockpiled with 4 or 5 different pills and told to come back in a month.
Total cost - about 1100 Baht; and a wonderful sense of relief at getting my hearing back, close to normal. 

Bottom line, which would I prefer for me?  Government or Private?  I would probably use Private. 

Bill H

Offline Prakhonchai Nick

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Re: Govt hospital or Private?
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2012, 08:32:13 PM »
Hi Bill

I had a similar experience to you.

I went to ekachon in Buriram, and across the road for an audio exam -like being in a telephone booth or Dr Who's "tardis".

I was given tablets but to no avail.

Then went to korat Bangkok Hospital -one of the best. immediately the ENT specialist told be basically it was just due to age, and that there would be good days and bad days.

3 days later the hearing in my left ear returned, and still remains fine. Think it was partly due to the after effects of a heavy cold. He incidentally told me to stop the tablets given to me in Buriram as they would not help.

As you say, private beats government every time.

Offline BillH52

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Re: Govt hospital or Private?
« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2012, 08:42:51 PM »
Would not be surprised if that is the case, Nick.

How many times have I heard, "If you're not going to follow the Doctors instructions, why go in the first place?"  But, I really dislike taking pills!  1 per day; maybe. But 8 per day?  Fairly sure it won't last long.

Offline aparasher

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Re: Govt hospital or Private?
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2012, 06:48:48 AM »
We used Ruam Phet hospital in Surin for delivery of our daughter and still use it. I found it to be great with excellent facility. Staff was caring and very attentive.
I am not sure that I share same for the government hospital in Prakhonchai.

Offline Starman

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Re: Govt hospital or Private?
« Reply #12 on: January 24, 2012, 07:59:02 AM »
My 9 year old daughter had dengue fever last year. She spent three days in Buriram Government Hospital.

First class service, caring nurses, bedside visits by Doctor every 4 hours. What I liked particularly was that despite the fact that I or my wife were constantly bedside the Doctors spoke to my daughter.Rather than us and treating my daughter as the third person.

All totally free.

1 up for the Government Hospital.

Offline Starman

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Re: Govt hospital or Private?
« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2012, 08:01:06 AM »
Hi Bill

I had a similar experience to you.

I went to ekachon in Buriram, and across the road for an audio exam -like being in a telephone booth or Dr Who's "tardis".

I was given tablets but to no avail.

Then went to korat Bangkok Hospital -one of the best. immediately the ENT specialist told be basically it was just due to age, and that there would be good days and bad days.

3 days later the hearing in my left ear returned, and still remains fine. Think it was partly due to the after effects of a heavy cold. He incidentally told me to stop the tablets given to me in Buriram as they would not help.

As you say, private beats government every time.

Dont understand Nick.

Ekachon Buriram is a private hospital.

Offline Vombatus

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Re: Govt hospital or Private?
« Reply #14 on: January 24, 2012, 08:55:22 AM »
Hi Bill

I had a similar experience to you.

I went to ekachon in Buriram, and across the road for an audio exam -like being in a telephone booth or Dr Who's "tardis".

I was given tablets but to no avail.

Then went to korat Bangkok Hospital -one of the best. immediately the ENT specialist told be basically it was just due to age, and that there would be good days and bad days.

3 days later the hearing in my left ear returned, and still remains fine. Think it was partly due to the after effects of a heavy cold. He incidentally told me to stop the tablets given to me in Buriram as they would not help.

As you say, private beats government every time.

Dont understand Nick.

Ekachon Buriram is a private hospital.

I think the point is that Korat is the next step up - and better service (for Nick's condition) was received there.

I think Aparasher's reservations about Prakhonchai hospital may be harsh - they could well have been far-sighted in diagnosing Nick with a Sexually Transmitted Disease when he really had Dengue Fever !  crazydance


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