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Offline Vombatus

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Re: SIN SOD question. How much?
« Reply #75 on: April 21, 2011, 08:27:36 PM »

 Well, any such young stud will have to go through Mrs. Pee Nuu first. Good luck with that......she's the best of character judgement. HA! HA! Best to ya, my young little darlings - as you have to pass your Mother's standard!!! wildman

I believe that is the Father's job!
Not in a Matriarchal society, it ain't. Or...I'm guessing that that you have yet to figure out Thai culture....??

That would be an arrogant assumption or, are you and your wife BOTH Thai ?

Offline Pee Nuu

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Re: SIN SOD question. How much?
« Reply #76 on: April 21, 2011, 09:55:21 PM »
Sounds like you are under the thumb Pee Nuu!
I'm the boss around here.....and I've the wife's permission to be so. party15


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Re: SIN SOD question. How much?
« Reply #77 on: April 22, 2011, 02:39:22 PM »

10 years in Isaan and I have NEVER seen sinsod repaid after the ceremony. The mothers want it to pay off their gambling loans!
No you won't have seen 'Sinsot' paid back Nick because it's done behind closed doors. The 'Sinsot' is paraded openly before the marriage but once that show is finished, it fades into the distance. Only the parents and the couple really knows what goes on, it's not a public thing to show. Like with most Thais you will not get an honest answer as to who got it back and who didn't.
I never paid 'Sinsot' and I never paid for a wedding party. Reason being, I thought the money would be better spent on other things. Which it was, and my wife fully agreed with my decision. Each to their own.

Offline Prakhonchai Nick

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Re: SIN SOD question. How much?
« Reply #78 on: April 22, 2011, 02:57:27 PM »
My wording was incorrect - but what I intended to convey was that in the villages surrounding Prakhonchai, sinsot is grabbed by the Mothers after being paraded, and is not returned at any time!

Greedy Fcuking Cows!

In most cases of Thai/Thai marriages, the dowry is borrowed at horrendous  rates (known to  but disregarded by the Mothers), and for the next 2/3 years the newly married couple have to work their bollocks off to repay the loan. What start to married life is that?

Offline Vombatus

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Re: SIN SOD question. How much?
« Reply #79 on: April 22, 2011, 03:16:48 PM »
Sounds like you are under the thumb Pee Nuu!
I'm the boss around here.....and I've the wife's permission to be so. party15

It is a good job that Mrs Pee-Nuu wears the trousers because Mr Pee-Nuu cannot seem to decide whether (1) There is a ready supply of good, hardworking Thai boys in every village waiting to de-flower and sin sot his daughters or, (2) Thai boys are all a bunch of w4nkers (the WTF thread).

"curmudgeonly misanthropic"  ?   - more like consistently inconsistent !

Offline Pee Nuu

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Re: SIN SOD question. How much?
« Reply #80 on: April 22, 2011, 07:14:25 PM »
Sounds like you are under the thumb Pee Nuu!
I'm the boss around here.....and I've the wife's permission to be so. party15

It is a good job that Mrs Pee-Nuu wears the trousers because Mr Pee-Nuu cannot seem to decide whether (1) There is a ready supply of good, hardworking Thai boys in every village waiting to de-flower and sin sot his daughters or, (2) Thai boys are all a bunch of w4nkers (the WTF thread).

"curmudgeonly misanthropic"  ?   - more like consistently inconsistent !
The great paradox, Ray! pray1

Offline Jon Terry

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Re: SIN SOD question. How much?
« Reply #81 on: January 03, 2012, 06:59:44 PM »
I was told about sin sot, before I got married and as I have said before I was worried about rocking the boat and paid about 100k (baht) which I then found out payed for the wedding with 200 guests and with the remainder my mother in law bought us land which we have built our house on so I was lucky, but I do know of lots of bad stories where the daughter has kept the money and not told the husband leaving the old mother to struggle on her own, this in my experience is looked on very badly by the community, sin sot is not looked on badly but what is done with it after has more importance than how much it is.
Anyway all families are different and most have never had money so until you find out that you were lucky or not, just keep cool and hope your judgement with your wife to be is correct, because if your in-laws screw you over it will be painful but not as bad as your wife doing it, you can always moan about bad in-laws but the wife was your choice.

