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Re: Another Building a house on a budget thread
« Reply #15 on: May 03, 2011, 06:18:31 PM »
The 400k House is still being rendered so not a lot has happened since the last report but the roof and soffet's  are now finished and some more photos will follow shortly  :biggrin:
I've been fishing today at my friend Tommy's place,I helped him a little with some advice and he has ended up with a nice little house and fishing pond for well under 1 million Baht ( land is his girlfriends ).The pond( about 1 Ria ) cost 40k to dig out about 6 years ago and the soil was used the raise the rest of the 2+ Ria plot. He then built a small outside Kitchen and toilet and a small out building for tools and then rented a small  house locally and spent about 3-4 years saving up from his pension ( money that would have been spent just to live in the UK)to build the house.He stocked the pond with fish and then started the garden but leaving the area the house was going to be built on ,when he had saved up enough money for the house he found a builder to build on a price and he bought all the materials.Final cost of the 100 Squ/m house was 680,000 Baht.Two bedrooms ,one with an on-suite bathroom and one with a on-suite but shared with the house guest's through a second door.A small European style kitchen,washing room with sink,a lounge and to small veranda's front and side. Poured columns ,small red bricks,steel roof with the big Chang roof tiles. With the furniture ,2 air-con units and electrical goods Tommy tell me he hasn't spent over 1 Million. bravo1
« Last Edit: May 03, 2011, 06:30:07 PM by manupete »

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Re: Another Building a house on a budget thread
« Reply #16 on: May 03, 2011, 06:50:43 PM »
A very nice house for its price. thumbup


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Re: Another Building a house on a budget thread
« Reply #17 on: May 30, 2011, 02:50:17 PM »
Pond looks great ,well done mate !

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Re: Another Building a house on a budget thread
« Reply #18 on: August 13, 2011, 01:12:13 AM »
thanks for all the good information. has anyone got ant info on timber builds. i will try and post a photo of a timber build i have seen and would like to build something simular. many thanks. roger

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Re: Another Building a house on a budget thread
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2011, 01:31:23 AM »
mmmmmm have tryed to upload a photo but keeps rejecting it. saying file to large ??? any ideas

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Re: Another Building a house on a budget thread
« Reply #20 on: August 13, 2011, 02:42:36 AM »
how much it would cost to build sauna in Thailand? Big logs not some thin wood boards.

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Re: Another Building a house on a budget thread
« Reply #21 on: December 26, 2011, 04:06:54 PM »
This is such an awesome example of what can be done here in Buriram with little money...

Does anyone else have experience with this?

I'm very interested considering one..

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Re: Another Building a house on a budget thread
« Reply #22 on: December 26, 2011, 07:17:38 PM »
thanks for all the good information. has anyone got ant info on timber builds. i will try and post a photo of a timber build i have seen and would like to build something simular. many thanks. roger
Is this the kind of timber house you are thinking about? Tey pasting this link into your address bar, we have been building this house on a very small budget over the last four years.

Offline Pichai

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Re: Another Building a house on a budget thread
« Reply #23 on: May 21, 2015, 09:32:34 PM »
I noted this topic mentions red bricks as well as Superblock AAC blocks and cinder blocks to build a home in Buriram. I am proud to now offer a proper made red brick that is 9 7/8" (250 MM) BY 5" (125MM) by 4" (100mm) for a price less than the typical Buriram garden shop and less than other local made large red bricks offered at my fine competitors stores in Buriram. I sent a store employee to buy a large red brick at seven other stores to see the quality and price. Of course I stock and sell much smaller Buriram made red bricks with four round holes each. These larger red bricks are a different kettle of fish and while they may not have the insulation properties of a the Q Con autoclaved areated wall blocks or Diamond products white light weight AAC wall blocks I keep in stock behind my store in Buriram several widths, these new red bricks are worth consideration as they can have rebar inside, PVC water pipes, electrical conduit and not lose strength.

