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House-plan designs.
« on: August 07, 2008, 04:26:57 PM »
Nice website showing house plan designs.

Go to "Plans" category.  :yeswink:

« Last Edit: August 07, 2008, 04:28:36 PM by ADMIN »

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Re: House-plan designs.
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2008, 07:33:16 PM »
Well known website:
This site provides information on building a house in Pattaya, Thailand and Thailand in general.  How to go about getting a nice luxury house built for under $25,000 (1,000,000 Baht)?


Offline TBWG

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Re: House-plan designs.
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2008, 03:15:29 AM »


I do wonder why people limit themselves to building a house from plans from a book when extremely talented architects are available locally. I do not know how much these book plans cost but I had a house designed to my requirements by a local architect who prepared all the plans and specification, presented it to the planning office and partially oversaw the build all for the equivalent of £600.

So I or should I say the boss lady confused2 has a unique property.

TBWG sawadi

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Re: House-plan designs.
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2008, 11:49:14 PM »
Hi Yes I agree with TBWG.

When I(we) was looking for ideas and plans, we contacted numerous Building Firms, visited shows/displays in Malls ect and robbed them of all the info/leaflets they could give us. Sure we dont have some sort of palace or artistic house but its good for us/manageble and I like it alot.


Offline pete b

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Re: House-plan designs.
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2008, 05:21:51 AM »
Hi everybody out there
I am looking for any  info on house building as the wife decided to knock her parents house down two years ago and have the land raised, this now neans that it has setteled and I have to pay to get a new one built. >:(
So to the question at hand, Does any one know where I can get some plans drawn up as the wife (Khantong/Tuy) is coming over on the fiftenth of october for six weeks to start the build.
I have sketched a very basic plan and need to get more detail for the/a builder to price from.
Does any one have any info on good builders around the Moang district of buri ram.
And before you ask yes I do trust her with money(to a certain extent) but do not want her/me to get ripped of by the builder.
Thanks in advance for any helpfull replies.
Look foward to meeting some of you next time I come out, too much work on this year maybe next year biggrinbar

Offline satukbob

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Re: House-plan designs.
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2008, 06:58:35 PM »
  You might contact   Khun Ple a woman architect/building contractor who operates from a Picture Frame shop in Buriram.  Her e-mail is hongyok_ple@yahoo.com       She UNDERSTANDS English, reads and writes English, but does not always know how to speak English.  I viewed several homes in Buriram that she had designed and built that cost 1.2 million and above.  I viewed a less expensive home in a village she had designed and built.  She had also done remodels of many Chinese owned "shop houses" that were actually quite nice inside.   She was the builder of the new Book and Bed Restaurant in Buriram.   There is no PERFECT builder, but her price to design  our home per square meter was lower than any other firm. Her knowledge (University for house design?)  in Bangkok and previous experience in Bangkok gave her an edge when selecting materials and especially local and Bangkok based sub contractors.    Her mobile phone is 081-7604583.   Her price to build our home was lower than other builders quoted. 

    There is another woman architect that has a very nice three story office near a round about in Buriram that is close to the City Hall, next door to a Suzuki Dealership.  There is a large photo banner on that building of her personal 3 story home which was recently built next door to rail road track crossing, close to a large  Cockpit Tire Store on Highway 219.   Khun "Grade' is her name and her English was very good.  She can send your wife to several more modest homes she has designed and/or built in Buriram.  Her personal home is quite amazing.
  I do not have her phone number.  She gladly gave us a price to design our home and the address of a two reference homes to view in Buriram.  We went with the other architect due to price, but both use Auto Cad.   

   Another suggestion is to have your wife meet with the owner(s) of  "Mega Home Mart" the LARGE building supply store that appears to be Not open, but in reality is open on Highway 219 past RAD Disco, before the "abandoned" large hotel.  Sometimes the owner is downtown near the "market" at her other long established location called "Ling Suk" (bad spelling) next door to a very good Paint shop.  The staff do wear the MEGA HOME MART shirts in both stores.   This woman and her Brother deal with MANY home builders in and near Buriram.  They have a grip on which builders pay on time, which might have delighted clients picking sanitary ware and doors.  They also have a feel for who orders good tile grout, proper size steel, good quality cement and which builders do  otherwise.   That paint shop in Buriram  044-611-067 is a major dealer for ICI, TOA, BEGER, PAMASTIC,  and can perhaps recommend which builders order QUALITY paint and not "contractor" low grade paint for Farang houses.   I have observed other builders mislead fellow Farang about a specific paint grade for their nice homes and seen the paint fade and chip after one year. 

    A good test of the builder is to see where the electric panel is placed in any home.   Another test for me was to look at all of the bathrooms in homes the builder had us view.  Did the shower water go on the level floor or in every bathroom was the shower area enclosed to keep the toilet, sink area floor dry?  If you are looking to build a 600,000 baht part time village house these two might not be the architects  to contact, but it costs nothing to obtain a price per square meter to properly design a home.   

   For our home in Buriram Province the Veranda design was an important consideration as we spend much of our time outside, even on rainy days.   


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Re: House-plan designs.
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2008, 05:32:04 AM »
Hi there guys. I personally think designing your own home is the best way to go ,however not everybody’s got the imagination it requires to do so , that’s when a little inspiration from house books or web sights can come in handy .we at Alanthebuilder have our own architect ex Bangkok university teacher. We supply a set of detailed pans ready for inspection for 10.000 for two storey and 8.000 for a single. Now with the new rules every house over 140 sqm needs an engineers booklet and also each page of the plan must be sighed be the engineer who makes this booklet , it runs in at about 10,000 baht the book 8,000 for the signing so a total cost of plans passed signed with the engineers  book for a two storey house we would charge 28,000 this come with a small map of the location too , also a new requirement .if your house is getting built in the sticks (middle of nowhere ) the chances are you need nothing . I hope this as been of help to some of you, thanks now   .alan@alanthebuilder.com p.s if anybody needs any advice on house building or house building regs feel free to ask thanks again.

Offline Kapong

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Re: House-plan designs.
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2008, 08:32:14 PM »
just a thought.why to take falang builder and not a thai one?sure in most cases the thai will get cheaper prices for house materials and better deals for the land so it will be cheaper.

I aint trying to make you or your biz down but I think its a good question many of your potential customers would like to get an answer on this issue.

Offline Alanthebuilder

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Re: House-plan designs.
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2008, 05:48:55 AM »
Hi there, here are a few reasons why people chose to use our services and have been doing for almost 8 years now

1 -- We give a fixed price with detail, in English of course and we stick to it.
2-- 65% of the houses we build are built while the client is over sea’s working. We supply weekly pictures of the project and daily e mails of what’s happening.
3--our Slogo -Alan the builder you can talk to, you really can talk to me, explain what you want and that is exactly what you will get.
4—we supply everything the client needs house plans, registration, electric meter, water meter, the lot; the client has to do nothing.
5—our work is of a very high standard nothing less will do .all my contractors and workers are highly skilled, and they know they are working for a high speck company. My no .1. Forman used to build hotels in Bangkok he knows about high speck and regulations.
6—we price against Thai building contractors all the time, yet we are always busy! Non stop.
7—our aim is to provide the house exactly how you want it with no stress what so ever to you or your wife. There are a few reasons why our company is very successful, maybe we could post a topic about all the Nightmares people have had whilst building there houses hear in Thailand, im more than sure it would be a very long thread. Ok guys if anybody needs any help or just advice feel free to ask of P.M me on Alan@alanthebuilder.com  p.s we up graded our gallery yesterday on www.alanthebuilder.com .ok thanks again Alan.   


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