Offline Paddyram

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Re: SIN SOD question. How much?
« Reply #82 on: January 05, 2012, 01:32:53 PM »
sensible stuff Jon.  I did likewise, took the gamble, we now have a house and a good few Rai.  My in-laws recently told me its more than enough to live off if we have to move over here permanently sooner than expected, as they saw the news about the economy in Ireland.  We are staying in Ireland a few more years to save up more and get the child through school, but i appreciated the jesture greatly.

Offline Frank Frank

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Re: SIN SOD question. How much?
« Reply #83 on: January 05, 2012, 03:34:43 PM »
I would never pay this,why should i?

Im a take it or leave it kind of guy.

With eyes wide open

Offline Vombatus

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Re: SIN SOD question. How much?
« Reply #84 on: January 05, 2012, 03:57:25 PM »
I'm in the "won't pay" team.

I will do/have done more than my bit for the missus (and her family) - that will not include paying over money/gold for show or false tradition.

Offline Nobby

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Re: SIN SOD question. How much?
« Reply #85 on: January 05, 2012, 04:04:28 PM »
Rent, don't buy!  :D :D :D love3

When in Rome, burn it down!  crazydance

Offline Prakhonchai Nick

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Re: SIN SOD question. How much?
« Reply #86 on: January 05, 2012, 04:29:01 PM »
I've been in the "won't pay" team twice. Don't anticipate there being a 3rd time, but if there is, then I will have a hat trick of "won't pays!"

Offline Tonyc

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Re: SIN SOD question. How much?
« Reply #87 on: January 05, 2012, 06:45:24 PM »
There isn't any such standard answer to the sin sod query, as every situation and marriage will be different.

Too true.
Just had a Thai wedding in the Village were a 50 year old man married a 15 ( just) year old girl.The wife said it was OK as he paid 100k .As all Thais know ,if young flesh is your thing you have to dig deep  ::)

Offline Jon Terry

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Re: SIN SOD question. How much?
« Reply #88 on: January 05, 2012, 08:39:25 PM »

Too true.
Just had a Thai wedding in the Village were a 50 year old man married a 15 ( just) year old girl.The wife said it was OK as he paid 100k .As all Thais know ,if young flesh is your thing you have to dig deep  ::)

This is sick stuff, in fact it is the saddest thing I have read on this site, how can it be OK to let your kids be abused, how can the family stand for it and how can the police stand by and do x all, don't say they don't know everyone in village life knows some police and unless I'm mistaken this news would travel quicker than this post gets uploaded to this forum, so cops are bound to know.
100k  or 1000000000000000k so fucking what!!! How much do you need to make it "OK" to kill somebody then. This C**T is a nonse and if anyone here thinks otherwise stay the x away from me when I'm back in Thailand, and this fucking paedophile better not be in my village either cause he won't enjoy my company.

Offline Tonyc

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Re: SIN SOD question. How much?
« Reply #89 on: January 05, 2012, 08:54:25 PM »

Too true.
Just had a Thai wedding in the Village were a 50 year old man married a 15 ( just) year old girl.The wife said it was OK as he paid 100k .As all Thais know ,if young flesh is your thing you have to dig deep  ::)
This is sick stuff, in fact it is the saddest thing I have read on this site, how can it be OK to let your kids be abused, how can the family stand for it and how can the police stand by and do x all, don't say they don't know everyone in village life knows some police and unless I'm mistaken this news would travel quicker than this post gets uploaded to this forum, so cops are bound to know.
100k  or 1000000000000000k so fucking what!!! How much do you need to make it "OK" to kill somebody then. This C**T is a nonse and if anyone here thinks otherwise stay the x away from me when I'm back in Thailand, and this fucking paedophile better not be in my village either cause he won't enjoy my company.

Happens all the time out in the Villages John,the sad fact is, its up to the parents to press charges not for the Police to act on information. The age of consent is 15 in Thailand if the parents say its OK ( Thais with Thais) but the law says any parent can have a man or young lad charge with rape if their daughter is under 20 and if they refuse to pay money for having sex with their daughter.
Some things in Thailand you can never get your head round  screwy


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