 I apologize that I currently do not have ready stock of the Q Con lintels at the store, but they can arrive in nine days or less when I place a full truck load order of Q Con autoclaved wall blocks or reinforced AAC wall sections to be transported to Buriram. It is all a learning curve of what expat home builders and Thai building contractors prefer to have on short notice and what products are planned in advance. I will soon stock geo textile non woven fiber for ground cover in Buriram Landscape Gardens, and under the gravel road projects of yet another new Buriram Hotel project and two expat homes. The steady stream of new products requested by Buriram Expat forum members has clued me into products to display and stock that perhaps my National Chain competitors are not yet aware of the demand in Buriram of such products. It was not that many years ago that a Buriram Builders Merchant did not stock a Western Style elongated flushing toilet.  Like most any Buriram Builders Merchant the price of a commodity item such as structural steel, red bricks of any size, AAC autoclaved wall blocks can vary a bit depending on the method of payment, place of delivery, if a full truck load, or if you pick up at the store.  I believe I offer a fairly liberal delivery policy, yet a few driving staff (yes there is a different drivers license mandatory for the large delivery trucks) not showing up for work after a holiday or more than three,  six or ten wheel delivery trucks placed unexpectedly in our fleet repair department can throw off the delivery schedule in a way that is unfortunate. I am very grateful for the expats who have the luxury to plan in advance, and who take the time to ask Thai house builders more than once what day they require building materials at a building site. Then they prudently request the delivery one day or two days in advance of when the Thai builder said he wants the materials. Planning for "wild cards" in Buriram province has served my customers well.

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Re: Another Building a house on a budget thread
« Reply #24 on: May 21, 2015, 11:13:13 PM »
Interesting and informative post. It seems that Pichai and 'Mr Bob' are at the forefront of dragging Thai building techniques into the 20th century, although my building project will probably be finished before Q con lintels are available, I built with conventional concrete lintels.
Something that I have never done before, gypsum board ceilings, will be coming up soon and I will certainly be visiting for advice before I start.
Are the 20cm AAC blocks load bearing?

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Re: Another Building a house on a budget thread
« Reply #25 on: May 22, 2015, 06:59:01 PM »
I am glad that Khun Pichai and Mr Bob showed me that they had QCON lintels and I'm glad that we ordered them and our builder loved them.

Great product and not expensive.

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Re: Another Building a house on a budget thread
« Reply #26 on: May 22, 2015, 11:01:35 PM »
Thank you Dave and Mike for your kind comments. I'll go on record as stating that Q-Con, Diamond Block, Super Block in the 20cm by 20cm by 60 cm can be used in Buriram as an interior or exterior load bearing wall. In fact I have visited house building sites in Buriram where the 20cm wide autoclaved areated blocks were used successfully as load bearing walls. On page 4 of the English language brochure published by Q - Con, which is licensed by Hebel blocks of Germany the #1 item mentions the load bearing interior walls and load bearing exterior walls.  I will also caution that the size and weight of the roof steel, roof tiles will play a major role that your Buriram building engineer would advise you of the need for support other than the AAC wall blocks or steel reinforced AAC wall panels.   This brochure is in English, as are many brochures from house building materials companies in Thailand at my store. Many of the companies print a Thai language version and an English language version of the same brochure. 


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Re: Another Building a house on a budget thread
« Reply #27 on: May 25, 2015, 11:24:14 AM »
Over the weekend the Q Con Autoclaved Areated Cement Blocks and Q Con steel reinforced Wall panels technical advisor sent a reply to the question regarding load bearing properties of Q Con 20 cm wide AAC wall blocks.

To Mr. Pichai
"Are the 20cm Q Con AAC blocks load bearing?

Yes, the 20cm Q Con AAC(G4) are blocks load bearing

Best regards

Chanyut Panvaewngam

Mr. Chanyut Panvaewngam an employee of Q Con, has visited Ruangsangthai in Buriram several times to inform our building materials sales team of the properties and advantages of Q Con AAC blocks.

Offline davureborn

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Re: Another Building a house on a budget thread
« Reply #28 on: May 25, 2015, 01:25:48 PM »
10cm AAC blocks with concrete lintels, the room is 8 x 3 metres. The back of a concrete window sill is also visible as well as the fact that the corner is at a double 45° angle, might get finished in a year or two, poverty slows things down a bit but it's good to know that what I have built is paid for.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2015, 01:31:03 PM by davureborn »

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Re: Another Building a house on a budget thread
« Reply #29 on: July 02, 2015, 11:32:54 PM »
A better house wall brick display was built today near the tool repair center in Buriram, by the team who make these high grade bricks in Isaan. I am proud to offer these European designed full size bricks which have a 99 year guarantee as an option to home builders in Buriram Province. They can be painted, rendered, have rebar inside, hold the electrical conduit, PVC or PPE water pipes. fiber optic cable for fast internet in Buriram.


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