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Re: How Will France Enforce Impending Burqa Ban?
« Reply #15 on: April 13, 2011, 09:41:23 AM »
Could be post-op!!!!

Offline Prakhonchai Nick

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Re: How Will France Enforce Impending Burqa Ban?
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2011, 09:55:22 AM »
Why pussyfoot around with them. If they break the law, Police Officers should be instructed to "disburqa" them there and then. Shame the bastards! Then drag them off to the police Station, fine them and burn the burqa. And double the fine for each subsequent offence!

People might then get to see if they are a he or a she, and whether they are on any wanted photos!

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Re: How Will France Enforce Impending Burqa Ban?
« Reply #17 on: April 13, 2011, 09:59:32 AM »
Why pussyfoot around with them. If they break the law, Police Officers should be instructed to "disburqa" them there and then. Shame the bastards! Then drag them off to the police Station, fine them and burn the burqa. And double the fine for each subsequent offence!

People might then get to see if they are a he or a she, and whether they are on any wanted photos!
Don't you think its a little bit too harsh action?!.......... confused4

Offline Prakhonchai Nick

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Re: How Will France Enforce Impending Burqa Ban?
« Reply #18 on: April 13, 2011, 10:28:33 AM »
Why pussyfoot around with them. If they break the law, Police Officers should be instructed to "disburqa" them there and then. Shame the bastards! Then drag them off to the police Station, fine them and burn the burqa. And double the fine for each subsequent offence!

People might then get to see if they are a he or a she, and whether they are on any wanted photos!
Don't you think its a little bit too harsh action?!.......... confused4

No Admin I don't.

I do not agree with many laws made by governments, Thailand and the UK included. However, if such laws exist, then I believe they must be rigorously enforced. Otherwise why waste politicians time and taxpayers money. There are reasons for most laws, often beyond the ordinary persons comprehension.

Isn't this what happens mainly in Thailand?  Laws are passed but rarely enforced -or provide an opening for corrupt Police to extract yet more money from law breakers.

If gambling were allowed in Thailand, just think how much money the government could rake in -perhaps they could subsidise petrol. But whilst it is illegal, virtually every town and numerous villages operate casinos without problem by paying off Police, senior amphur officials and others.  I know of one near me where 100,000bt is paid  every month! And there is an even bigger one near you Admin!


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Re: How Will France Enforce Impending Burqa Ban?
« Reply #19 on: April 13, 2011, 04:47:59 PM »
I agree with Nick that the law should be enforced, though I think ripping the burqas off in public is a bit over the top.  Take them to the police station, remove the burqa, collect the 150 euros, and send them home sans burqa.  Make them waste a few hours too.


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Re: How Will France Enforce Impending Burqa Ban?
« Reply #20 on: April 13, 2011, 06:13:42 PM »
The story below is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

Saudi Arabia introduces beret ban

Two Frenchmen were arrested today in Mecca, Saudi Arabia for wearing berets in a local park. The repressive religious Saudi regime recently introduced laws which forbid public displays of Frenchness.

As well as the beret ban, it is also illegal to wear a stripey vest or a string of onions around one's neck, or to be in possession of an outrageously Gallic moustache.

The ban follows strong anti-French feelings in much of the Arab world, where French people are seen to be open-minded, free-thinking, and to refuse to follow the strict rules which govern the rest of society.

One Saudi citizen said, "They come over here with their garlicky breath, drinking their fine wines and philosophising loudly. Recently a boulangerie opened near me, and 5 times a day now I hear the call for croissants. Why can't they lock themselves in the house and live in fear like the rest of us?"
Saudi Arabia is also considering a complete ban on Germans.


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